Zooville Settler
Google her name along with the word "dog" and I guarantee you'll get multiple results.Where can I find vids of her?
Google her name along with the word "dog" and I guarantee you'll get multiple results.Where can I find vids of her?
I especially like her leotard vid. Shame she didn't do a lot of vids in generalYes godiva is amazing. She only did a few videos, right? But God she's a beauty and the way she does what she does is incredibly sexy
proof?Simone still loves taking the knot and has never stopped in her private life
yeah Cupcake took it like a champ. You can see her struggle with the knots but moans with joy every time she gets oneI'm new to seeing a lot of these videos but there is someone named Cupcake(something) that seems to really love it.
Agreed. Yasmin is the GOAT imho. Shame her newer vids are not availableI've seen Yasmin with dogs and boars & she always seems to be enjoying the breeding. Wonder if she would play with equines??
Back in the day had the opportunity to chat with a couple of them and confirm that… lots of shady businesses, blackmail etc… kinda put me off porn in general tbh ?I was just thinking the same thing. I can imagine the women in the Brazilian stuff that came out 1990-2004 weren't really into it. Just there for a paycheck. At least that's what it seems to me, given how they weren't really into it, just moaning and looking bored.
Unfortunately I don't think Adilla treated her dogs very well.
soo private that in fact you're boasting about how private you're willing to keep said information!I know Stray-X, Cupcake and Vixen loved it. I chatted with all three when on GaiaGold and learned something about their private lives. Which information will remain private with me.
All 3 loved it.I know Stray-X, Cupcake and Vixen loved it. I chatted with all three when on GaiaGold and learned something about their private lives. Which information will remain private with me.
nope, im with ya on that i love chessie, those scenes are hotI've scanned through this entire thread and, unless I'm completely blind, no one has mentioned Chessie Moore. That's just wrong. Or am I showing my age??
please give some link of her full vdeosVeronica Silesto. Her body language speaks volumes and she seems very genuine when she used to interact with her fans. At least before she had to change domains...
It's always a struggle with the knotsyeah Cupcake took it like a champ. You can see her struggle with the knots but moans with joy every time she gets one
Two of my favorite actresses ?Godiva, Simone
Thats awesome to know, hers were the first full length videos i ever found. Gorgeous woman and seemed to enjoy every second of it!Simone still loves taking the knot and has never stopped in her private life
Has she really been silent? I thought she continued with her "regular" career.I can add that although there are not many bestiality films with her, Nana liked it very much
and she even planned to try it with a boar
Unfortunately, she has been silent for over a year and a half, which is a pity because she is beautiful and you can see that she enjoys it
Depends on the girl, I guessIt's always a struggle with the knots
Vixen and Cupcake 100% agree with you but also Stray X and you cannot forget Lise, No way any of those are faking. And there are thousands more. You know when a woman is enjoying something.Post which actresses you think/know are actually into what they're doing. My vote goes to Vixen or Cannibal Cupcake, because there's no way they're acting!
Lise looks like she loves itPost which actresses you think/know are actually into what they're doing. My vote goes to Vixen or Cannibal Cupcake, because there's no way they're acting!
Red Carpet is one of my all time favorite videos. Absolutely incredible knot and she seems to be in heaven.IDK why Zaina doesn't get any love from people. She was amazing and seemed to genuinely enjoy it.
Concordo plenamente, principalmente em vídeos "profissionais" onde você percebe que não é natural ou desejado...Eu estava pensando a mesma coisa. Posso imaginar que as mulheres do material brasileiro lançado entre 1990 e 2004 não gostavam muito disso. Só lá por um contracheque. Pelo menos é o que me parece, visto que eles não estavam realmente interessados nisso, apenas gemendo e parecendo entediados.
Dont make me laugh - That one was nothing but a dick-tease doing it for the money.Bilara?
Ok, I was only asking.Dont make me laugh - That one was nothing but a dick-tease doing it for the money.