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Does anyone irl know that you’re into this lifestyle?


the question above seems a little bleak so i’ll elaborate.. does anybody that you guys know irl know about (accidentally or you told them) your zoo lifestyle or that you’re into it?

for me, relatively no one knows, and i feel it’s best to keep it that way :)
Most of my close friends know (not many of them), the important members of my family knew, the other zoos I know IRL, and a few others have learned through mistakes I have made. I'm not exactly out, but I live my life and if some eventually figure it out, whatever. I don't tend to let small minded people close to me, so anyone who's close enough to make a good guess is going to be the kind of person who tends to think more and react less.
It's preferable that others not know; I don't want to hear about whatever weird shit they're into and they don't want to hear about mine. It's a private thing I tend to only let those close to me see with any clarity. They see how I treat my companions and see the love and care I have for them, if/when they put 2+2 together they already know it's based on love.
No way what Cooper and I do with each other is between us and other then here no one has any idea. I would not be adverse to telling someone but it would be someone I had complete trust in and know it would not be broken so having that is very unlikely.
the question above seems a little bleak so i’ll elaborate.. does anybody that you guys know irl know about (accidentally or you told them) your zoo lifestyle or that you’re into it?

for me, relatively no one knows, and i feel it’s best to keep it that way :)
Life has taught me that you can't control someone's loyalty. No matter how good you are to them, doesn't mean they'll treat you the same. No matter how much they mean to you, doesn't mean they'll value you the same. Sometimes the people you love the most, turn out to be the people you can trust the least.people can turn on you too quick.
From what I know, outside of other zoo's there's one friend who's sort of zoocurious, I guess?

I'm sure more know, but most don't say anything, mostly because people have learned that I'm completely apathetic to their opinions.
Well my older brother knows but he got me into it so he doesent count, made a few zoo friends along the years ofc they know , introduced a few ppl into the lifestyle as well, really enjoy seeing there face when they feel it the first time.
Non zoos is out of the question , where i live being gay is considered to be pure evil and sick so you can imagine i hide my zoo side.
My own mother said doing an abortion and going to jail for it would have been better if i knew u grow up from it so ye she knows hehe
Some ppl might suspect but i am proactivly signaling to most ppl around me that there oppinion is nothing to me so i honestly couldnt care less, i make sure they cant prove it but thats it
the question above seems a little bleak so i’ll elaborate.. does anybody that you guys know irl know about (accidentally or you told them) your zoo lifestyle or that you’re into it?

for me, relatively no one knows, and i feel it’s best to keep it that way :)
My best friend actually turned out to be into zoo! We had actually met through Grindr almost a decade ago (I'm pan/demisexual), and we became good friends afterwards. Over the years, we started confessing to each little by little the stuff we fantasize about. At one point, he tried to tell me that he was "accidentally" knotted by a dog. To which I replied, "Heh, that stuff doesn't happen by accident. Ask me how I know..."

He says he thinks about it every now and then, but it's not a priority for him. But for me...oh well...
My most recent ex girlfriend knew.
Not long after we started dating, i showed her this vid of a trans girl with a Rex from Bad Dragon, dressed like Daphne and acting like Scooby was railing her.
Girlfriend was not amused. Disgusted, seemingly, because of the RP.
Two years down the road, we're watching the movie Freddie Got Fingered, and there's a scene involving Tom Green an a big ole equine noodle.
Being inebriated, I comment on the size of the member, and ventured a guess at how much splooge would be blown by a thing that size, and she looked over and said "you know I have a thing for all things girthy" sheepishly, and that was that.
I told her about my one experience, we discussed what one another would and wouldn't do, and nothing more came from it.
Just 2 persons know. One of them is true zoo. another one looks like no - tried because I suggested, but she didn't like it much unfortunately
My ex and I had a conversation about taboos and she talked about her experiences with her dog. and I talked with her about how love watching and would be overwhelming thrilled if she wanted to start again…
We are no longer together but either or us had ever talked about it with anyone else or “outted” each other.
Hey guys, yeah my close family and kids know they are supportive.. and very brave to own it doing that made it known that the 9 women in our immediate family either fantasied about it or had done it so my speaking out made them comfortable when there is nothing wrong with this society just judges what’s normal