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How many of you are in non zoo relationships?

Always found the idea of it being abuse when it comes to horses kind of strange!

If anything, especially when it comes to women with stallions? The women are the ones being abused! 😅

And with men and mares? Well to put it bluntly I don't think there's a man out there who realistically compares to the size of dick mares are supposed to take! I think she'll be okay.

That and the fact if a horse doesn't like what you're doing you are gonna know about it... For about 2 seconds before you get bucked in the ribs and/or skull.
No like for real... but I'm not gonna say that to him lol
Non zoo relationship. Wife is anti-zoo. No need to go further with her. We were both watching the news from Pheonix. Man was arrested for having sex with a dog. Woman looked out her window and saw man putting it to a bitch. Called the cops. My wife was disgusted with it.

I have a bitch that is in heat now. I have convinced her to keep her intact. Female dog follows me where ever I go. Wife does not suspect. Plan to keep it that way!
Was married for six years to someone that seemed initially accepting, and turned it against me when it suited her need.
(so, be VERY careful people!)

Have been in a relationship for 10+ years now, honestly.
Current partner has 0 sexual interest in animals, which, fine. .. But at least she accepts me the way I am and I don't have to pretend.
I think it would be harder for her to accept if I had any animals as a sexual partner.
For all those reasons, it's usually just a 'truth' about me that goes unspoken, and not acted upon.

Due to aging family though - It's now long distance, while she cares for her family and farm, and I care for aging family and properties where I'm at.

After 20 years or so of intimate human relationships... I think it's been worth the effort.
Even so, if I had to do it all over again, I would have.. maybe tried harder... to find a partner that directly shares my interests.
I think it would have made for a better sex life, for all parties, all-round.
Wife and I have been together 10 years and she recently opened up about her interest and told me a story about fooling around with her friend's family dog when she was younger. We're both excited to try and make her fantasies a reality :sneaky:.
Wife and I have been together 10 years and she recently opened up about her interest and told me a story about fooling around with her friend's family dog when she was younger. We're both excited to try and make her fantasies a reality :sneaky:.
Hope it works out!
I thought it might be a topic worthy of discussion. I personally am in a non zoo relationship and keep everything a secret soo ? I'm sure I can't be the only one lol
Hello, the vast majority of us who are in the zoo environment keep it secret since it is not something accepted in "normal" society.
Ment to add this to my previous message whoops!
I tend to agree, but sometimes you do get a female dog that absolutely knows what she wants. I had a friend in high-school that had a female dog like that. He never did anything with her (wasn't into it) but would begrudgingly help her orgasm by holding a pillow for her while she humped it. She would always bring the pillow to him, throw it on his lap or in his face, and would stare at him and lick his face until he held it for her lol. Happened a couple times when we were hanging out and it was always funny to me with how normal it was to him and how much he didn't want to be doing it.
oh my god this story is hilarious. begrudgingly helping your dog get off because you love her but not enjoying it in any way is next level commitment. amazing.
I have been in a relationship and just celebrated our 10 year anniversary a few months ago.

I broached the subject after dropping many hints and comments maybe a year ago, and have started talking about it more often little by little.

Now, while still hesitant about the subject, I bring it up and we do talk about it a little more in depth.

He is comfortable with it and has expressed similar feelings about it all.

I still haven’t told him everything that I’ve done, but over time am telling him stories of my experiences.

It was very scary to bring it up at first, but I am very glad I did. It feels much better to have it out in the open, than hidden and kept secret
One of my partners is a zoo, the other isn't. My non-zoo partner knows that myself and my other partner are zoos, but she doesn't take part in the lifestyle at all
I've gone back and forth, deciding how to bring up the topic with my human partner. I can't see a way it ends positively
I've gone back and forth, deciding how to bring up the topic with my human partner. I can't see a way it ends positively
Which is why I haven’t. I have a casual bf I date so I suppose at this point it is not a big deal. In the past when I have had relationships, it inevitably reaches a point where it must end - because I can’t be open
I'm in a non-zoo relationship, and while we have a pretty healthy and kinky sex life, she's been very clear about her boundaries and I know that anything to do with animals is well outside those, so my zoo experiences and desires are very much something that I can't/won't reveal.
I'm in a non-zoo relationship, and while we have a pretty healthy and kinky sex life, she's been very clear about her boundaries and I know that anything to do with animals is well outside those, so my zoo experiences and desires are very much something that I can't/won't reveal.
I get it. Unfortunately that is probably pretty typical