You also let the stocks, bonds and funds pay for your living?eill, the biggest benefit is that I'm essentially getting paid to browse this site! ?
Nah, I'm lucky enough to work remotely. As such, I don't have any bosses looking over my shoulders, and my only direct coworkers are my two doggy gals. I have what most would consider an "office" type job without getting too specific.You also let the stocks, bonds and funds pay for your living?
Very "covid era" type of work situation.Nah, I'm lucky enough to work remotely. As such, I don't have any bosses looking over my shoulders, and my only direct coworkers are my two doggy gals. I have what most would consider an "office" type job without getting too specific.
It's a bit complicated. On one hand I do miss socializing with colleagues, I'm really the type of person that can strike up a conversation with most people, and as far as I can tell most people think I'm absolutely hilarious. That's about the only thing I miss about working in an actual office. However, I MUCH prefer working at home. It makes taking care of my dogs so much easier. It's just me and them. I don't have anyone else living in my house, and I hate leaving them home alone for more than 9 hours a day. I also don't miss the commute either. In fact, if they ever try to send me back I'll immediately be looking for another job that still offers remote work.You enjoy that fully or do you from time to time miss the interaction with colleagues?
Isn't life always?It's a bit complicated.