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Have you ever...

Yes we treat our animals as nice as we can. It is ashame that they are basically in this world to feed it and nothing else. That is why we want to eventually have prize winning bulls and stallions so we can become more reliant on stud services rather than cattle ranching. I suppose the cattle part is here to stay but I don't want to ever have a real large herd - 1000 head or more - besides we would need more land.

No on the lake or river.

HYE visited a different country?

Only Mexico. I used to live extremely close to the border.

But that's a super interesting question and want to throw it right back out there! I'm not xenophobic, just busy, lol. I'm dying to visit Japan someday. Ever been to another country?
Like you just Mexico but I am kind of a homebody I guess and I don't think about other countries to visit much.

You said Japan so HYE studied their culture?
Like you just Mexico but I am kind of a homebody I guess and I don't think about other countries to visit much.

You said Japan so HYE studied their culture?

I'm a complete recluse, I get it completely. ?

However, I'm a total nerd despite appearing to be your typical sporting trope. Video games, animation, cuisine, and just the straight up weirdo sexually repressed culture, I'm completely obsessed. Obsessed being the operative word.

HYE studied a culture based on their outlandish perversions? Lol.
Not to much. I'm soon going back to school with an end goal of Veterinarian Medicine. I think that would serve me the best around the ranch. But I don't know if I can ever break away for long enough to make that happen. My sister is finishing her business degree right now and after she graduates then I'll try to go back.

HYE known what your end goal in life was?
Not to much. I'm soon going back to school with an end goal of Veterinarian Medicine. I think that would serve me the best around the ranch. But I don't know if I can ever break away for long enough to make that happen. My sister is finishing her business degree right now and after she graduates then I'll try to go back.

HYE known what your end goal in life was?

You never know. I've done things I've never dreamed can happen, with very little room to make it happen. Life is full of strange surprises.

I don't think I'll ever really know what my goal is. It sounds kinda wanky, but some of my "big picture" goals I reached early, while sacrificing traditional notions of success (stereotypical starving artist). So now I'm kinda living like a regular old human being while continuing my other interests in a much smaller capacity.

HYE pursued any sort of art? Painting, drawing, music, etc.?
Yes but it's not like famous artists art (like a Rembrandt) and I have painted a few landscapes too. Once in a while I get out the painting things and do that. It's very relaxing.

HYE done any hunting?
Yes but it's not like famous artists art (like a Rembrandt) and I have painted a few landscapes too. Once in a while I get out the painting things and do that. It's very relaxing.

HYE done any hunting?

Very cool! I'm actually stoked to hear that! I work with a lot of musicians in my hobby and make a few bucks here and there. Some of them are very famous, but the payout is hilariously disproportionate.

Hunting, no, but fishing yes. I'm very passionate about it too! But between friends and family I can't give a definitive reason why I've never been hunting. Just a softy I guess.

HYE been hunting or fishing? Even more specifically on your plot? I'm planning on visiting NM next month and don't really know what to expect. ??
Really don't have the time for it - so no.

Visiting here is probably ok. Living here = deadsville

HYE done any 4 wheeling?
True story, I was at a divebar in California a few months ago and met a total random stranger who asked if I'd ever heard of Edgewood. Rather than exhaustively explaining my family lives and owns land there, I just said no, lol.

I have and love it!

HYE rode any recreational vehicles? HYE rode them in the desert?