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Don’t Wake the Mods!


Talk to a doctor, he might prescribe weed. If you can't afford to see a doctor, consult your dealer or recreational marijuana dispensary, they might prescribe weed.
30 I’ve smoked weed a few times, it really does help me relax. Maybe I should try to get an actual prescription.
I know, I’ve got a problem lol. I lay in bed and can’t sleep most nights.
Oof, same. It's even worse when you've been awake fore more than 2 hours and you start to get pissed off because you know you're day is going to suck when you wake up due to tiredness, and then you can't sleep because you're angry. It's a very vicious cycle.

About the only two things that knock me out at night, of the things that I have tried, are weed and alcohol, and I know you're too young for alcohol. (Plus it's not the healthy option.) For the over the counter stuff the only thing I found that sort of works alright is Valerian Root. For me, Melatonin might work for a couple of days before my body gets used to it. With valerian root I at least get a couple of weeks before my body gets used to it. For awhile I was taking valerian root and melatonin at the same time. But eventually my body got used to that as well. One thing I have heard might work is "no lights" meditation 1-2 hours before you go to bed. Basically it's just as it sounds. Sitting in the dark and meditating for 1-2 hours. This is to help calm your brain and also allow it to produce natural melatonin (which is much more effective that the pill variety.) I haven't tried this yet because I'm too addicted to technology (even though phone and computer screens are the worse type of light to inhibit natural melatonin production due to the blue light wavelength it produces.)
Sitting in the dark and meditating for 1-2 hours. This is to help calm your brain and also allow it to produce natural melatonin (which is much more effective that the pill variety.)
So instead of laying in bed for hours trying to fall asleep you sit in a dark room for hours meditating before you go to bed so you can...fall asleep faster? :p

dang it i just got here and already lost
Danelover1: Last Seen: Looking at the thread "Dog Pussies" 10 minutes ago... Welp... we know what he's doing right now! :sneaky:

So instead of laying in bed for hours trying to fall asleep you sit in a dark room for hours meditating before you go to bed so you can...fall asleep faster? :p
Pretty much the idea. Lol
Danelover1: Last Seen: Looking at the thread "Dog Pussies" 10 minutes ago... Welp... we know what he's doing right now! :sneaky:
Wait, I thought I had it set to where you couldn’t see that 🤨, unless mods have special abilities 😂. And I was there because someone liked my picture. I’ve been inactive because I’m playing cod.
Wait, I thought I had it set to where you couldn’t see that 🤨, unless mods have special abilities 😂. And I was there because someone liked my picture. I’ve been inactive because I’m playing cod.
Oh... oops! I didn't know you disabled it. Indeed, I can see all profiles and their current statuses. Sorry...
Ok now I've been looking at dog pussies lol. It feels a little weird that I can freely search for and find twat shots of what are essentially the girlfriends of the people I'm chatting with. Also I feel a little bad that I'm the only one who hasn't shared yet. :p

I wish i could safely post pictures of her, like her face and all because I have so many cute pictures of her. But I only send them to my friends through PMs. I feel like it’s too risky to show her face publicly.
Also I feel a little bad that I'm the only one who hasn't shared yet. :p
