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favorite animal sex toy and why?

My elypseart Vixen bc functionality, feel, and look.

Also love my fox tail from crystal delights. Beaaaauuuuutiful piece, all glass plug and REAL fur tail. Unfortunately the plug chipped some time ago and so I've had to set it aside as an ornamental piece *sigh* such is life sometimes.
For us me (male) and gf she absolutely loves the growler from.primal hardwere wearable version so I put it on and mount her. She says she imagines a big werewolf or big dog on her push the knot in and pull back till it almost pops back out then push in hard again she loves it and it's fun for me to because I get to have the knot
I still havent got mine yet. Probaly deleting My etsy next month sadly.
But I would show it if I had it.
I will probably take a size comparision picture to My current non beast toy. When ever I get it.
I have a Mary and a Natascha from Bad Dragon. I can't say how (ahem) accurate either of them are as I've yet to experience the real thing. Regardless, of the 2, Mary is definitely the preferred sleeve. Ridged, snug, and easy to clean. Very nice.

The one complaint I have is that to this day, they both have a lingering rubbery smell to them. And I've had Mary for almost 3 years (it's not overpowering however, so I guess there's that).
I seam to be my animal's favorite sex toy.

So I am gonna go with them and say,
I am my favorite sex toy.

After all you can't do much without yourself ,can you?
Primal Hardwere has smaller inflatables too which I would still 100% recommend over the Vixen.

I got Primal Hardwere's Growler based on a friend's recommendation when I asked about inflatables (he wasn't a fan of elypseart's toys for a couple reasons). Turned out much bigger than I was expecting, and still takes some work to use it, but WOW. Yeah, highly recommended from me too.
Currently I only have a BD Hazel, she feels sooo good imo even though I haven't had the real thing, yet.

I would like to get one of those Elypseart Vixens in the future!
i like the elypseart vixen because its closest thing to my dogs penis
I have lots of toys in my collection from Exotic Erotics, Bad Dragon, Square Peg (non-animal shapes, so I'll disregard them here), and Yiffmonkey (which I include because I have their werewolf toy in XXL and that's sooort of adjacent).

Exotic Erotics makes great toys. The first toy I ordered from Exotic Erotics was their Charlie (some 10 years ago) and I still use it today (I can take it to the hilt nowadays), but my collection has grown to include Motown, Henry, their Wuffamute, the Werewolf XL, and probably a few others. Their toys tend to have very lightly textured surfaces (i.e. not super, super smooth) which I personally like. The lifecast models are a bit variable in texture - my Charlie is very textured and feels almost exactly like what a stallion's cock would if it were made from silicon (based on memories from my farm life growing up ;) ), whereas my Henry is a lot smoother and less textured. If you are ordering a toy, I recommend getting a dual-density core for some of the larger horsecocks so that they're a bit firmer around the base.

I own the XL flared Chance from Bad Dragon, and while it's juuust a bit too large for me at the moment the quality is definitely very high. The biggest problem I have with Bad Dragon is that the turnaround on toys is terrrrrrible. I ordered a toy in January last year and didn't receive it until after April. Any other manufacturer I've ordered from on this list got me my product within 1-2 weeks, and that includes pouring and moulding the toys (i.e. I was not making off-the-rack purchases as far as I am aware). Something to keep in mind when ordering - if you're really fuckin' horny and want something up your tailpipe now then Bad Dragon is absolutely not the way to go - order a toy from somewhere else to keep your chute slicked while Bad Dragon turns their gears.

I recently found Yiffmonkey on Etsy and ordered their pierced Orc dildo, and it is fantastic for a first toy to open up. I then ordered their Werewolf XXL (because who can have enough knots) and will probably be working on that for the foreseeable future. Both toys are high quality, imo, and many are offered in a huge range of sizes to accommodate different levels of skill.
Probably the American meat two hole bitch toy.
it’s rather realistic and they do what they can to fit your color preference and they did just that for me.
It’s as close as I’m going to get to my old girl back when. ?
here are my toys, my new fav. is Bad Dragons RAZOR XL :love: first immage left, second the GOLIATH from yiffytoys germany and upper, the SUBWOOFER XL from exotics erotics

and some other toys


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She never talks back like a lady might do
And she smiles like she loves it every time I get through.....
Throw a little switch on a battery pack
You can chug it you can shove it till your wife gets back ?
Once i tried a equine dildo with a full flare i haven't used anything else. Though it takes patience and practice to play with one because they are no joke