Have you ever...

HYE had sex under security cameras in a residential apartment building knowing the security personnel is watching and recording..... lol.
HYE had sex under security cameras in a residential apartment building knowing the security personnel is watching and recording..... lol.
No, but I've had sex in a hotel swimming pool with cameras all around!

HYE replied all in a nasty email at work?
No, but a cat that often come visiting our home, killed a few in the garden

HYE got bitten by an animal? (human included if you want lol)
No can’t believe I have

Have you ever, ever felt like this?
Have strange things happened,
Are you going round the twist? Have you ever, ever felt like this?

Thats for all my 90’s Aussie babies out there
Yes, when my gf was out of town one weekend. Then she later confessed that she had fucked someone that weekend, so I told her I did too!

Have you ever fucked a close friend's partner without the friend knowing about it?