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I like mindless killing online death matches. It's the absolute lowest common denominator in gaming but I find it soothing. There is nothing like mindlessly killing online to avoid strangling coworkers at work. Not that I don't work all day on the computer - I couldn't strangle anyone if I wanted to.
Jobs where you get paid to strangle or kill people with a weapon and that are both legal and authorized by the government do exist.
But your thing is a lot better and more healthy on a psychological level, so I would not advice you to change your career.

Indeed, it was from forum posts a few people made over 10 years ago. I've thought about making an account on the GTA forums after the GTA VI leaks, but haven't bothered doing so as of now.

While I've done so in the past, nowadays I try to complete the game to the end though, otherwise it kinda feels unresolved and unsatisfactory. I still regret not completing Red Dead Redemption 2 to the end. With GTA 4 I'm mostly playing it for nostalgia reasons. But once I complete it I'm probably going to be done with it for another 10 years, maybe longer, before I touch it again.

Jobs where you get paid to strangle or kill people with a weapon and that are both legal and authorized by the government do exist.
But your thing is a lot better and more healthy on a psychological level, so I would not advice you to change your career.

I mean I still go to the shooting range and do combat sports. Honestly when you take it IRL like that with real guns or really being punched in the face. It really opens up the reality of just how terrible a real war is. And real combat. You have rules in combat sports but in real hand to hand there’s only one rule which is “make sure you come home by any means necessary”. Having stared at myself in the mirror enough times. I want to limit that decision making as much as possible. If I can run away I will, I got into a road rage incident a few months back and didn’t engage. I have been shot at before and not shot back. It’s important to keep a level head and not escalate to that point. I got mad at myself the other day for all capping one of my coworkers for trying to go over my head on a decision I made. Being angry or violent looks cool on tv but in the real world few people do business with dangerous violent people.
1397 Nintendo 64

I think the only game I ever rage quitted and lost complete interest in playing was Just Cause 3. I got so far in the game but there is an offshore military base you have to take over which was pretty much damn near impossible to actually take over. I probably should have looked up some videos of it at the time, this was years ago, but I don't think I did. Pretty much every time I got within 50 feet of the base I was pretty much insta-killed. After trying it for nearly a week multiple times a day using whatever method I could think of, I pretty much put it down and never bothered picking it up again.

Otherwise, for me, gaming is just a time wasting pass time. It's sort of like a movie that you yourself get to control. And like a movie if I get half way through it and then stop watching it, I'm left wondering how it'll end. But games are also pretty fun for me in general. Not everyone will have the same drive.

RIP to 🚂🚃🚃🚃🚃🚃 @caboose's Blastoise though.

I just remembered that I did finish Assassin's Creed. But in the second game you had a mission to enter a huge building to spy on people that later saw you and the chase scene merged to the game as you started to control the fleeing assassin.
Eventually got to a large room where you should climp. Never managed to find where to continue the climb and rage quitted to never play that game again.

I really liked GTA San Andreas. Took good care of the PC, made sure he ate the most healthy food available and exercised regularly. The map showed all green when those Uzi wearing guys had their turf fall one by one.
Then a fat backstabbing scumbag posing as a friend did an unspeakable betrayal and the map went all purple. All my hours for nothing.
Needles to say, that was the last time I played any game in the GTA series.
Stupid game.