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Bestiality vs Human Sex

Which is most true in your experience of human sex vs bestiality?

  • I am a male, and sex with animals was more pleasurable.

    Votes: 1,040 28.0%
  • I am a female, and sex with animals was more pleasurable.

    Votes: 340 9.1%
  • I am a male, and sex with humans was more pleasurable.

    Votes: 353 9.5%
  • I am a female, and sex with humans was more pleasurable.

    Votes: 65 1.7%
  • I've never had sex with an animal.

    Votes: 1,289 34.7%
  • I've never had sex with a human.

    Votes: 141 3.8%
  • I've never had sex.

    Votes: 488 13.1%

  • Total voters
Each have their own benefits, I dont know wheter I could pick a favourite. The thing I love about a human partner is the social interaction, you know when there enjoying thenselves because they'll tell you or express with moans and groans, but I do love the raw/primal feelings you get when a dogs pounding away dominating in your ass ?
Um I hope your not saying you can't tell when a dog is enjoying themselves just because they don't use spoken language. I've always found animals to be pretty good at telling you what they enjoy if only you care to really listen.
I mean sure, take it from someone who has broken 18 bones doing dumb shit. But there's calculated risks and then there's dumb risks taken with your penis being in charge
Oh you mean like say: when I got my leg broken by my bull, because I chucked all the usual cattle safety stuff out the window for a few split seconds and put myself between a 600Kg+ animal and solid steel yard rails. I was horny and he was wound up because he had been in the next paddock to a group of cows that were giving him that plaintive moo and tail flick that all bovine know the meaning of. So I was just going to help him out and let him cum in my hand to get some relief. After it happened I rolled my self out of the yard through the rails and he came over stuck his head through the rails and gave me a lick, but for some reason I was no longer in the mood to help him out as his version of foreplay was a tiny bit to rough for a mere human like me. :gsd_sad: I knew better and I just had to stay outside the yards till he had walked himself into the large shoot where I would put him for such activities. Hind sight is a wonderful thing, but avoiding situations where your dick leads you to doing stupid things is even better.
For me its just depends on the experience. I will say on average sex with animals is more pleasurable. In my case (canines) being with both male and females also carries that forbidden love factor which adds to the experience I'm sure.

For guys only one guy exceeded time with my lab (m) and thats cause most guys don't know how to fuck plain and simple. Encounters end up as oh that was nice glad he got off, or let me make a million adjustments to my position so I feel any satisfaction. My lab gave me my first hands free orgasm so yeah can imagine that satisfaction.

For my late retriever (f) its a toss up. I loved every minute with her but meet a lot more woman that either is a demon in bed or its like this girls a dead fish in disguise lmao. So definitely middle of the road on this one overall
It’s the feeling when your dog starts sniff your privates. Then comes back more and more and tries to lick you. Gives you kisses. After awhile you know they are trying to mate with you. It’s a very intense feeling. No human has given me a feeling so intense. When my dog wants me she cuddles in bed and starts licking me, works her way down to my cock. Intense feel to know your dog wants you.
For me its just depends on the experience. I will say on average sex with animals is more pleasurable. In my case (canines) being with both male and females also carries that forbidden love factor which adds to the experience I'm sure.

For guys only one guy exceeded time with my lab (m) and thats cause most guys don't know how to fuck plain and simple. Encounters end up as oh that was nice glad he got off, or let me make a million adjustments to my position so I feel any satisfaction. My lab gave me my first hands free orgasm so yeah can imagine that satisfaction.

For my late retriever (f) its a toss up. I loved every minute with her but meet a lot more woman that either is a demon in bed or its like this girls a dead fish in disguise lmao. So definitely middle of the road on this one overall
What do you mean by a demon in bed? :unsure:
I couldn't cast a vote here. I've been with both Human females and bitches. Physical pleasure isn't what separated any of them. Some of the women were incredible, but so was Tippy. Other bitches I was with before her were OK, and some women were just OK. Shadow was better than OK on the physical pleasure, but... You see where I'm going. It's a comparison I just can't make. Sorry.

It is difficult to express my opinion. I had sex with a dog a long time ago and I confess I liked it a lot but it was only once. My wife is amazing in bed and that's hard to say. As for her, who has much more experience in sex with dogs, she always said that she finds it very different and even the feelings of intimacy. She says that with dogs she has faster and more intense orgasms, perhaps because it is necessary to keep track of their time.
In my thus far limited zoo experience (fondling a few mares and female dogs) I’d say that it’s more exciting than the human girls I’ve slept with and it feels much more primal but so far human girls have provided me with more satisfying carnal experiences.

The romantic experiences are the opposite, though. When I used to flirt with women it was exciting and ultimately extremely unsatisfying.
With other species the love is slow and steady and VERY satisfying ❤
There wasn't really the right answer for me. I said animals are more pleasing, but really it is that sex with my dog is just more exciting. And if I don't have to clean up right away, all the extra cum reminds me of the 'fun' a lot longer. I love the squishy feeling I have for hours after. Hubby drips out for just a few minutes then I hardly feel squishy at all.
I really don't know how to answer this... both are wonderful, but also very different. I love sex with both humans and dogs equally, but for different reasons. When it comes right down to it however, I suppose both feel amazing and both make me very very happy. I wouldn't want to give up either
This is an easy one for me.

I'm female. I'm not sexually interested in human males at all. I can enjoy sex with humans, but it's nowhere near the level of a beast to me. They're so different to me they're not even on the same plane.

I would give up humans forever in a second. There's nothing like the knot of a dog that fits you so well it's like he was made for you. It's a hard thing to not want again and again.
This is an easy one for me.

I'm female. I'm not sexually interested in human males at all. I can enjoy sex with humans, but it's nowhere near the level of a beast to me. They're so different to me they're not even on the same plane.

I would give up humans forever in a second. There's nothing like the knot of a dog that fits you so well it's like he was made for you. It's a hard thing to not want again and again.
im still jealous of their knot capability. wouldnt blame you there.
I have heard that the knotting experience itself, is what triggers women's multiple orgasms. The throbbing, persistent pressure on her g-spot as the animal ejaculates his much more voluminous, and warmer than human cum, seems to be the trigger. But to be quite honest, as many vids as I have watched of ladies being tied, its almost impossible to tell when or if they are cumming. Are there women here who would care to explain to me exactly what the knotting experience feels like to them, and does it result in multiple orgasm all of the time, some of the time, or not at all?
Never had it with human. Can't say I wouldn't want to try it, but I just get around with dogs much better, they are my to-go as a partner.
Each sexual experience was unique.... each human female and each four legger of either gender. There is no better for me.
Now RELATIONSHIP, I would prefer the furred veriety as there are no games; you know where you stand. Love is unconditional and blindsides are non existent.
So far never had sex with anything but humans. But liking the idea of it more and more, I guess as I've always had dogs that would be the way I'd lean. I guess when my current dog goes I'll maybe have to factor the possibility in of something more in our relationship.
Hands down animals are far more pleasurable for me. Example, I have tried having sex with a female human multiple time. I have cum while having sex with a female human only twice. On the other hand, I cum when having sex with a horse almost every time.