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Ever see a family member/neighbor and wonder ?

I've wondered about a few people over the years. I had a housemate who owned an intact male dog that slept with him in his bedroom, which was next to mine. One night I heard him making sounds of sexual pleasure, and they weren't the kind of sounds you make when masturbating, but the kinds of sounds you make when someone else is giving you pleasure, the kind of sudden gasps and sighs you make when your partner touches you just right, or does something unexpected that gives you a jolt, or when the sensations become a little too intense. But I knew he was alone in the room except for his dog. Nothing like that ever happened again, though. My best guess is that maybe he was just experimenting that night, if anything really happened at all. He did mention to me once that his dog had a "drippy dick," but I don't remember the context of that statement. Otherwise, as far as I knew, he was a "normal" straight guy. He moved out to live with his girlfriend who lived on a farm. Eventually they got married and had kids. At one point they were running a pig farm together, but I lost touch with them years ago, so I don't know if they are still doing that.

This housemate's best friend had a female dog and I just sensed that there was something going on between them. He wanted to mate his dog to my housemate's dog, but my housemate seemed to be on the fence about it. Furthermore, for some reason the male dog showed little interest, although the generally got along and seemed to enjoy playing together. One evening she seemed to get aggressively flirty with him and he ran into my bedroom and hid behind me. I don't think she was in heat, but maybe she was approaching heat? As far as I know they were never brought together when she was in heat. She got kinda flirty with me, too, sometimes. I remember one time when we were alone together--the other guys were outside--she rolled over on her back as if presenting her sex to me. At least that's what it seemed like at the time, like she was giving me an invitation and waiting for me to accept. I rubbed her belly and tried touching her vulva, but she seemed to get nervous and kept looking at the front door (her human was just outside), as if she was worried about being caught "cheating" on him. (Or maybe she was hoping he'd come in and rescue her from my unwanted attentions.) Anyway, since she seemed a bit uncomfortable I backed off. Besides, we were in the middle of the hallway near the front door and they guys were just outside and could have come in at any moment.

Anyway, one of my other housemates told me that this guy casually told her that he wished he could marry his dog--apparently he'd said something like "I'd marry [dog's name], if I could." She thought it was weird, but she didn't interpret it as indicating that he was having a sexual relationship with his dog, just that he was content with his dog as his primary companion. I don't know the fully context of the conversation, but I understand it he was saying that he didn't need a human wife--his dog was enough for him--although he did sometimes express interest in finding a girlfriend. But he also felt that if he was able and willing to "settle" for a dog as his primary companion, he should be able to marry her and make it official.

Many years ago I briefly dated a guy who had a couple of dogs. He had an on-again, off-again boyfriend. (This was during one of their "off" periods.) The boyfriend was apparently kind of weird and had a bit of a drug problem, and the relationship seemed very dysfunctional. I asked why they kept getting back together and he said something about liking guys who were weird and how they knew things about each other they couldn't share with anyone else and "he's the only guy who really get me" and so on. It didn't occur to me at the time, but later I began to wonder if the thing that they had in common was a special "interest" in dogs. This is partially because I know they were friends with an older gay man who lives up the street from me. This guy lives alone with a bunch of dogs. I've never actually met the guy, but I see him several times a day, walking up and down the street with his dogs, and if I'm out walking or driving by, we wave to each other in passing. I can't help but to wonder if he has sex with his dogs, but maybe they are just pets, and I just think they're having sex because that's what I'd be doing with them if they were my dogs.

That's all I can think of at the moment.
A little but nothing compared to recently. I keep seeing a photo floating round of a certain young woman and a dog and she's the spiting image of someone I knew from years ago, even the same piercings and style of make up, when I saw it I felt shocked like no fucking way :gsd_laughing: And I'm sure her parents had the same breed and colour of dog as well
Honestly.....yea all of them who have a dog XD I would love to just go up and ask them but lord knows that can get me into a world of trouble.
In fact I know I have a relatively close neighbor who is into it because I found them here but alas nobody in Arizona is active and they don't say anything so I don't know how close that is.....again it just makes me wanna ask everyone!!!
Not family members, but definitely a few people I've met over the years. Including current coworkers.
I'd never outright ask them though. Just lighthearted questions making a wide arc around the "are you secretly a zoo" question.

There's even a few dog pages on Instagram that I follow that show borderline sheath touching or flat out spread eagle, balls and all.
Certainly makes me wonder when I see somethin like this posted...27A0250E-1A8F-404A-B083-2423AD2519F1.jpeg
when a friend comes over for an evening visit and brings his dog, leaving 2-3 hours later, i am SURE i am the subject of much speculation in the neighborhood.
When I dream of Knottymilf's precious beauty for a night and accept to be her only lovely dog, I am of the speculation hopefully to serve her beauty with my whole body. Be in my arms mistress <3 let our hearts be in neighborhood and our bodies <3 <3
I don't wonder...when I see a very hot lady wearing a skirt that barely covers her and six-inch heels, walking a large, well-behaved male dog, taking her time and workin' her stuff while walking, I just KNOW.
(At least, that's how it is in my dirty little mind)
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I don't wonder...when I see a very hot lady wearing a skirt that barely covers her and six-inch heels, walking a large, well-behaved male dog, talking her time and workin' her stuff while walking, I just KNOW.
(At least, that's how it is in my dirty little mind)
That is some fine, fine dirt I'm seeing there. ?
Not necessarily people I know, but if I notice an intact male dog out on a walk, I do wonder. I figure zoos are likely to own intact dogs and I'm sure I've seen somebody. But it's not something you can ever really ask people.

I have met the odd furry, who's gay, who also owns an intact male dog, so I'm way more likely to assume they'd be a zoo. But again, you can't really ask.
I know for a fact my dad was into it. At least he liked zoo porn. When my parents first got a computer neither of them knew what a search history was. They each had separate user accounts which made it easy to see what he was looking at. LOTS of searches for zoo porn - all of it straight. So I guess I know where I get it from. On a side note, my mother spent way too much time searching for the perfect potato salad recipe. Lol
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I know for a fact my dad was into it. At least he liked zoo porn. When my parents first got a computer neither of them knew what a search history was. The each had separate user accounts which made it easy to see what he was looking at. LOTS of searches for zoo porn - all if it straight. So I guess I know where I get it from. On a side note, my mother spent way too much time searching for the perfect potato salad recipe. Lol
Did you ask father why he is interested in that? I think that lack of satisfaction maybe could pave a way to different choices. Such kind of parents can make sex threrapy.
Did you ask father why he is interested in that? I think that lack of satisfaction maybe could pave a way to different choices. Such kind of parents can make sex threrapy.
we have never discussed it. perhaps i should broach the subject. it is an interesting thought on genetics and how our brain is wired before we ever take our first steps.
we have never discussed it. perhaps i should broach the subject. it is an interesting thought on genetics and how our brain is wired before we ever take our first steps.
I am sharing same ground with you. There could be a lot of factors to induce our first steps
I strongly suspect one of my old neighbors was having sex with her dog. Her dog was very alpha and she was always hugging him and you could clearly see him responding sexually. One time he tried to mount me when I was lounging on her couch and I could see her smiling and only mildly scolding him. She said something to the effect "he is such a horny boy". I later found out he was very experienced with humans lol.
Just wondering about your last sentence......"I found out later......."...
I can guess!
I was at a truck stop once and a late 20's or early 30's female truck driver was doing long haul with two vary intact Great Danes. Couldn't help but notice the two paw print tattoos she was wearing on her lower back. Being fairly socially awkward I couldn't work up the courage to say hello and only managed a stupid grin.