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favorite animal sex toy and why?

Still plannin' on getting more, but currently I have a Rex, Cole, Stan, two Chances, and a Fenrir from BD, a Monster Buck from EE, and the Big Bad Wolf from Primal Hardware. The Big Bad Wolf is my favorite, hands down.
For me is the slick (dolphin) from joyflex toys its very thin at the tip and gets really thick at the bottom making a great toy that you can use at any time becase of its gradient thickness

It is both realistic and fantastic, looks beautiful. Relief. Size.
Bad Dragon Tucker. Medium size, medium firmness with cum tube. Deep but not too deep and that knot, is a-mazing. When he locks me, II give a nice long push on the cum tube to make sure I'm bred deep.
I really like moose from exotic erotics, I really like knowing that its "real" but the price is real, basically double that of a comparable sculpted.
I really like moose from exotic erotics, I really like knowing that its "real" but the price is real, basically double that of a comparable sculpted.
I want to get the large orca from them but because i live in eu shipping and taxes are really expensive
I like my Bad Dragon Snep. It was one of my first. I can usually take it without having to work too much to build up to it. And after I get past the head, it likes to stay in place. I just wish they had more than one panther option.

I also have a lion dildo that I found on Amazon. It’s also a bit big, but manageable without too much work. It’s a little softer, but not too soft.