Aah, we have a serial killer here. Sooo scared now.I honestly feel like killing a nigger
lol I’m joking
nope. 33Also stfu
Yes, it's indeed shit, thank you! 34Imagine living in the Netherlands sounds like a shit place it also has a shit flag
how many ways I can tell you to kill yourself
it's not a job. Oh wait, perhaps for you it is.Man o man I love my job at 14 trolling people wish I can get a raise
Can you add in trolling on a dog fucker website or no
I assure you, you would not.Honestly if I meet one of you guys in real life I will beat the shit out of you
No, you did.Ayo aren’t you the guy that told me to get out of my moms basement
So you're admitting that you REALLY have no life. GG. Now play some fortnite or something you kids play.Remember me from yesterday or your just too retarded
Imagine posting a vid on youtube how you make an ass out of yourself.Imagine I just start recording and post this on YouTube lol
Then why are you still talking? ?Bro just bro I got no words
4342 perhaps lurkers should have a bigger message timeout, like 2 minutes or something XD
nah the first 10 posts is just fine, or something coded in that you have change your avatar from default.43
I've made that suggestion before, like ten minutes between posts until 25 posts or so.
46nah the first 10 posts is just fine, or something coded in that you have change your avatar from default.
it's also ALWAYS 'dog rapists' too.. like so stereotypical!44
It's kinda funny to me actually, the anti zoo trolls always paint us as violent rapists then have zero logical argument against zoo's which in turn makes them resort to violence instantly. Gtfo.