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Caught by parents and looking for advise.

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Well boy its not been fun so far. It happened a few weeks ago now but it's been very tense and almost no talk together except whats Necessary.

So quick run down I grew up on a farm still am on one we have animals too and I've talked about how I got started with jack. He's my horse im with. I have other posts about all that. And I'm not looking for a place to go or nothing like that I'm an adult but there still my parents.
But anyway A few weeks ago I got caught because my dad heard something as I snuck out before bed and he ended up seeing my give jack some love and well I gave him a blow job and then tried to push him inside me and thats when my dad caught me and well bitching me out might be an understatement he pulled me by my hair out of his stall slaped me asking me what the fuck was I doing and thinking called me lots of mean things then he threatened to kill jack and I had to fight him not to balling my eyes out and pleading I had to punch him to get him to listen but he still is talking about getting rid of him be it put him down or sell him.

So that's kinda where I'm at now. And well my parents both know now but haven't told anyone else I believe and dont want to call the cops because well they don't hate me that much I guess. I'm just wondering if anyone could give me some tips to tell them how I feel with jack and that I'm not sick or anything like that.

I look forward to your replies and hopefully we can solve this with them. I still love my parents and dont want to leave unless it gets worse or something like that.
I do not unfortunately see much we can tell you that could help you. Only you know your parents only you know their views and opinions and what you could use to talk to them.
But you will have to all sit down and talk about it calmly, no yelling they and you have to be able to think. Which is not possible when you are upset and emotional.
You could show them Miletski's book Understanding bestiality and zoophilia and ask them to read it to get an idea of what zoophilia is.
I agree with Pes, I don't know that I have any advice to offer. I did come out to my girlfriend, it was difficult and very upsetting for me, fraught with the possibility of having to give up my life for my gf. I was lucky. But short of getting them to listen, if you even can, I don't know what you can do.

Maybe show them this community after you've spoken to them?

I hope everything works out. ?
Get the forum nicely reported to the authorities?
I was rather hoping that following a discussion and reassurance, they would come around and be supportive! This community is probably well-known to certain authorities............
I'm sorry this happened to you, Erica, and I don't really have advice except to give it time. Maybe be open to talk, but without pushing the subject? Like @pes said, here only you know your parents. Maybe friends who know you, your interests and your parents can give you advice?

Maybe show them this community after you've spoken to them?
I don't know ... there are all the porn sections and people seeking access to other people's animals. My feeling is that it may not make someone's worried parents worry less.
I feel for you and have no great advice. In my case; I was caught by my cousin who outed me to many of my friends. I basically told them it was none of their business and to go fuck themselves if they didn't like it. Obviously parents are a whole different situation - I'm hoping you guys can come to an understanding.
Just tell them you have needs. If your dad is the big time redneck and his course of action follows killing/selling the horse and or some form of reinforced therapy for your "illness", then it's indicative of other stuff to possibly come along in the future. He won't just "forget" about it, that's for sure, as that will have left an imprint on him.

Don't ever let anybody try to change your "appetites", my little Starling. Maybe time to evaluate where you want to really be. Unfortunately you got caught, but in life you can't make the omelette without breaking the eggs
As some one who grew up having her ass beat with a belt for every little infraction. I feel for you. Though I am not sure what you could do other than give them some room. as mentioned right above me, he dosn't seem like the type to just forget. If he is going to be physically abusing you, you might want to consider leaving. No matter how pissed some one is at you it does not give them a right to attack you.
Well boy its not been fun so far. It happened a few weeks ago now but it's been very tense and almost no talk together except whats Necessary.

So quick run down I grew up on a farm still am on one we have animals too and I've talked about how I got started with jack. He's my horse im with. I have other posts about all that. And I'm not looking for a place to go or nothing like that I'm an adult but there still my parents.
But anyway A few weeks ago I got caught because my dad heard something as I snuck out before bed and he ended up seeing my give jack some love and well I gave him a blow job and then tried to push him inside me and thats when my dad caught me and well bitching me out might be an understatement he pulled me by my hair out of his stall slaped me asking me what the fuck was I doing and thinking called me lots of mean things then he threatened to kill jack and I had to fight him not to balling my eyes out and pleading I had to punch him to get him to listen but he still is talking about getting rid of him be it put him down or sell him.

So that's kinda where I'm at now. And well my parents both know now but haven't told anyone else I believe and dont want to call the cops because well they don't hate me that much I guess. I'm just wondering if anyone could give me some tips to tell them how I feel with jack and that I'm not sick or anything like that.

I look forward to your replies and hopefully we can solve this with them. I still love my parents and dont want to leave unless it gets worse or something like that.
I would also say give them time and space but try to save Jack and try to explain how you love him and it was not just for sex, I don't think you will be able to change their mind if your dad tried to kill him. Why did you decide to go now to him?
Well boy its not been fun so far. It happened a few weeks ago now but it's been very tense and almost no talk together except whats Necessary.

So quick run down I grew up on a farm still am on one we have animals too and I've talked about how I got started with jack. He's my horse im with. I have other posts about all that. And I'm not looking for a place to go or nothing like that I'm an adult but there still my parents.
But anyway A few weeks ago I got caught because my dad heard something as I snuck out before bed and he ended up seeing my give jack some love and well I gave him a blow job and then tried to push him inside me and thats when my dad caught me and well bitching me out might be an understatement he pulled me by my hair out of his stall slaped me asking me what the fuck was I doing and thinking called me lots of mean things then he threatened to kill jack and I had to fight him not to balling my eyes out and pleading I had to punch him to get him to listen but he still is talking about getting rid of him be it put him down or sell him.

So that's kinda where I'm at now. And well my parents both know now but haven't told anyone else I believe and dont want to call the cops because well they don't hate me that much I guess. I'm just wondering if anyone could give me some tips to tell them how I feel with jack and that I'm not sick or anything like that.

I look forward to your replies and hopefully we can solve this with them. I still love my parents and dont want to leave unless it gets worse or something like that.
You’re dad sounds like an asshole. If you were my daughter and the same situation occurred, I would apologize and leave you in privacy.
Ignore the subject, try to pretend it didnt happen - relationship with parents will improve, but you will probably lose your horse.
Talk about it with parents, try to show them that its not strange - relationship with parents will most likely deteriorate, and you will probably still lose your hose
I dont see a lot of options to be honest. If you are intend on keeping your horse, offer to have him 'fixed' as a sort of peace offering, and offer to go in therapy. Then once you move out, you are free to do as you please. Parents probably wont ask by then, afraid to learn the truth. But for the short term... well I hope I'm wrong.
i'm really sorry this happened to you, i can't even imagine how that must feel...
i guess the bright side is that your parents probably won't out you anywhere else, "shame on the family" or whatever... i'm fairly sure that if my father caught me when i was living with them, half of my village would know before next morning.

is Jack yours or your father's? if he's yours, is having him boarded somewhere else an option? might be a bit extreme, but maybe even move somewhere else yourself, give them space to process this and have them contact you when they feel ready to talk about it?

i can't really offer much else
I do not unfortunately see much we can tell you that could help you. Only you know your parents only you know their views and opinions and what you could use to talk to them.
But you will have to all sit down and talk about it calmly, no yelling they and you have to be able to think. Which is not possible when you are upset and emotional.
You could show them Miletski's book Understanding bestiality and zoophilia and ask them to read it to get an idea of what zoophilia is.
I had no idea of that book. Thats a maybe. I know them fairly well and well I know they are conflicted themselves about this. And I've tried talking and have kept mostly a level head.
I agree with Pes, I don't know that I have any advice to offer. I did come out to my girlfriend, it was difficult and very upsetting for me, fraught with the possibility of having to give up my life for my gf. I was lucky. But short of getting them to listen, if you even can, I don't know what you can do.

Maybe show them this community after you've spoken to them?

I hope everything works out. ?
Thanks and well I've gotten them to listen to some of it they still don't agree but they know they are hurting me how there acting.
I'm sorry this happened to you, Erica, and I don't really have advice except to give it time. Maybe be open to talk, but without pushing the subject? Like @pes said, here only you know your parents. Maybe friends who know you, your interests and your parents can give you advice?

I don't know ... there are all the porn sections and people seeking access to other people's animals. My feeling is that it may not make someone's worried parents worry less.
Yeah I think for the most part its not a good idea maybe Excerpts from here that's probably about it just the good things not that porn and all that isn't good. But I think keeping it to good info would be best.
I feel for you and have no great advice. In my case; I was caught by my cousin who outed me to many of my friends. I basically told them it was none of their business and to go fuck themselves if they didn't like it. Obviously parents are a whole different situation - I'm hoping you guys can come to an understanding.
Thats no fun and yeah big difference but again being caught at all is scary. But thanks
Just tell them you have needs. If your dad is the big time redneck and his course of action follows killing/selling the horse and or some form of reinforced therapy for your "illness", then it's indicative of other stuff to possibly come along in the future. He won't just "forget" about it, that's for sure, as that will have left an imprint on him.

Don't ever let anybody try to change your "appetites", my little Starling. Maybe time to evaluate where you want to really be. Unfortunately you got caught, but in life you can't make the omelette without breaking the eggs
My dad isn't a terrible guy I've looked up to him my whole life and he has taught me how to run the place when they give me the farm I think they are past the anger because my dad had ample time to and he hasn't hell in fact he is still feeding and doing everything else as normal. But I won't let them or anyone else change me I still love my jack.
As some one who grew up having her ass beat with a belt for every little infraction. I feel for you. Though I am not sure what you could do other than give them some room. as mentioned right above me, he dosn't seem like the type to just forget. If he is going to be physically abusing you, you might want to consider leaving. No matter how pissed some one is at you it does not give them a right to attack you.
My dad has never hit maybe a spanking when I was little but the next day he apologized for hitting me and my dad don't cry but he fought back tears he was mad still but he told me sorry for that at least. He is no woman beater.
You’re dad sounds like an asshole. If you were my daughter and the same situation occurred, I would apologize and leave you in privacy.
Well I mean if I saw my daughter doing that I would probably encourage but thats me. He isn't an asshole he is just harsh sometimes and much like my earlier comments my dad has apologized but still won't let me near him or the other horses. Btw the only one I'm active / was is jack.
i'm really sorry this happened to you, i can't even imagine how that must feel...
i guess the bright side is that your parents probably won't out you anywhere else, "shame on the family" or whatever... i'm fairly sure that if my father caught me when i was living with them, half of my village would know before next morning.

is Jack yours or your father's? if he's yours, is having him boarded somewhere else an option? might be a bit extreme, but maybe even move somewhere else yourself, give them space to process this and have them contact you when they feel ready to talk about it?

i can't really offer much else
Thanks but yeah they haven't told anyone as far as I know.
Jack is mine kinda. He was born when I was 4 so he is 20 years old or will be next year so he is mine as in I've always been told he is mine. But ownership idk like in the legal aspect.
You’re actually handling it pretty well it sounds like. I can’t imagine getting caught by a parent. I got caught by a neighbor, but he was a hippy so he seemed to be quick to forget all about it. I get so goddamn fearful of anyone hurting my horses.

I would probably try to find a moment of levity if at all possible. Tell him you don’t want to move to Tijuana, you just love your jack, and tell him your mortified about it. At some point you’re going to have to challenge him, and if you have to fib and say you’re ashamed or something, then whatever helps put his mind at ease.

Tell him you were curious or something. I’m sure deep down he wants to get over it as much as you do, and you don’t blame him for losing his mind. It is A Lot to ask a parent to be accepting about.
PS: If you ever think that the donkey is going to get sent off. Message me or maybe someone else you know you can trust. I’m connected. Rescuing horses is a mission not lightly taken on, but if he goes away, my guess is your dad will not want you to know where he ends up
It’s definitely tough situation.....personally, I’d first try and understand your parents points of view and verbally reassure them you understand what they might be feeling, then after giving them a sense that I was seeing their point of view....Id try and minimize the situation....such as you weren’t hurting him and it’s not like you were digging a shallow grave to bury a body....then I’d be honest and say I was just curious and experimenting or something on those lines...hope some of that might help....either way, realize what you’ve done isn’t the first time someone has done that and you won’t be the last....the sun will come up tomorrow and this won’t be the end of the world....in the end keep things in perspective and continue to set and reach goals to have a productive and happy life....best of luck ?
Damm, that sucks, i can't understand the situation but that's something i always feared. At least your parents didn't get your out from the house. I know it's hard to explain, and to understand as well, not every head works the same way. But at least i'd like you could get back in terms of being okay with your parents and follow your lifestyle, you ain't hurting either bothering no one.
so far what happened with jack.

explain all the events so far so im recapped and answer the best i can
Well after being caught or beforehand? And he is fine my parents talked about selling him or getting rid of him in a worse way. But I had like no contact with him and jack was very upset not eating much kicking his stall and bitting the wood of his stall. Well I got to go out and feed and clean him so far he has settled down he really missed me for the last few weeks.
well just ease down your parents and say your really want to keep him on the condition saying its a "one time thing outta curiousity" and willing to do more things. "just please dont get rid of him" idk im just putting words in here to see if that will help. your dad sounds like he cares about you but doesnt know zoophilia is. as you say hes not a woman/child beater.
In all fairness, it was their combination of DNA that made you. It’s not like we sign up and wait in line to pick out our kinks. Your dad should just as well smack himself in the nuts and punch your mom in the ovaries.
Well once the year settles down hopefully we have the last of the fields delt with before November and that he and my mom want to sit down and talk try to keep a level head and just talk why. I might be honest that im attracted to him and I love him more then just loving an animal. I don't know if they would buy that it was my fist try because I was curious. But I still could use it. And not to sound greedy or anything but I would like to still be with jack honestly I could enjoy some alone time with jack rn
In all fairness, it was their combination of DNA that made you. It’s not like we sign up and wait in line to pick out our kinks. Your dad should just as well smack himself in the nuts and punch your mom in the ovaries.
Yeah I mean I wasn't happy he did hit me in fact it pissed me off. But he did apologize and said sorry it was also the first time he did something like that. But hopefully they will listen to me and maybe it will work out their not bad parents.
I know and thanks I am just kinda building off all the advice and well seeing if what um thinking makes sense. It scares me talking to them about this but they told me I have nothing to worry about him or where I'm going to live.
if it makes you feel better i was caught once. honestly i was scared also. good thing they forgot about it granted some other family disaster happened BUT they did forget. (at least hopefully)
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