Who has ever had sex with their dog in a special place?
For many it often remains an intimate and private matter and so it is often only done at home.
But some are more open and like to do it outside in the forest.
What was your best experience or where would you like to do it? I'm really looking forward to your answers.
Since the thread it titled craziest place you've had sex I guess I can tell this story...let me preface that this is from a time when i was just accepting my sexual feelings for dogs, I'd always loved them and seemed to form bonds with them quick and those bonds meant the world to me, but as I got older I developed a sexual attraction to them as well and realized i love dogs more than just as a pet. With that being said I will get on with my story...
I was hanging out at a friend's house during the summer and it was hot as hell, the front and backdoors were open to help cool the house down. Now my friend also had several dogs all of them neutered or spayed and i never fooled around with them for fear of being caught. However that day they had to go run some errands for a bit and and since I was a good friend they let me stay at the house and keep an eye on it and make sure everything was good while they were gone.
Well, after they left I was sitting around scrolling Facebook at first then I got struck with the horny bug (I was 20 at the time, if the wind blew the right way i would get horned up and ready for sex) so I started looking up some zoo videos as that was the sexual avenue I was horny for that day (it had been on my mind all day tbh, just pushed to the back to deal with people) well about 5 minutes of me watching videos a dog that wasn't my friends wandered into the house, he was a neighbors dog that wandered the neighborhood freely the way my friends dogs did (they lived sorta deep in the woods so the closest houses from the location of my friends house was like a mile away from any other neighbors, besides the grouping of 8 houses that My friends house belonged to) well as this new dog I'd never met just walked into the house I was terrified at first, because I didn't know this dog nor his temperament and he was a Beautiful German Shepherd, so beautiful that he is part of the reason i love GSD so much to this day the other part of why I love them is below lol. I anxiously called out to him with my hand stretched slightly out, worried he may bite me but instead he accepted the head rub with friendliness and love, since he seemed to be a very sweet boy I stopped messing with myself and put my phone down to start petting him and showering him in love and he ate it up. After a bit of that, I cautiously started grazing his sheathe as I gave him belly rubs and he really seemed to enjoy himself, so I started lightly rubbing his sheathe and he immediately got excited, he got up from his belly rubs with a Lil bit of a prance in his Step and his red rocket sticking out more than a Lil, well he came back over to me for more attention and I gladly gave it. I began rubbing his sheathe with a Lil more vigor and exposing the juicy doggy cock beneath, something I hadn't seen or held in person for almost 7 years...the last time i had saw or held a dog cock in my hand had been when I was going through the Rollercoaster of hormones that is puberty. And this one put the one I had seen in the past to shame, or maybe I think that just because I had matured and that maturity was telling me all the wonderful things I could actually do with a doggie cock that I hadn't done before. Anyway everyone was still gone and running errands and I had gotten to the point I was so horny I'm surprised I didn't finish the first time he gave a quick lick to my cock as it poked out of my blue pajama pants. I double checked my friends were still in the middle of running errands, came up with some excuse to get a rough time estimate of when they would be home. Once I had an estimate of their return I decided to start playing with the Goodest Boy of this story a bit more, I got his cock all the way out and gave him a handy-J for awhile, occasionally letting him spray precum in my mouth and calling him a good boy during all of this, but I could tell he wanted more due to him humping against my hand. Looking at the clock, and realizing I still had plenty of time I decided then and there that he would be the first dog I ever let mount me, and mount me he did...albeit he was too excited to knot I still got a good fucking, although a depressingly short one. I tried to have him mount me a couple of times and he did but he'd fuck me just to the point where his knot would start growing but still able to easily go in and out, sadly he never trusted hard enough to get it fully in me in order to fully knot, but it was still one of the most satisfying sexual encounters I've ever had. After several attempts at a knotting I gave up on it and proceeded to play with and suck his cock and try to get as much precum/cum that could out of it as I got myself close to finishing, he began to lick me and I came so hard I saw stars. Before I got dressed though I made sure to squeeze what cum he did put in me out for the camera I had going (it was meant to be a personal spank bank video at the time) and then quickly got dressed. About 20 minutes after I had cleaned myself and the area up slightly my friends got home and were none the wiser I had almost been knotted by a German Shepherd in the middle of their living room right next to the front door that was open. And that's the craziest location I've had relations with a dog in.
To add I don't condone playing with animals that aren't yours nowadays...but again I was 20, young dumb and full of cum and the little brain between my legs won the argument that day as it was literally the best opportunity I had ever been presented with to play with a fully intact German Shepherd like that.