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Don’t Wake the Mods!

37 unlike past dreams about zooville where i would be typing on a forum, this one was a bit more unique
it was almost like zooville was an actual place instead of a website, but i cannot describe it that well or remember it
you were there, but you looked like your avatar, which has implications
My dream last night was odd, don’t know how I didn’t realize I was dreaming because it was so unrealistic 😂
39 i had another dream last night where i was in my grandfather's house, and he was working in his office but the garage was made of beeswax, and there were a bunch of wasps in the garage, and orange foam earplugs were burrowing up out of the beeswax and i pulled them out of the ground and they turned into centipedes, and i brought some ants from my grandmother's bedroom, which was flooded for some reason, and fed them to the centipedes, which began talking
One sec, I gotta charge up my old phone to pull some of my more memorable dreams I have on it written down
43 you just looked at me for a few seconds, just like in your profile pic, it was weird
we were standing in a small yard between a large brick building i had just come out of and a treeline on the other side, with a path with a bunch of streamers on it to the right
i think the building might have been zooville, but i dont know
I’ve lots of dreams with talking animals. One of them all I remember was a cardinal saying a certain date (I can’t remember the date but I have it written down somewhere). So I spent the rest of the night googling the date and reading about things that happened on that day. Never found anything significant tho.
I had a dream that I went to one of my sisters basketball games, and when we got home we had A crazy old lady in the car that kept saying Nightingale. it was night time and I got out of the car and went over to the old driveway and laid down on the couch we had in the yard. Then I saw my Dane so I got up. When she saw me she didn’t know who I was because it was dark and I thought she was going to attack me but then I said her name and she almost tackled me because she was so excited to see me. She smelled like skunk so I decided I was going to beat her. When I went inside I went upstairs to get clothes and my stepmom was shampooing the carpet‘s. My dad went downstairs to put wood on the fire, then my stepmom told me to finish shampooing the hallway but I just moved the shampooer back-and-forth and made the carpet wet. Then I went downstairs to bathe My Dane and do something else, but I never got the chance because my alarm went off.
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Then I went downstairs to bathe My Dane and do something else, but I never got the chance because my alarm went off.
This is how I had it in my phone just in case anyone ever read it, but I’m sure you can guess what I meant by do something else 😉😛.

@Octavian, remember the other night when I said I always thought shower sex with my girl would be cute and romantic, this is where I first got the idea 😂