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How are you feeling at the moment?

^Daaaawwwww... she's so cute^ Sorry you're sad! :cry:


Irritated; tired as hell and my damn eyelid is twitching :mad:
I do not know.. Honestly I can't get it off my mind. The loss was too great. Everything in my life was affected. Cause of my lost companion i will never find
I continuously question if I even want to continue on.. The memories are just too scarring

Not meant as suicide. That time has already passed. Yea it went that far
I’m sorry. It’s sounds like you had a really good connection with this dog. Those are the worst ones to lose. But it will get better, I promise. Suicide will not do anything but hurt those who love you.
Not sure. One of those nights where I kind of reminisce about past events and realize where I am now. Not sure if it makes me happy or sad.
Unbelievable dog. One of the most intelligent observant gentle kind sweet dogs i have ever known.. Smart enough to actually understand i wanted him to pee on me.. And he did. But left bewildered why i would not follow through with his advances. Left sad and disappointed each and every time.
No what was done to us was totally wrong.
Top it off by being pushed to the side. Not only by them but another.. When all i wanted to do is reconcile. Made it worse..
He did let me watch him one more time.. I had to say sorry for my hurt mind also wasn't so kind..
His sad face i had to erase from my mind.
A much happier pup now resides in my mind. But the sad image of my girl as all came to pass has never been replaced. And when I returned with his scent she raced around the place for he to not be found.. She now hides under the bed at night since that one I returned. Who got hurt more me or her?
He had 7 months to help her. Talk with the family but for them not a word.
Wrong and unjust i just have to say. It has to come off my mind.
Suicide is no longer an option. My totem animals have been found in my path dead. In my belief this is a sign of change. A new animal has revealed itself. A coyote twice I've seen so far. A new path lies before me. May he help guide me through to eternal life. The past shall be laid to rest in ceremony. In honor of those lost.
I’m glad that you have found a new path. It shows strength and personal growth. Just try to hold on to the fond memories you have of him, and the great times you had together.
Sweaty, after I finished most of my chores.
Horny, since the my better half isn't in the mood this weekend (that time of the month).
Happy, since I'm going to visit my oldest friend soon.
Not great... my mom died a week ago. We knew it was coming, she had cancer for 9 years, but that dosnt make it hurt any less. I know im going to be ok, it just hurts for now
Not great... my mom died a week ago. We knew it was coming, she had cancer for 9 years, but that dosnt make it hurt any less. I know im going to be ok, it just hurts for now
My condolences to you even though you know it's coming it doesn't make it easier. Lost both of my parents 2 days apart while both were in poor health the circumstances were unexpected, but we go on.
They were.. Wish I could say the same for their humans. Unfortunately that's just the way it is i guess. Broken hearts never heal right
Broken hearts don't heal when something or someone keeps breaking them. Much like a scab, you cannot expect the wound to heal if it keeps getting picked at.