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Have you ever...

Sure I did! The next is waiting for this weekend :)

HYE cut yourself carving a pumpkin?
Yes! I made a very beloved walking stick when I was a little kid out of a particularly large branch. I miss the days when a simple stick was more than enough to hold my fascination.

Very much related to that stick and how I found it, have you ever picked wild berries?
Yes, I love doing that - except for the thorns LOL

HYE made anything out of wood like a table or cabinet?

Pesky thorns! I lived in Oregon very briefly as a kid and had an awesome collection of berry bushes.

I have made things out of wood! My best friend growing up was the son of an industrial woodshop owner, and helped make installments for fast-food chains; though most of that time I basically made improvised "legos" and made a shooting gallery from pressure hoses and nails and planks of wood. Thrilling stuff, I know.

Maybe or maybe not related to my work, HYE been rock climbing?
No not yet but maybe one of these days.

HYE been sky diving?

Couldn't recommend it enough. Especially La Jolla in San Diego. Gorgeous. And they have a seal beach. It's adorable and scenic.

No, but I had the opportunity. I totally chickened out at the last minute. Heights with ropes I'm cool with, but just jumping out of a plane with a parachute? Couldn't bring myself to do it.

HYE been on a rollercoaster? Particularly a flippy, loopy one?
Yes at a Great America

HYE thought about or experienced bungee jumping?

Good lord no. I HATE g forces. I know it's a contradiction, but I'm a very terrestrial being. Climbing slowly and falling moderate amounts is fine, even at hundreds of feet. But big drops at near freefall speed make me queasy. ?

Bit of a tangent, but HYE been to a cattle ranch? I have family in NM who own a not insignificant amount of land. I've never been, but kinda want to visit them this Thanksgiving.
Good lord no. I HATE g forces. I know it's a contradiction, but I'm a very terrestrial being. Climbing slowly and falling moderate amounts is fine, even at hundreds of feet. But big drops at near freefall speed make me queasy. ?

Bit of a tangent, but HYE been to a cattle ranch? I have family in NM who own a not insignificant amount of land. I've never been, but kinda want to visit them this Thanksgiving.
Yes LOL as a matter of fact My sister and I bought a ranch here in NM 3 years ago - 1250 acres, 400 head of cattle, 3 dozen horses, etc etc.

HYE been on a round up?
Yes LOL as a matter of fact My sister and I bought a ranch here in NM 3 years ago - 1250 acres, 400 head of cattle, 3 dozen horses, etc etc.

HYE been on a round up?

To be honest, I don't even know what a roundup is, lol. My family own a ton of land in NM, but I've been a bit too busy to visit. Also, good lord that's a lot of land and animals!

HYE harvested said cattle?
To be honest, I don't even know what a roundup is, lol. My family own a ton of land in NM, but I've been a bit too busy to visit. Also, good lord that's a lot of land and animals!

HYE harvested said cattle?
Actually we are one of the smaller ranches. We hope to get into horses alone but we first have to get some prize winners before we can offer stud services. There are a lot of ranches here with over 1000 head of cattle.
By harvested I take it to mean bring them to market - Yes of course that's the business.

HYE raced a car or boat?

Yeah... It's a bummer, but that's how it goes. At least I know on our ranch they're all treated amazingly until their time comes. ?

Car, no. Boat, yes! I used to make annual trips to Lake Havasu and routinely raced boats. I love, love, love that place.

HYE visited Havasu or any desert located lake or river?
Yes we treat our animals as nice as we can. It is ashame that they are basically in this world to feed it and nothing else. That is why we want to eventually have prize winning bulls and stallions so we can become more reliant on stud services rather than cattle ranching. I suppose the cattle part is here to stay but I don't want to ever have a real large herd - 1000 head or more - besides we would need more land.

No on the lake or river.

HYE visited a different country?