69 appears once every 100 counts, => 138,000 ÷ 100 = 1,380.I wonder just how many 69s we've gone through? Someone good at math will need to answer this. Lol
I tried to cheat earlier and searched for "how many consecutive times does 69 appear in 13,800?" but unfortunately I couldn't find much. It kept trying to give me the number of 69s in the first 10,000 digits of pi... which is not what I had asked for! Lol
That is very much correct. I have only calculated how many times a 9 follows a 6 up until 138,000.Dont you have to account for the times where they overlap? For example, you have already accounted for a 69 when doing a number such as 16969, when you did 1 69 every 100. So you would have to subtract that one from the overall count when you accounted for the consecutive 69s throughout 16900-16999