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How are you feeling at the moment?

Seasonal depression hits me really hard. It's so cold and all the nature is gone for the winter. I hate this desolate wasteland and need to move far away from here.
*gives you all the hugs* I know the feeling all too well. The only reasonably nice days where i could be outside for sun I've been sick.
wouldn't mind visiting, afterall I've never been anywhere. Which doesn't help my mood. But that'll have to go in the bucket list cause I no money. I hear so many things about Australia lol

Whats it like ?
Big but empty in the middle with deserts. Beautiful beautiful beaches all the way around. The major cities are on the coastline. The nature and climate are all great. The culture tends to be a bit ... I dont want to say slow. Australians for the most part are fairly easy going and nice. But they are isolated in their thinking. They dont think for themselves really. I dont mean individually but collectively. Australia is a stooge to what the US is trying to implement. Government has no backbone. There are some draconian anti free speech and anti privacy laws being brought in right now. Im hoping that if there are some opposing laws coming in with Trump regarding these things then government here will just go along.

Health care for all. And free for the most part. Successful multiculturally coming from all over.
So not all from convict stock like me. Figures right?