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How does your dog show they're wanting sex?

My boy doesn't leave me alone... every time I go outside he is sniffing around my hole he is such a good boy. I do a little click with the finger to see if he gets excited. Then he usually starts to get bigger, so I go to a quite spot drop my pants and he without fail mounts me instantly once his done using me I'll clean him up with my tongue and suck him till he stops squirting everywhere
I once had a lover who would nip at my crotch while clothed to let me know. A lot of the times typical play can lead ya there too. My best advice is to just pay attention to the ques your mate is giving you before regular hook ups.
I am not a current owner. But my old dog would come up and sit on my lap. She was not a lap dog so it was uncomfortable at times. But she would jump up and sit on my lap and kiss my face.
The only time my girl truly shows she wants sex is during heat, and i can only tell when i pet her, because if i go anywhere near her hind quarters, she lifts her tail as high as it will go and contracts her vagina up and down. And if i touch it, shes off on a thrusting fit that only ends when she cums.

When my girl wants my pussy, she'll just perk out and come straight over, pushing her way to whatever it is she is wanting

Oh this is incredibly hot
My boy had a several ways to catch my attention - either he was just fixed his eyes on me without any particular movement, and peerced me with somewhat happy but lewd look. It's hard to explain, but there just was one type of facial expression that he used for that :D Or he provoked me to a play, in which he was becoming more and more dominant, then trying to kiss me and lick me, trying to get me into the right mood as well :) Or, when I was lying prone, he would lie with all his body on my back, poking his nose into my neck and head, tickling me :) Or, he would just straight up hump me without any forplay :D
What is Ur role during sex with Ur doggie husband ??
Are you submissive or dominant?
My girl is to small to mate with, but she likes petting. I can penetrate her with my ring finger. Every morning she wants to cuddle on the bed. If she is interested in having fun she will turn around, present her belly and moves around to bring my hand closer to her vagina.
I have three different dogs a male dog and two female dogs my male dog starts nuzzling my crotch and licking my cock When I come from my shower, wrapped in a towel, he grabs it and takes it off of me. One of my girls gets super demanding. She'll squish her body against mine if we are laying down, She Lifting her front paw to allow me access to her needing cookie. My other female dog is super horny 24/7 if I take off my pants she goes crazy running and barking licking my cock and running again and doing the same thing again.
When my two boys see me naked then they go completely crazy jumps and licks in the air become super happy
I then have to separate otherwise they will kill each other.
Nice ?
And whether I am naked or not he as he wants sex he just jumps on me similarly. Sometimes he tugs on me, bites my clothes and hair as I try to ignore him. Well, and what he wants.
Zero romance. Nothing special. I am not original. I'm sorry, really sorry. : I
Usually, my female Newfoundland will part her tail with her rump facing me, look back at me, and even sometimes back into me. She does sometimes do this on her own, especially in heat. But most of the time I'll be petting and rubbing her lower back and she'll start to do this. A lot of times I'm not even trying to engage her in sex, her lower back and her chest are her two favorite spots to be pet. But I guess a nice rub-a-dub-dub feels relaxing and sensual to her. When she's horny she lets me know!
how does her pussy feel when u fuck it
I think learning to know when your companions are in the mood is essential for us!
In my personal case, I had a bitch that only wanted to breed when in heat, but it all changed when she let me go to business offering her some oral pleassure. The day I managed to gave her her first orgasms she changed forever. From there on, she would clearly let me know when she needed some attention by following me to bed, most times laying on top of me with her puss close to me and trying to get his snot under my underwear. We had some really good 69's that were all started by her :D to have your companion start the action is just the best feeling in the world...
Mine will do a couple of things, depending on how badly he wants it. If he just wants me to suck, he'll try to move his dick close to my head somehow, but if I'm too high up like standing or something he'll paw at me to let me know.
If he really wants it, he'll just rape me. He'll jump on me or use his mouth to try and pull down my pants if I'm standing. If I'm laying down, he'll rocket up and shove his dick in my face and start humping if I'm on my back. If I'm on my stomach he'll try to pull down my pants and mount me. Sometimes he's not gentle at all and will just knock me down and start humping
I think u enjoy his rape with no complaints!? it's better to be male dogs than humans ?
Anyways satisfy your bedmate whenever he demands
Often times when I'm sitting in bed watching TV my girl will jump up and whine at me so ill ask her what's wrong and she will either lay down on her back kick around and give me the eyes, nudge my crotch, sit on my crotch or just go all out and put her rear end in my face. Lol