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Don’t Wake the Mods!

yeah, the thing is, legality of any given action changes depending on what country you are in and what time you are in. take zoophilia. if i go from ky to wv, then suddenly it is legal. if i go back in time 3 years, suddenly zoo is legal in ky again. that is an incredibly unstable moral framework - usually moral systems should be more widely applicable and should not be so variable. not to mention the many legal things that are immoral.
26 well you know, there are many moral frameworks

there is utilitarianism, simple consequentialism, among several others

depending on what system you use, you would answer questions like the trolley problem differently

personally, the Harris landscape framework seems to work best. it is where, for every situation, the set of possible outcomes is lined up, and the needless suffering and benefit caused from each outcome are weighed. the outcome which produces the least needless suffering, and in a variation, the one which gets the most net benefit, is the outcome selected
i think we are on 29

but then there are some variations, like i said
-one where the goal is to reduce suffering
-and one where the goal is to not only reduce suffering, but also foster wellbeing, causing as little unnecessary suffering as possible, which is a bit more complex

I don't give it a name, I look at results. Whatever causes no suffering is good.
I know you said you did not want to give it a name, but that is a brand of consequentialism: an ethical system in which the morality of an action is determined by the actions' consequences. :)
it depends on which mood i am in whether i drink black coffee or coffee with a load of stuff in it

either way, i prefer my coffee to be cool, so i will usually let my black coffee sit out all night after it is finished boiling and mixing, and by that point it has settled and become even stronger
I’m kinda a caffeine addicted. I usually go through at least a half pot a day. And then I take a couple of scoops of pre before I work out.
I don’t know if you guys know what stackers are, but they’re pills with lots of caffeine. I used to take one with a five hour energy before every football game 😂.