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Have you ever...

Actually I have. Was in Bolivia and it bit the person I was with.

HYE laughed so hard you cried?
If I were a billionaire I’d open a chain of llama-punching ranches. Those are the meanest most spiteful animals on the planet. I had one that used to only rape my male sheep. It would bite your ribs when you were mucking its enclosure.

Anyways, of course.

HYE fucked in public?
If I were a billionaire I’d open a chain of llama-punching ranches. Those are the meanest most spiteful animals on the planet. I had one that used to only rape my male sheep. It would bite your ribs when you were mucking its enclosure.

Anyways, of course.

HYE fucked in public?
Yes, at DFW airport in the late 80s

HYE fucked for an audience?
Ok, this is getting freaky…have you been looking at my transcript?

HYE had sex in a vehicle that was in motion?


Have you ever gone shrooming? I mean literally collected psychedelic mushrooms from cows poop, finished gathering, left the field, prepped the harvest and eaten them
Don’t worry. I almost did as well, so don’t feel bad.

I’ve sucked dicks in moving vehicles. Does that count?

HYE owned a cat?
Of course it counts, but I will say I once had a girl straddle me as I drove.

Yes, Samson was the coolest cat of all time

HYE stepped in to stop someone committing abuse of person or pet?
Of course it counts, but I will say I once had a girl straddle me as I drove.

Yes, Samson was the coolest cat of all time

HYE stepped in to stop someone committing abuse of person or pet?
Nobody has ever abused an animal in front of me.

I’ve been in several fist fights for friends. Some deserved it, some didn’t, but I helped them all.

HYE taken a lab specimen home? (Don’t lie)
No, I really haven’t. I have taken images home, but that was for further study, I’ve been pretty successful in keeping my clinical work separated from my deviance. Well except for this one pair of pink panties.

HYE confused two patients?