I don't find it degrading at all.
.. very well written explanation ..
I can rant and become angry too, but I will not excuse my feelings.
If people like trees that much - not a problem. The concept I wrote about is basically the opposite of a "phile", tho - that's what annoys me.No bashing on dendrophiles @YanchaOkami that is kink shaming ?.
It goes interesting. How's things for you ? ?112373
How goes it, ??
Have a wonderful late Friday, early Saturday all.
Ahh of course know that one too. My kind of dog, my kind of scene.112388
It was absolutely enjoyable, but not "strawberry colored".
And this color scheme didn't leave my mind, hehe.
Here's some different smut for you floofs, this is basically what I understand as an almost-realistic feral drawing in a human pose, which mostly is only fulfilled by anthro drawings, quite interesting, but it's a large file format as I didn't resample it: