I am all for such an approach! 7 @pes get's a lot of bad stuff thrown at him, and he deserves to know that many users thinks that he is doing a good job.
That poor guy. Imagine him working hard on reports for an enjoyable zooville's sake and just as he has a small tea- or coffee-break, endless notifications come in, confusing and distracting him. ?
Good morning, evening, night, day and toilet break to the floofs and floofers.
Astonishingly cold in this area, I would wish for 10°C more. Salted streets in November, that's annoying. Oxidation, oxidation..
Yes, willingly.. as I just know how quick you people would count to 200, 500 and above, leaving him there shaking the head and finding / filtering out the really important alerts of at least seven alert pages.
Sorry for that but I don't participate in such. If you want to continue the row: be free to do so, it's not physically linked to the main six-digit number. One empty posting doesn't change anything.