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The internet is full of such .. weird fetishes. And I always wonder how such existences could survive up to an age which allowed them to actually try to fulfill those interests.

Sometimes Murphy's law would need a little.. booster.

Sometimes those very weird, but more or less sarcastic and at least somewhat fascinating fetishes are to be found. There was a webpage called "Astlochficker" a dozen or so years ago. Roughly translated this means "knothole fuckers" and relates to trees. :ROFLMAO:

It was basically just a page full of quite good pictures of knotholes on trees. Nothing sexual to be seen there as far as I remember. As such quite the fascinating trolling concept.

Oh, hello miss demon! Long not read, but that lays in my responsibility as being offline resembles a main feature of the mischievous fox spirit. :ROFLMAO:

A very positive surprise that you're still active in the forums. (y)

The N-topic (not -that- N-word) is really weird. It's comparable to people which just love to fuck with mechanic toolshop machines. Nothing good comes out of such fetishists.

Yep, inventor of unbelievable features which prove that recycled goods can assure new and rich functional "life" as new technology. (y)
You wouldn't believe how many lost places appear for lonesome wanderers in the woods, fields and smaller cities.. and how many almost forgotten concepts, even functional machines one finds in those with a bit of luck.

Oh, I don't want to talk about the N-stuff as well, for me it's just calling up imaginary sceneries of slaughterhouses and meat fabrication facilities, which is nothing "absurdly unfitting", but neither sexual in any way. And to combine those remains with sexual fetishes is .. just weird.

Reminds me of a guy which posted at least 15 years ago at the .nets with an image of his bath tub full of minced meat - with sexual uhh.. goals in mind. And I could just think: "Holy, the amount of bacteria is over NINE THOUSAND!" (to partly quote dragon ball).

Yep, inventor of unbelievable features which prove that recycled goods can assure new and rich functional "life" as new technology. (y)
You wouldn't believe how many lost places appear for lonesome wanderers in the woods, fields and smaller cities.. and how many almost forgotten concepts, even functional machines one finds in those with a bit of luck.
I'm very positive to recycling stuff, but not very good at turning them to entirely new constructions/applications with new purpose.

Last part:
Please stop.

Nah, plain scientific analysis.

I can't grasp the logic behind some fetishes, it's as if someone would say: "I love to copulate extensively with front windshield wipers! And ashtrays! And the steering rods of a 1969 corvette!" - and you're there and think: "What the great coral reef duck?!"

It's not even changing my mood, it's just plain.. absurd.

But okay, enough of the windshield wipers and co. Poor wipers. A tear runs down my eye, now I would need a wiper. 🤷‍♂️

Hopefully our @YIMBY and the other regulars in this counting madness are not too shocked about the weird topics which unfortunately came up through related users (to those topics) and still have a good day (the ones in this counting madness!).

My day is almost over, cleaning dishes, brushing teeth, sleeeeping. That's my to-do-list. Written on 18th century pergament for consistent reflection regarding the importance of utterly useless tasks. 🤷‍♂️

Have a good day / night / some other time which is not yet scientifically recognized, my good floofs - don't let weird topics which are established through already banned users (fortunately already banned!) direct your mood, please. ♥️

Good night (day?), until the next time we meet again.

Ah, and hello, ManuMare - doch wieso folgst du mir? :unsure: Ich werde dir, was immer du auch suchst oder anstrebst, nicht offerieren - bin reiner Exklusiv-Zoo, demnach kein Interesse an Menschen.