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Don’t Wake the Mods!

I love how this Fun & Games thread is essentially becoming an area where zoos are getting to know each other! Lol

Also..... Hello!

That’s why I like it so much. I love chatting with people lol.

hello and goodnight Newfie.
Indeed, 'tis an interesting thread! Kind of like the unofficial chatroom, except you're required to post a number before your reply.

Heh, Nighty-Night DaneLover1... we'll meet again! :devilish:
originally: post a number

when danelover and ocum came: post a number & have a conversation

just recently: post a number & have a conversation & post lustful images

future: who knows?
I don’t know but it sounds like it’s headed in a good direction 😂

really it’s Octavians fault for getting us started on the Dom doggies. Then Shanoirll found out I like big cats and it just progressed from there.
I know... we don't really have a "This evil bastard!" reaction, do we? Lol

Edit: Also, night-night to you too, Foxy boi!
Yes but toss in a little positive face for the talk that happens in this thread now, would be half evil face half happy, with a dash of shock and horror lol.

Good night to you other foxy boi!