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Count to ∞!


Good evening, floofs, floofers, floofies and floofy! ?????? ❤️?

Wishing you a good day, night, evening, other time. Hopefully better weather than we have right now (Rain. It's always rain. ?‍♂️?) .

Finally going to put off the shoes after the logical analysis in another thread. (Recommendation: take your shoes off before you start to read this forum. Else your food gets cold, the beer or drink reaches room temperature and your feet are in distress.)

Now food, drinks, a nice amount of sweets and chilling due to being really exhausted. I slept exactly 1,5 hours today and talked seven hours with a private customer. While working on his project at an event. And explaining the faults of the original manufacturer. Hell. On. Earth.

A floofer! ❤️ How is your weekend so far, floofy one? ? How are your floofs?

My "rat issue" seems to actually be either a "very small rat issue" or a "hazel mouse issue". ?‍♂️

Doesn't actually improve the situation, tho. I hope the vinegar essence will drive it away, even as my own hazelnut "tree" (it's a Busch.. what's the English name again.. dang) is right above the tool shed this mouse or rat took as a .. personal toilet and waste plant space for my hazelnuts.. ?‍♂️