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How common do you think Zoophilia actually is?

None existent. The word is BESTiality.
Opps thanks

Thank you for the info!
Not common at all. Very rare when compared to the general public. Also, don't make the mistake of assumption that anyone with a pet is into this lifestyle. People's pets are people's children. Always keep that in the back of your mind when your fantasies creep into the forefront.
Alot more common than people give it credit. I think Internet has flipped alot more people to it as its such a taboo subject. Could we calculate this? probably not as you're not going to get people to break cover as it's largely illegal to start with.
My theory is that the internet has allowed people to with zoo tendencies to be verify there thoughts with others. like as someone starting out if you didnt have places like this you would think you are doing some thing wrong as its against the norm in open society. So i guess there are more people practising compared to before the internet. it may of really increased the numbers of people thinking/fantasising of it in modern society slightly due to peoples lack of interaction with animals mating, when we were country folk seeing animals fuck seemed natural and now some tell kids they are having piggy back rides, so you a knotty dildo and couple of links later you got the idea of getting railed by your dog.
I also thinking how anyone who works with animals and spends so much time with them no get attracted to them sexual but thats just me projecting i guess otherwise every farmer would be at it.
Even that is a bit of a highball bro. To give put it into perspective, 1% is the approximate total amount of trannies in the world. And there's clearly a lot of fucking trannies. So I'd say less than one percent. Maybe ~.3-.5%
  • An estimated 2.7% of the UK population aged 16 years and over identified as lesbian, gay or bisexual (LGB) in 2019, an increase from 2.2% in 2018.
So less than 1% would be good guess.
A big thank you to Pez for that reply! I'm familiar with those study results, but it's great to see them listed in one place.

Some points:

It doesn't take a million people to get a good cross section of society. A thousand is probably enough, but several thousand would be better. There's a penis size preference study that was done in 2006. It had about 23,000 female participants. That was by advertising the survey on a major news station website. So, participants were from multiple different states.

That's really the challenge in zoo sex surveys, getting a broad selection. "Selection bias" would be a problem if the survey was taken from a sex oriented website.

I think there may have been a small percentage not telling the truth on those surveys, but it's not a huge amount that people should be in awe about.

What percentage of women identify as Lesbian? Isn't it about 1.5% ? Well, you come across about as many zoo women in every day life as you do self identified women with the lesbian label (not counting bi women, or those that will not identify as other than straight, even though they are not straight).

I'm in a popular city, so the ratio is skewed here. I can't exactly use that comparison where I live, but.... some of you can.

Even if a higher amount of people are curious about zoo sex now after easier/more access to zoo stories, porn, romantic zoophile posts online, and..... animal peen shaped dildos to use as a baby step...... not all people have contact with animals, or can build a relationship with them. This is why numbers for males having sex with other animals besides dogs was likely higher in the past than now. There's not doubt in my mind, that if economics and secrecy (ability to hide it) did not factor in, there would be a higher percentage continually active. Basically 4% might be 8%.

Without a huge cultural shift in acceptance or respect for zoophilia, even increased proximity to animals would likely not bring the percentage into the double digits, in my opinion.

Regarding studies on fantasies, Dr. Justin Lemiller wrote a book called Tell me What You Want. He surveyed 500 something people, from a wide variety of backgrounds, in the last 10 years, about their desires and fantasies. He said that he was surprised at the amount of taboo fantasies, some of it zoo sex. I don't have the stats handy, but the numbers can be seen. Of course, that is about fantasy, but.... I'm of the opinion that a good many people would try their fantasy out for real, if they had both access and the ability to keep it a secret, or private enough.
Since wanting to have sex with a dog is a bit of a taboo subject, I haven't really talked to anyone about it before. But I wonder how many people are actually into it or even any of my friends are. I'm curious if more people are and no one knows since its not really something easy to bring up.
I continue to think it is extremely uncommon, however, like some people have posted, the internet and companies like Bad Dragon have created a little niche where some people can fantasize and some of those people can experiment and maybe even experience.

Although the number small, I think it is bigger then it has been.
Rough estimates was about 1 in 5,000 have some type of sexual attraction to animals
Even that is a bit of a highball bro. To give put it into perspective, 1% is the approximate total amount of trannies in the world. And there's clearly a lot of fucking trannies. So I'd say less than one percent. Maybe ~.3-.5%
I mean the few actual studies done on it show it's at least a few percent for women, and a few more percent for men.

As for the actual question in the title? Idk, incest became a fairly popular form of porn in the last decade+. Just anecdotally, I've heard of quite a few women being interested, in like a theoretical sense. Probably not many of them actually follow through and most of those who do probably just limit it to being licked once or twice. But women definitely have way more fluid and flexible senses of sexuality with men - see the percentage of heterosexual women who have had same sex encounters with other women, or the studies showing women aroused by viewing all forms of sex, including between animals. ?‍♂️
This question has probably been asked already but but im quite interested. Im new to zoophilia but over the last week, I've met several folks that were into it. I'm used to everyone being all disgusted at even feral art but now it feels like it's everywhere, so I wanted to see if y'all knew out of experience that it's more common that one might think.
it's not.
don't mistake ppl liking feral art for zoos... the moment that art gets more "realistic" they get as disgusted as anyone else. there probably are some ppl in deep denial, but furry stuff liking ppl are still a minority.

what is "several folks" anyway?
Just mutual friends I've met online, maybe around half a dozen, admitted to being interested or even involved with zoophilia, whether actively participating or just being interested in the porn aspect. And I know that you're not a zoo if youre into feral art, i was just saying that i was more used to people vilifying even light feral art, but all the sudden i found several zoos in a short time, made me curious if just some people were lying about hating zoos.
But yeah, I can see what youre saying being the case, thank you for indulging my question. ^w^
it's not.
don't mistake ppl liking feral art for zoos... the moment that art gets more "realistic" they get as disgusted as anyone else. there probably are some ppl in deep denial, but furry stuff liking ppl are still a minority.

what is "several folks" anyway?
this is true, though in a few studies and surveys, its consistently been shown that around 15-20% of furries self-identify as a zoophile, and that was anonymous to be clear. though i suspect its higher and many did not self report as one out of fear.
I don't know about guys but I would guess 1/10 girls would be open to it and 1/10 of those gets the chance, so 1% makes sense?
Sadly the number of zoos out there will probably never be enough for us to reach a point of being able to be open about our sexuality. But I’m just glad that I’ve made the most of my zoo desires so far and that I’ve met others like me on here.
Which for reference, trans people are 1% of the population, so think of how many trans people you’ve met or seen around and multiply that by 3-4….
When you put it like that and you think about how many hundred ppl you see in a week, we aren't a voting block or anything but there's definitely a lot more of us around than ppl realize. When you go to walmart on a busy day there's like at least a half dozen other zoophiles in there with you at that very moment...
I was just wondering how common is this? Like it's a taboo and very hard/akward topic to bring up or have a conversation in the real world.

Most have to hide the fact they are into it and have to act being disgusted by it in the real world.

But makes you wonder, how many people around us actually into it. ?
I feel like it is deffinetly more common than though. I'd assume 30% humans and animals are always so close together and were all curious by nature.
I'm part of the gay leather community, which involves a lot of alternatives to "normal" sex. I've known a number of guys who are into it - mostly pups (leather pups, not real pups). These days I pretty much just assume that if you're a pup, you're probably into K9. I'm fairly open about my attraction to dogs, and so far pretty much everyone who knows that in the leather community is at least cool with it.