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Mine are weird because I can fall asleep early and quick but Ill wake up like 4-5 pm and struggle like fuck to get back to sleep. Most people have a hard time getting to sleep for me its staying asleep.
It's kinda odd. Indeed I have issues actually getting to sleep myself, sometimes I'll just be sitting there in bed for over an hour getting pissed that it's taking me so long to get to sleep because I only have X amount of hours left before I have to get up. Yet, getting pissed only serves to keep me awake even longer, it's a negative feedback loop. My father also has sleeping issues, but his are more like yours. He can get to sleep rather quickly, but usually after 3 hours of sleep his body wakes him up and it often takes him over an hour, sometimes 2, just to fall back asleep again. Neither are fun though.

It's kinda odd. Indeed I have issues actually getting to sleep myself, sometimes I'll just be sitting there in bed for over an hour getting pissed that it's taking me so long to get to sleep because I only have X amount of hours left before I have to get up. Yet, getting pissed only serves to keep me awake even longer, it's a negative feedback loop. My father also has sleeping issues, but his are more like yours. He can get to sleep rather quickly, but usually after 3 hours of sleep his body wakes him up and it often takes him over an hour just to fall back asleep again. Neither are fun though.

People in general are weird we share almost the exact same DNA yet the whole human population has an insane standard deviation and has produced some of the greatest achievements ever known. In fact 1000s of years of human marvels has gotten us to the point that I am typing on keys right now to talk to an unknown stranger somewhere in the US (you don't strike me as Canadian not yet heard an eh). And to top it all off we are united by a rather taboo obsession with other species. As stoned as I probably feel writing this out I think it's incredible that all of this produces people with vastly different motivations, goals, and sleeping patterns.


I see you cleared the edit history too... sneaky sneaky, Mare!

Do you guys ever play jokes on each others avatars?

EDIT: My bad on the double posting ...
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1394 Windows 95

Yep, we're all like 99.8% the same as one another and yet that 0.2% difference accounts for some wild deviations in our species. Genetics is truly an odd thing. Although I thought we already established that I was Korean? 이걸 번역했다면 안녕하세요!

Do you guys ever play jokes on each others avatars?
Nah, mostly because mods only have the ability to remove avatars. Not replace them. Although as an admin now, I actually do have the ability to change avatars and banners. But what fun is that when I have the ability and none of the other staff members that post here regularly do.

Oh, our floofy moderator got upgraded to floofy administrator! Holy macaroni, congratulations from the mischievous fox spirit et al. (y)

Somehow I summoned a black hole inside of my stomach two days ago. How did this happen?! How?!
I ate 7300 calories today and don't even feel nearly stuffed. Goddamn, life's hard if one wants to keep muscular-sleek but gets hungry like a hoard of wolves in the wooden forests.
1394 Double Nein!

Indeed, and thanks! It's been about a week and a half now since the upgrade in position. I've already made some minor tweaks to the forum myself like changing the "Banned User" badge to red, instead of it being the same color as the "Staff Member" badge. A change that, in my opinion, should have been done awhile ago. I also tweaked the warning message on the front page of the DF. As the "posts must remain relevant to the forum as a whole." line was pretty much a lie at this point.

Had nothing better to do today night than to read the whole conceptual "first heat" discussion and write a long response, which by approximately 93,824% of the potential readers of this forum will not be read in detail - due to length and too factual writing style without fetishism slangwords. 🤷‍♂️

It's somehow a hassle to have a "breedable dog -> able to reproduce" regulation but no directly understandable way to actually explain people that dogs - no matter the size - don't have an "adult body" just by reaching reproductive hormonal age, except if they're at least 15, better around 16-18 months of age on first heat, as this is when bones are actually starting to harden and growth declines (up until 24-28th month, mostly around 2 years of age).

And many other changes are in process, as example the antibody reaction procedures in the body and the used defensive mechanisms which get better self-analysis concepts over time.

There's much difference between "being able to reproduce" and "the body is grown up and able to handle all sorts of new situations as well as physical experiences".

Yeah that was a instant ban in my book, so nice of them to put it right there in their about me though.
Searching for girls / animals? One of the forbidden fetishism areas or abusive fantasies?

You've done the right thing by "exiting lane enforcement". :ROFLMAO:

A big red button called: "ban person X from existence itself" would sometimes be helpful. Prevents 1001 new accounts..

Ah oof. They could just put a silicone masturbator in the refrigerator and use it dry, should almost have the same result.
(Didn't people usually strive for an enjoyable experience? What went wrong there? Suggestion for maximal entertainment: they could use a mixer.)

Freud would have had hella fun with such people in his personal societal and sexual development theorems torture cellar. :ROFLMAO: