Does anyone else here suffer from horrific depression?
My ex suffered from chronic depression. After trying multiple antidepressants over the years but still drinking along with it. It took an intervention and rehab to start with, then different antidepressants. Finally ended up taking high doses of fish oil as the best antidepressant. Of course no drinking either.I was reading earlier this month about b12 deficiencys leading to depression. Its common nowadays so you might want to get a b12 check clinically before getting on anti depressants.
Dude, please don't hurt yourself. If you need someone to talk to there are several on this board, including me. And if that doesn't help, please, go get some help. It's not worth ending your life.Yea, been suicidal for about 1.5 years now, and it just gets worse. Don't think I will make it until summer this year.
Please don't do anything rash. Life is rough, but it's also precious.Yea, been suicidal for about 1.5 years now, and it just gets worse. Don't think I will make it until summer this year.
I would not judge you, but I will say that one thing kept me alive when I had that thought. When I was thinking about it, I had the realization, I could still do it a little while later if I wanted to. Later came, and I realized that I was right: I still could.Yea, been suicidal for about 1.5 years now, and it just gets worse. Don't think I will make it until summer this year.
One of my favorite songs ?I would not judge you, but I will say that one thing kept me alive when I had that thought. When I was thinking about it, I had the realization, I could still do it a little while later if I wanted to. Later came, and I realized that I was right: I still could.
A few "laters" later, I realized, "Oh, dear. I am going to croak from natural causes in another 60 years at the most. That is not a very long time." However, I thought then, "but wait...I was just recently thinking about checking out early, anyhow, so come to think of it, it's not that much of a difference..." and then I felt silly for belaboring the point and got distracted by a cute cat.
I don't judge you for thinking what you are thinking because I would be in trouble. I've thought it. I have thought it quite often, actually. If I was wrong to think that, then I'm in pretty big trouble. We have a few friends here that have even made a few attempts on their own lives, and if they were wrong, then they are also in trouble. As a matter of fact, we actually like them quite a lot.
ABBA always made me feel better. They were always so wholesome.
If you change your mind, maybe you can take a chance on us. The zooey community has really gotten a lot better, or we are trying to be better, anyhow. We can get through this, together.
The people who say this have usually never been through something like this - if they did, then they'd know it doesn't work like that, nor is it as simple as that.It's a state of mind that unless you have been in it you will never understand it what one never wants to hear is .. pull your self together.... I could have killed the people/do gooders that said that
I had to start by getting over the belief that I had failed somehow just because I was still having issues. It never really just gets turned off. Even now, I have the propensity, but I just translate it into a bear-like hibernation.The word simple is the worst thing to say if one is depressed. It is never that . It can start from a dimple action or a few rhingsbthat can gappen then the ground slips away
Who says you can't have rain and sunshine at the same time?There are no depressive disorders or depressions, there are always good and bad times in life. There are always ups and downs in life. Sometimes you feel you are at the top of the world, but the next thing you'll find yourself at the pit bottom.
Weather is a mix of factors that happens in a certain place at a certain time. These include sunlight and clouds, wind, snow or rain, and temperature.
Is one hundred years uninterrupted sunshine good weather?
My apologies to anyone that doesn't like the series, but this particular song has particular truth for me.Who says you can't have rain and sunshine at the same time?
The people who would knowingly do this to others need to be purged from your life. There's been a time where I unconsciously did these things myself, not out of spite, but because it became normalized. Spending too much time with toxic people can blind you to their behaviors to the point where you cease to recognize them for what they are. I actually had a toxic job like this, I am so glad I don't work there anymore.I think that depression was at its worst for me when I was around people that shamed me over showing any emotions at all, even happiness. They would say, "You are acting crazy. You are out of control. They will put you away. People are staring. You are embarrassing us." Even if I was just laughing or dancing to music or singing, I was shamed over it. To them, if I was anything besides a silent and obedient robot, then it was time to beat me down again.
I found people that never behaved toward me that way, and these days, nobody thinks I am mentally ill, just eccentric.
I was always eccentric, and that is what some people are afraid of. I have had to learn to stand up to them.
I’m glad too see your still with us CAPTAIN. How do the seas look today?Please don't do anything rash. Life is rough, but it's also precious.
The wind's at my back, which is good luckI’m glad too see your still with us CAPTAIN. How do the seas look today?