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Nah, I'm lucky enough to work remotely. As such, I don't have any bosses looking over my shoulders, and my only direct coworkers are my two doggy gals. I have what most would consider an "office" type job without getting too specific.
Very "covid era" type of work situation.
You enjoy that fully or do you from time to time miss the interaction with colleagues?

Worked a lot from home or in the field during covid, barely any interaction with anybody except the family. I did not like that, need people to interact with.

Sadly/luckily I can't make a living from my securities millions, as those don't exist.

You enjoy that fully or do you from time to time miss the interaction with colleagues?
It's a bit complicated. On one hand I do miss socializing with colleagues, I'm really the type of person that can strike up a conversation with most people, and as far as I can tell most people think I'm absolutely hilarious. That's about the only thing I miss about working in an actual office. However, I MUCH prefer working at home. It makes taking care of my dogs so much easier. It's just me and them. I don't have anyone else living in my house, and I hate leaving them home alone for more than 9 hours a day. I also don't miss the commute either. In fact, if they ever try to send me back I'll immediately be looking for another job that still offers remote work.
It's a bit complicated.
Isn't life always?
My boys aren't really that bothered if they are left "alone", they like to be in the dog yard (not a small place and many "brain training"-stuff exist). But they don't need to be alone and can even tag along when it is work time, but not when it is serious work time with proper clothing, even if it would be hilarious to have them run around in the office building to greet everybody.

Unfortunately both of my girls have varying levels of separation anxiety, they both don't like being left alone. Both of them came from less than ideal backgrounds before they found a stable home with me as adults. Especially my littler girl. From what her prior owner has told me, she was quite neglected, and while I don't have any direct proof, she shows signs (like hand cowering) that she was most likely abused/hit/struck quite often. Even though they're both living happy spoiled stables lives with me now and for many years now, it's hard to undue the damage they experienced in adolescence.

Horrifying to read. Very lucky gals that ended up with you. Too many people don't care for their animals and some are even...."not a suitable discription for F&G."

No separation anxiety on mine, more the other way around as they just rush in to the forest when the leash goes off. They check in on me/us once in a while, more to see that we are still where they left us or look bothered that we can't keep up with them.
But they are from a "work alone but with some contact with the handler"-type of breed, and no neglect or abuse earlier in their life, so they do as that breed have been breeded to do:
Where ?(no moose emoji) ???
I go find???!

Yeah, unfortunately there's not much I can do about their past, the only thing I can do is continue to give them a brighter future with all the love, care, happiness, toys, and good food a canine could ever hope to have. :)

Heh, you boys definitely sound like the wild working breed type, independent and adventurous... also...

Dog fart! ?

Nah but seriously though, I don't know how I ended up failing that badly! Lol
What goes around comes around I guess.

Among non-military people it makes little sense.
If so, pardon my intention to show you my respect for you.
As it did not go the way I intended and was recieved as a strange greeting instead of the respectful "Hello good sir" I aimed for it to be.