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Did you tell your parents about your zoo interests?

Have you told your parents about your zoo interests?

  • Yes (I told my parents)

    Votes: 90 8.5%
  • No (I did not tell my parents)

    Votes: 974 91.5%

  • Total voters
No... But I'm pretty sure my mum knew. I used to spend a lot of time out with the dogs, neighbours probably saw us often in the garden and maybe said something. But she came home one day and wanted to know why her bed was a mess with dog hair everywhere on her covers - he wasn't allowed in their room (I was also looking very windswept). She started freaking out big time asking me what we were doing and wasn't satisfied with the whole "nothing" explanation. Stresssss haha.
I told my mother at one point, wish I hadn't mostly because there was no good reason for me to do so and it just added an awkwardness for a while.
Shortly after my girl died we were talking on the phone and she foolishly said, "It's just a dog" and we had a huge fight. She knew better and meant well, but it wasn't taken well. I got rather butt-hurt, pointed out that my girl wasn't "just a dog" and that perhaps my mother should go fuck herself. I ignored her for about a year, but she eventually apologized and in the end we ended up a lot closer.

If I had it to do all over, I'd SFTU.
That's a rough story, with which many of us can relate. Would you be interested in being interviewed for the Zoo Stories podcast? We're on twitter: @StoriesZoo and our email is: zoostories@protonmail.com
No... But I'm pretty sure my mum knew. I used to spend a lot of time out with the dogs, neighbours probably saw us often in the garden and maybe said something. But she came home one day and wanted to know why her bed was a mess with dog hair everywhere on her covers - he wasn't allowed in their room (I was also looking very windswept). She started freaking out big time asking me what we were doing and wasn't satisfied with the whole "nothing" explanation. Stresssss haha.
Lol, that's a funny moment looking back I bet.
If my parents were normal, I would think about it, but they frankly are not. I told them, the last time I saw them face-to-face, exactly this: "You are letting my younger brother, with his drinking and his drug habit, take over your entire life. You are going to keep on forgiving him every single time he tells you 'I've come to Jesus, I love Jesus, and Jesus has healed me'; no matter how many times this turns out to be a lie, you will continue believing it. His behavior will get worse, and ultimately, he will run you out of your own home. Because I know precisely how misguided you people are and how screwed-up your priorities are, I know that even losing your home to this twit will not stop you from continuing to give him money. You are conservative Protestants, and you can't help it. You are mentally fucked-up, and I do not have the power to help you." And I turned on my heel and left. At the time, I had blood streaming from my nose from the latest episode of domestic violence. That prophecy came true in every single detail, by the way, because I had known those people my entire life. I just knew. No, I'm not going to tell them I'm a zoo.

I think that whether or not you end up telling your parents comes down to multiple factors, but those must include your own level of financial independence, how successful your parents have been at winning over your trust, and whether or not your parents have likewise been open with you about their own various levels of deviance. If I had parents who were able to talk with me openly about the fact that they once experimented with BDSM or something or were a part of the Free Love Movement, who were absolutely liberal, whom I knew had offbeat views, I would probably tell them in a skinny minute.

I don't think that this should be completely on us zoophiles to decide. Our parents have to do their part to win over our trust, and if they have not, then we cannot be blamed for not trusting them.

Then again, if your parents have worked hard to reach out to you with trust and reciprocity, then if you feel ready to try to meet them halfway, then they deserve your trust. If they've given you a chance, then they deserve a chance.

Still, that level of financial independence is a big deal. If we can't stand toe-to-toe with them as equals, then that really makes it hard to be assertive about our beliefs without sounding even to ourselves like ungrateful brats. That's just reality.

However, just to be clear, there's meeting someone halfway, and there is flying all the way across the Atlantic Ocean by flapping one's arms. There is a difference. Too wide of a gulf from a lack of trust is just not going to be bridged. We cannot be blamed for not wanting to trust this part of ourselves with someone we wouldn't trust with far less.
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It's such a big part of my life that I want to be able to. My parents know that I've been very depressed, and it would be great to be able to have an honest conversation about their part in it, and also the part my sexuality has to play in it. I know some here are saying that they specifically won't do that because they care about them, but I see it more in an opposite way. They've been through so much shit too and actually care about me. They always tried their best to give me a good life despite circumstances. Basically, they deserve to know. I just don't know when the right moment is to say it.
Don't tell anyone is my advise
Good Advise! I won't dare to talk to my parents about it. They won't talk a word afterwards with me. I tried to talk about it with a friend... no good idea. So Don't tell....
Nope. IF my dad was still alive though he would probably be the only family I WOULD tell, and even then i would ease into it with some "jokes" to try and get his stance, the same way I do with a few friends that now know. I wont even tell my family im into guys... lol
I told it my ex girlfriend last night. We are 8 years apart and we have become good friends. She cursed me that I could have told her before. We are talking about everything. She asked how long i know, that im zoo ... I told her that before we were dating ... She hugged me and said she liked me ? ps: we were dating one year when i was 16, she was my last girlfriend..
Dont ask, dont tell. A secrete is only safe if the only 2 people know it and one of them is dead. I think for me "zoo interest" is not a full time thing. I am not animal exclusive. I have, and always will have, a human female partner in my life. That does not mean I do not enjoy a range of sexual attractions/activities with an assortment of other humans and animals. I do not need to break my mothers heart by telling her things she need not hear.
If my parents were alive I don't even think I could approach them to tell them. They were very much the norm of older America even though they were both in their 40s when they died. (Airplane crash back in 2015) I just don't think their minds were open enough to accept it. I kind of think they would have tried to reason with me to stop it.