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Dog Sex Tattoos - Which One?

Would you get this tattoo as a sexy secret way to tell the world your into zoo

  • YES

    Votes: 89 74.8%
  • NO

    Votes: 30 25.2%

  • Total voters
Ladies would you get one of these tattoos and if so which one?
The first one could be played off as you just like dogs if someone saw it - if they know they know
The second is a little more obvious with the inverted paws in the same position and orientation as if a dog mounted you.
Oh, I think getting either of these tattoos would be pretty cool. The first one could definitely be played off as just a love for dogs if someone didn't know about my preferences.

As for which one I'd choose... Hmm, I think I might go with the second option. It's more obvious and could be a fun conversation starter. Plus, it would be a great way to express my love for dog sex without having to actually say anything out loud.
I like the idea. The second one is slightly less ambiguous, but both are likely to at least solicit questions and raise eyebrows from someone you're already intimate with given the location.

I would only go for one paw though if I was going to go for it because you can play it off easier if you need to.
I love zoo paw tattoes on women it just makes me excite and fantasize if she is doing it and what dog she fucks.
I will do it too in future if my future partner is going to have her first time with dog.
Naw - certainly neither of those - as there's no "secret" to it. If someone wants or needs a paw tattoo, I'd think something that could be played off to even someone suspicious, so no pawprints in mounting positions. More like, something on the arm or leg. Or, if you have to have them in that spot, then downgrade to one paw. You need not tell the entire story, available to anyone. If they're zoo, they'll get it (or will suspect, and will ask about it). And you should have a story for the normies: "That's for my dog, X, who passed away back in '05." or "Those dogs are my heart, and I love them. This way they are with me all the time." But that's just me.
Ahh the infamous(jkjk) dog paw tattoo. I would get one too but not on my ass or near the groin pelvic area. Maybe on my arm or back? I feel like this is so well known in the zoo community that if any guy or girl have a dog paw on them on their butt or pelvis area, I would probably low-key assumed they are a furry or a zoo person. To a non zoo person it could just mean you like dogs or it’s a symbol of remembering your pet passing away. But yah I would get one but A custom that match my dog‘s paws.
I would think they are more common as a remembrance…
Somehow, I rather doubt that. A lady with her own job, apartment or house, car and a dog doesn't need it. I've personally seen a ton of doggie paw tats, having worked a number of strip clubs for years. Never seen one that was accurate, most look like kitty prints. Even saw one that morphed into pawprints from leopard spots. If someone wanted to memorialize such things, Id think they would want to get it right. And again, wishful thinking will never make it true.

One other thing for this thread. When our numbers are as small as they are, and the womens' numbers are so miniscule, women bold enough to do the thing have nothing to prove after the fact.
Just get them if you want them. There's a metric shit ton of paw print tattoos out there on non zoos especially that they seem to be a trend right now for some reason. We did multiples in a single day not long ago. As long as they aren't blatantly sexual and look cute that's about the only explanation you need. People get dumb as shit tattoos every day with absolutely 0 reason why so at least if they look cute it's a reason better than alot
I will get a tattoo when my cat dies bless him, might try and be creative

Only place I can get a tattoo is my ass cheek....too scared of the pain otherwise
I'm of the opinion that tattoos in general are a bad idea, let alone one that identifies you as an enthusiast of an illegal act.

Any subtle code or clue can and will be cracked and mark you for ostracization. Remember the zeta.
I wouldnt think too much of it, because even if they are antis who accuse you of being a zoo, you could always just say it was a paw and make them look like the weird one for even thinking about that if you got into a rough situation