So, I've found these references.sorry, I do not, I want to say it was the first season though. maybe episode 4, 5, 6, 7, or 8.
Quotes from episode 4
" - They have started a rumor, Svenska and her gang. That, uh, you were not a virgin when you arrived.
You had, in fact, uh...I'll just ask it. There's no other way. Have you ever fucked a horse?
- A what? No! Oh, my God. They just neighed at me in the hall. I was riding a mule, I thought that was why. "
" - They fire something in me.
- Which brings me to this horse story.
- I wanted to, but the horse said no, and neigh means neigh.
- You are a delight. We are all animals, so I would not judge it harshly if you had. I once saw a deer so beautiful, I leant against a tree with my dress raised, hoping it would mount me. "

And drawings from episode 7