OK, this site is about men and women and an assortment of animals. And it's about SEX. So what do you ladies expect?
I can understand that you get tired of all that one-sided attention, "oh those pathetic guys, they just want to fuck". But ask yourseves, what are they SUPPOSED to want on a SEX forum? The intricaties of Johann Sebastian Bach's music? Fucking may be "just" something like taking a dump or making a sandwitch, for a WOMAN. It's the right opposite for a guy. Getting pussy is HARD, even for us very good looking guys who are intelligent and charming.
We all have our crosses plaguing our lives. And your cross ladies, is worse that what Jesus had to endure, namely guys IRRITATING you. We do feel your pain.
Luckily, there is a solution, and here it comes:
Lessen the impression!
Stop whining and instead do something useful. Like for instance telling these pesky guys HOW to contact you INSTEAD.
And you guys, stop encouraging these whiny women by taking their side. You may think you inched yourself somewhat closer to her pussy, but I have bad news for you. You're NOT. In fact, she will see you as merely a beta. A potentially useful something that she can put in that long time storage, while she fucks the INTERESTING guys.
There, I said it.