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French Zoophile Crisis. Please read the details.

“Letters rogatory” (LR) is the French equivalent of English “search warrant” (SW). Both are legal documents which frame the legal act to be performed.
1)Suspicion is enough for an LR.
2)LR is fuzzy compared to SW:
-LR: you can take whatever related to infractions listed on LR
-SW: list of items to be seized
I’m not a comparative law guy, but it seems that SW is more protector of privacy liberty.
LRs are treated like an open ticket by investigating officers SWs much more restrictive instrument
Personally i would find personalities and whereabouts of these anti zoo people and confront them in a sharp matter. That was if i lived in France and not in Finland.
Bashing a sexual minority will have it consequences sooner or later.
Yes, a few news about it.
For the case where Benoit Thomé made a complaint, and where some people was arrested, there is still no proof they did the death threat again him.
Important fact : The french department, who was asked to decrypt things, was unable to decrypt veracrypt content.
So this software is now tested, and we can really thrust it, but be careful, you have to use a 3 ciphers pipeline, don't use only AES, use a passphrase with lower, upper, numbers about 30 characters (a line from a song, a line from a book) and crypt your whole system disk.

For the case where Benoit Thomé was heared because he's association, Animal Cross, doxed someone presented as a zoophile, the judge asked the police to get the association's creation files, and hear people who are in charge of the website (the communication team, like a community manager).
Benoit Thomé said in april he knew his association doxed someone, but he refused to give the name of the personn to the judge.
He told the judge there was a team of 8 people who is in charge with the communication.

We don't know if the team really exists.
We don't know if the name of those people are in the log/registry of the association. They should be, but Benoit Thomé already explaiend to the judge his association didn't put everything in the log/registry.

Next step in january 2024 for this case.
About the first case, the death threat, I think everything will be ok before the end on 2023, and the justice will stop pursuit.
Literally this is not okay for the French. If people are into beastiality and they’re not harming the animal involved/forcing it into sexual intercourse or anything I don’t see why it’s so wrong. I’m so tired of people or Government Agencies so against it. I hope all goes well for the French.
I was asked to repost this message here from the admin of zoolibre and the french zoophilia wiki. It is translated from french to english. Please be aware further developments may take place. Please have these zoos in your hopes and minds, as they are being railroaded by a false accusation.

Selon plusieurs sources concordantes, une instruction judiciaire est en cours concernant un groupe d'individus autours des sites francophones zoolibre et animalzoofrance
Je n'ai pas réussi à savoir s'il s'agissait des créateurs, de modérateurs ou de visiteurs.
According to several concording sources, a judicial investigation is opened about a group of people surrounding the french websites zoolibre and animalzoofrance
I don't know yet if this about the creators, moderators or visitors.

Des perquisitions ont été menées chez 3 personnes ce mardi 29 juin : des téléphones et disques durs ont été saisis.
Les informations concernant l'hébergement du forum zoolibre sont donc peut être actuellement dans les mains des forces de l'ordre. Je n'ai pas réussi à en obtenir la certitude. Mais dans le doute, il vaut mieux prévoir le pire.
Ce n'est donc peut être qu'une question de semaines avant qu'ils mettent complètement la main dessus.
Tant que les fondateurs n'auront pas fait de message officiel, pour confirmer ou démentir ces informations, on ne peut que faire des suppositions.
S'ils ne s'expriment pas publiquement rapidement, c'est peut être qu'ils n'ont pas la capacité de le faire, donc cela irait dans le sens du "pire".
Search have been made at home of 3 people this tuesday 29th june : phones and hard drives have been taken from the juge.

Informations about hosting of zoolibre board may be actually in the hands of the justice. I don't have the certitude. But in the doubt, it's better to think the worst.
It may be only a question of weeks before they take down the hosting of the board.
Since the creators would not have made a declaration, fo confirm or reject this informations, we can only make suppositions.

If they don't speak quicky, maybe it's because they can't do it yet, do this will make me think that the "worst way" may be what is currently happening.

D'après ce que j'ai pu en savoir, du nettoyage a été fait de façon préventive sur le serveur de zoolibre :
- Les messages privés ont été désactivés et supprimés
- Les sauvegardes ont été supprimées
- Les mots de passes des comptes d'administration ont été changés
- Les logs d'accès Apache ont été supprimés
From my researches, cleaning has been make in a preventive way on the server hosting zoolibre :
- private message have been deleted and disabled
- backup have been deleted
- password of the admin account has been updated
- Apache log access have been deleted

En clair, d'après une personne avec qui j'ai pu échanger, le serveur ne contiendrait plus aucune donnée sensible, mais il ne sait pas si des sauvegardes existent coté hébergeur, qui pourraient être mises à disposition de la justice.
Actually, after talking to 1 of the 3 personn, the server should not contain any sensitive data anymore, but he doesn't know is backup exist from hosting side (maybe the society who host the server made private backups) who could be transfer to justice.

Pour le background, de ce que j'ai pu comprendre :
Une instruction judiciaire a été ouverte suite à une plainte contre X de M Benoit Thomé, président de l'association Animal Cross.
Les motifs sont les suivant : harcèlements, menaces de mort, usurpation d'identité.

Je peux vous affirmer, pour connaitre leur façon de "militer", que les personnes autours des sites zoolibre ou animalzoofrance n'ont ABSOLUEMENT rien à voir avec ces faits.
Dès qu'elles décideront (ou pourront) sortir de leur silence, je suis sur qu'elles confirmeront mes propos.
I can assure, because I know how they militate, that people surrounding the websites zoolibre or animalzoofrance, are ABSOLUTLY not behind this facts.
As soon as they'd decide (or could) speak, I'm sure they will tell I'm right.

Est ce que les menaces reçue par Animal Cross sont réelles ? ou bien est ce un montage de fausses preuves créé pour monter une plainte contre X ? Le temps nous le dira, mais j'ai ma petite idée là dessus.
Are the threats received by Animal Cross real ? or maybe it's false documents, made to open a jusdiciary investigation ? Time will say, but I have my personnal opinion about it.

Une juge d'instruction de Pau s'est saisie de l'affaire.
La zoophilie ne fait, à l'heure actuelle, pas "officiellement" parti de cette affaire.
An investigating juge is in charge of the story.
The zoophilia is, when I'm writing this, not "officialy" in the complaints.

La juge d'instruction est persuadée, surement sur conseil de M Thomé d'Animal Cross, que ces menaces proviennent d'AnimalZooFrance.
En effet, AnimalCross milite depuis près de 2 ans à alourdir la loi contre la zoophilie en France (le dossier est disponible ici : https://www.animalzoofrance.com/wiki/PPL_3661 )
Suite au passage à l'Assemblée Nationale, les parties concernant la lutte contre la zoophilie a été considérablement amoindri suite au refus des députés d'aller dans le sens d'une lutte aveugle.
Animal Cross a très très mal vécu ce revirement de la part des députés, et a lancé une pétition en ligne : https://www.mesopinions.com/petitio...e-nationale-deputes-reculent-denoncons/125603
The investigating judge is sure, probably because of Benoit Thomé, that those threats are coming from animalzoofrance.
Factually, AnimalCross is trying to push, for 2 years, a law modification against zoophilia. The study is on the french wiki : https://www.animalzoofrance.com/wiki/PPL_3661
When the law proposal was first seen by the french deputies, they rejected 90% of the content of the law proposition.
AnimalCross take this very badly, and they launched a online petition : https://www.mesopinions.com/petitio...e-nationale-deputes-reculent-denoncons/125603

Le site AnimalZooFrance se demandait comment allait réagir AnimalCross, sachant qu'ils ont très mal vécu cet évènement.
Nous tenons peut être là la réponse.
The website AnimalZooFrance was wondering how would react AnimalCross,according to the fact their law has been rejected by deputies.
Maybe we have the answer here.

Il y aurait donc eu une remontée depuis les informations des noms de domaine vers certaines personnes.
Ces personnes sont elles directement en lien avec animalzoofrance et zoolibre, ou s'agit il uniquement de redirection ou de prête nom ? Je ne le sais pas encore.
Mais dans le pire des cas, il peut s'agir des personnes qui ont déposé les noms de domaine.
Et encore dans le pire des cas, peut être est ce les créateurs eux même.
Justice certainly took information from the domain names, and those informations direct them to those 3 personn. Are those 3 personne linke with animalzoofrance or zoolibre, or are they some puppet, or intermediar personn ? I don't know yet
But in the worst possibility, it could be the people who bought the domain names.
And again in the worst case, it could be the creators themself.

L'instruction en cours, à travers les saisis et auditions réalisées, permettra donc de dire si oui ou non le site AnimalZooFrance est à l'origine des menaces reçues par Animal Cross.
La réponse est simple et d'une certitude à toute épreuve : non, il n'y aura aucun lien. L'instruction le démontrera.
Judicial investigation is on going, and after the justice would have analyzed the phone, hard disk, and listen to people, and it will say if animalzoofrance is behind the threats that Animal Cross received.
The answer is really simple and is really true : no, there will be no link. The investigation will show it.

Dès lors, on peut bien se demander pourquoi l'instruction a pris la direction d'AnimalZooFrance ?
So, one can ask why the investigation have been make to AnimalZooFrance ?

About the story, here is it what I'm understanding :
A judicial investigation has been opened after a complaint from Benoit Thomé, president of the french animal welfare association Animal Cross.
reasons of the complaint are : harassment, death threat, identity theft.

Cette plainte concerne au moins 4 menaces sérieuses qu'aurait reçu le président de l'association, Benoit Thomé, à savoir :
- une incitation faite à une association de la jeunesse musulmane de s'en prendre à Animal Cross envoyée par une adresse genre fdp.animalcross@gmail.com
- une autre incitation du même style, envoyée par une adresse mail en @protonmail.com
- des montages photos envoyée au domicile du couple Thomé montrant la tête de son épouse décapité, avec des insultes genre "on va t'attraper et te faire très mal"
- une photo reçu dans une enveloppe cartonnée envoyée par le site photobox
Visiblement, d'après le récit que j'en ai eu, l'aperçu de ces documents faisait froid dans le dos, avec des images avec du sang partout, une police d'écriture du style "sanglante" avec des "lettres qui coulent" comme si c'était écrit en sang.
This complaint is about 4 really threats possibily received by the president of the association, Benoit Thomé, which are :
- an incitation made to a muslim young association (like a school) asking to take weapons against Animal Cross (the french animal welfare association). The incitation has been sent from email like fdp.animalcross@gmail.com(fdp can be translate into sob for Soon of bitch)
- an other incitation, in the same way, send from a protonmail email
- photo montage sent to the home of Thomé family showing the head of his wife with the throat cut, with words like "we will rape and kill you"
- a photo receive at the home, sent from an commercial website who print photo and sent them through postal mail, photobox
According to the people with whom I speaked, the view this document was very horrible, with "bloody like" font style, like dropping blood
sounds like a false flag operation, probably sent threats against himself in order to spur an "investigation" of zoolibre. fake threats sent by the accuser themselves is quite common.
False flags galore these days it seems. Wouldn’t be surprised.

Literally this is not okay for the French. If people are into beastiality and they’re not harming the animal involved/forcing it into sexual intercourse or anything I don’t see why it’s so wrong. I’m so tired of people or Government Agencies so against it. I hope all goes well for the French.
It’s an easy platform for up and coming politicians to latch onto. The average person would barf at the idea of beastiality so when a politician wants slightly higher approval, they get convinced to battle this publicly to win points
Fear tactics is how they try to get inside your head.

I'm immune to such tactics.

The best anyone can do is work "with" a problem. Instead of against it. The people that abuse power win when the weak sheep keep their heads down. Only by being a swarm can we counter it. It's like pirating. You can't stop it because it's that common.

Beastiality is a common kink.
The best anyone can do is work "with" a problem. Instead of against it. The people that abuse power win when the weak sheep keep their heads down. Only by being a swarm can we counter it. It's like pirating. You can't stop it because it's that common.
While I wouldn't deny the veracity or perhaps the relevancy of the claim, its easier said than done.