Citizen of Zooville
Its rough loosing a best friend... this is why i dont hide this, anyone i consider to be close friends with i come out fast, if i dont feel comfortable with coming out were never gona be close anyways, if they accept good if not thats also good.I have told my best friend... he didn't like it! We argued and he stopped talking to me, he never told anyone. It's been seven or eight months since and I have never been approached or treated differently by anyone in our small community.
I had thought that since we told each other our deepest darkest secrets, that it wasn't gonna be a big issue, he had told me some deeply personal things one night and I assumed that he was going to be just as understanding as I was to him. But he couldn't handle it and I lost someone that was practically a brother to me.
It's kind of the reason that I came to this site, I am lonely and in need of new friends that I can be me with.
I live with the same person for over 25y soni dont have to worry about that, he is the one that got me into this so he ofc knows. Life is generally hard enough as it is i am not going to add an extra weight on my shoulders by hiding it.
Ofc this doesent meen i shout it on the streets nor would i ever attend some sort of pride movement for this.
Pride movements only increase anger towards gays , so i never attended those either.
I am gay yes but comon to drrss up i whatevrr they wear and parade... i am not a clown. I know the whole pride thing is a touchy subject so dont want to offend anyone i just think its silly