I did not lose anything, it was a win-win for a 14 old boy,I lost my virginity to a beautiful mare when I was 14 years old. I will never let go of that moment of guilt. It was awful and amazing at the same time. A feeling of dirt but at the same time filling.
I'm so sorry to hear that.it depends on how you look at it, I was raped during my early childhood but the first time I willingly had sex was an animal lmao
thank you, much appreciatedI'm so sorry to hear that.
Was he intentionally being a jerk or was he mindlessly selfish?I could do without thinking of my first...he was Sucha jerk!
How so?!?Lost it to a doggy, it was pretty awkward lol.
Good pollThought it would be intresting to do a poll on this.
You're more than welcome. I'm glad you came out of it okay.Orasokayasyouare.thank you, much appreciated
Afhænger. Jeg havde fået hoved til færdiggørelse fra en smuk menneskelig pige en gang, men min første penetrerende sexoplevelse var en udkast til hesteho hoppe. Forestil dig mit chok, da jeg lærte, at (forholdsvis) lille teenage pige ikke var så meget anderledes det følgende
Yes you are right there are not that much different in having your cock in the pussy of a sow a heifer or girl. they are all wonderful,and it is nice to have something different to go too.Depends. I had gotten head to completion from a beautiful human girl once, but my first penetrative sex experience was a draft horse mare. Imagine my shock when I learned that (comparatively) tiny teen girl pussy wasn’t THAT much different the following year.
DogThought it would be intresting to do a poll on this.
The uncles could be the same age as her, very young.Don't worry. Nothing like that![]()
Well... Somewhat older..The uncles could be the same age as her, very young.