Well boy its not been fun so far. It happened a few weeks ago now but it's been very tense and almost no talk together except whats Necessary.
So quick run down I grew up on a farm still am on one we have animals too and I've talked about how I got started with jack. He's my horse im with. I have other posts about all that. And I'm not looking for a place to go or nothing like that I'm an adult but there still my parents.
But anyway A few weeks ago I got caught because my dad heard something as I snuck out before bed and he ended up seeing my give jack some love and well I gave him a blow job and then tried to push him inside me and thats when my dad caught me and well bitching me out might be an understatement he pulled me by my hair out of his stall slaped me asking me what the fuck was I doing and thinking called me lots of mean things then he threatened to kill jack and I had to fight him not to balling my eyes out and pleading I had to punch him to get him to listen but he still is talking about getting rid of him be it put him down or sell him.
So that's kinda where I'm at now. And well my parents both know now but haven't told anyone else I believe and dont want to call the cops because well they don't hate me that much I guess. I'm just wondering if anyone could give me some tips to tell them how I feel with jack and that I'm not sick or anything like that.
I look forward to your replies and hopefully we can solve this with them. I still love my parents and dont want to leave unless it gets worse or something like that.
I would focus on establishing my independence. This would be true whether you were a zoophile or not and whether you were out as a zoophile or not.
In my experience, relationships between parents and their adult children tend to get better, over time, if their children are applying for jobs and then, once they have those jobs, researching realistically affordable housing or saving for a respectable and utilitarian used automobile. In fact, it is unusual for parents to inhibit any initiative their adult children are taking to advance themselves.
However, my experience is also that the same relationships can become toxic or even violent if their children are not attempting to move forward. Except in the case of extraordinary disabilities, the resentment and the tension just keeps building up and escalating.
So I would change the subject. I would refocus the subject on finding ways to improve my level of independence. I would look for opportunities to get new certificates for working in lucrative jobs in fields that are currently hiring. I would also ask for my parents' feedback and respect their feedback and their advice. I would get their attention focused as much as possible on positive ways to move forward.
Sucking someone else's animal is a very bad idea. If they bring it up with you again, tell them another zoophile told you that, and the advice that you are getting from other zoophiles is that you ought to respect the boundaries that other people have in regard to their own animals. That's coming from another zoophile who is older and more experienced: we have experience, so many of us have had to learn this the hard way. People are very sensitive about their animals. They can become the most hideous green-eyed monsters over their animals, and what is most painful is that they will sometimes destroy their animals over it, following the same sinister and atavistic instinct to what causes people in more antediluvian cultures to have women stoned to death for fornication even when those women might have actually been manipulated into that situation. People have a compartment in their heads where certain kinds of objects of their affection are also defective if they are anything besides sexually pure, which is related to the practice of clitoral circumcision in some countries. There is a direct link, in my opinion, between extreme misogyny and people's obsession over the erasure of animal sexuality. It's why we have radio advertisements demanding that people neuter their dogs before they are even old enough to get a boner: it's not really because they have to, and it's not really about the animal's health. The "neuter them the minute there is even the slightest chance that doing so won't kill them" political machine is really about preserving people's narrative that animals are inherently bereft of even the capacity for sexual initiative unless they are somehow defective. When you suddenly shatter people's illusions about their own animals, they can turn against their animals, which you are seeing it first-hand. This is directly related to the atavistic instinct that causes people in primitive cultures to believe that women are only valid if they remain virgins until they have been pressured into marriages in which they are treated as chattel and not really treated with very much dignity until after having produced enough healthy boy children to fuel the tribal war machine. People have somehow put animals into that same primitive compartment, and I think that this is a reaction to pro-neutering propaganda. It is therefore just as dangerous to have sex with someone else's animal as it would be to sleep with the "tender virgin maids" of a war-like tribe of violent savages. It's not just dangerous for you, but the same people will turn the same violence against their own animals.
It's going to be hard enough to get people to accept that our own animal spouses, which we own the breeding papers for, are in a different category from the creatures they force to remain sexually infantile. We will be lucky if we ever get people that far, and most zoophiles still are not sure that we ever can. This is not just a controversy in society at large, but it is a major controversy within the zooey community. Many zoophiles want to try to turn the clock back to a bygone era, but they do not understand that that was a time when there were more people that had free-roaming animals that might have had many different households feeding them. Our culture has changed, and people are more protective now of their pets. We cannot really turn the clock back to a time that no longer exists. I think that those zoophiles that want us to go backwards in time are just not accepting that the society around us has changed, and they have a sort of false idea that we can avoid dealing with the consequences of that change by trying to bully and intimidate and bribe our fellow zoophiles into trying to practice zoophilia the way that we did in the 1980's. Those kinds of misguided reactionaries still constitute a slim majority in the zooey community, but I think that a growing number of zoophiles are starting to understand what madness it is to go into such a state of denial about the fact that the world around us has changed. The road ahead is hard, but the road back to where we came from no longer exists.
I am of the opinion that a time will come when a slim majority of people, in the most educated countries, actually can accept the idea that animal spouses are not in the same category as conventional pets, but I think that we can only swing people over to that point-of-view if we can give them reassurance that we are not a threat to their illusions they prefer to have about their pets. We can only succeed if we can establish in people's minds the idea that animal spouses are in a different category from pets, just like working animals are in a different category from pets: people have no trouble with the idea of giant clydesdales risking life and limb hauling logs over treacherous terrain that heavy equipment could not possibly access because they have compartmentalized those working animals into a different category, even though they can also see a member of the same species as a profoundly fragile thing that may as well be made out of spun glass. People CAN learn to see your OWN animal as your spouse, but they will never be able to accept if you are attracted to members of the same species that they view as pets. This is a weird thing about the human mind's capacity for compartmentalization. As bizarre as it is, you can only ever learn how to tame an animal by accepting its nature. The same wisdom applies also to humans.
This is not the 1980's. People now have a high level of sensitivity about their animal pets. We cannot go backward in time. We zoophiles need to break with outdated conventional behaviors of zoophiles and adapt to our changing times.
It does not cost you much to get some pastureland in a remote area and a small pony. Getting a small sized equine of your own is not a far-away dream that you can only ever aspire to achieving by late middle-age. If you otherwise live frugally and abstain from other excesses, you can afford a small horse or a pony or a donkey if you are working in any dignifying occupation. In the future, we can work on getting people to respect your own boundaries that you have in regard to your animal spouses, but if this is going to work, we must come to believe that we have a right to those boundaries and a right to stand up for those boundaries.
So right now, the subject to focus on is your independence.