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As a guy I'm super jealous of women

Precisely. I mean we're on a zoo forum and I think most of us are degenerates but I think it's still above cuckoldry. That is worse than this IMO.
I don't look down or judge cuckolds - to each their own. But let's call spades, well, spades, and not clubs.
Basically, if you're a guy and enjoy the shame/humilation/submissive aspect of watching the woman you're with get fucked by another man (or male animal) - getting off in being cheated on. Yes, there is a category for that.
Ya no. Not me. I’d be spinning the S&W.
However I’d have no problem with Jake taking a woman. Not sure if it’s the same?
I find the fact there is no verbal communication between us and dogs on our level to be a possible reason for me being content with it. Not sure if that makes sense but it’s an odd feeling.
If I ever find a zoo woman to get with, it's not going to be cuckoldry - I'm not getting off on the cheating, the shame or the humiliation. Fuck that. If I was a cuck, why not just go find a chick with a cuck fantasy and spend time with her while I feel bad that she's cheating on me instead of looking for a zoo woman?

That makes no sense.

then what kind of relationship you would have with a k9 woman then?
then what kind of relationship you would have with a k9 woman then?
It probably be something like polyamory. It’s difficult to grasp the concept of that kind of life is off putting to you. As I had sed on here before, if I wasn’t in the mood but you didn’t want to leave her hanging. The dog would be more then willing at the time giving you some time off. ?
Don't take it so seriously, that's just young men doing their thing. I know it's a PITA, but the ones you should look out for are the ones that are persistent after you told them to buzz off. As far as the whole *rape* thing goes, that's not too common fortunately.

If you want to know why guys hit on women so much,

You want to know why men (Actually, *EVERY* male of *EVERY* species that reproduces sexually, other than a relatively few biologically defective individuals - no, this isn't gay-bashing, though it may sound like it - see the footnote I'll add at the bottom so as not to derail the thought I'm actually going for here) hit on women (or their species' equivalent) almost constantly? I can tell you *EXACTLY* why, but chances are, you'll do what everybody else seems to: Figure out some way to delude themselves by saying "No, that can't possibly be right! We're better than that!" But that response, regardless of the words it gets expressed in, is pure, complete, total, utter *BULLSHIT*.

But here ya go anyway:
EVERY SINGLE LIVING THING on planet earth that uses sex as a reproductive method is two things, regardless of what species it belongs to, or *ANY* other consideration you can come up with. (This includes many, although not all, plants, bacteria, and fungi)

The first thing it is, is the result of a genetic combination that, somewhere back in the depths of pre-history, figured out the trick of making copies of itself. There are no exceptions. This statement applies to *EVERYTHING ALIVE THAT YOU CAN NAME* (as well as some things, such as viruses and prions, that we can't really say "This is/isn't alive" about with any more certainty than a reasonably educated guess) with absolutely no exceptions for any consideration you can dream up. None. Period. No discussion possible. Try to deny it using any logic you like, but no matter how well you argue the case, you will still be wrong. It's honestly that simple.

The second thing it is, is the offspring of a long line of living things that have (wait for it...) SUCCESSFULLY CREATED OFFSPRING. Now I know how simple-minded that sounds - I forget the word generally used for such statements - Tautology, perhaps? - but it remains true, regardless. NOTHING ALIVE TODAY has in it's genes any trace of EVEN A SINGLE ANCESTOR WHO FAILED TO REPRODUCE. By definition, if something is alive, it's the culmination of a line of successful reproducers that stretches *ALL THE WAY BACK* to the first cell that learned how to combine its genes with those of another similar cell to create a new copy (with relatively minor differences) of itself.

One characteristic shared by every such living entity, male or female, is the instinctive urge to make a copy of itself this way - even though sexual reproduction is, when considered in the close view, "only half a copy". How, precisely, does a male, of any species make a copy of itself? That's right - By getting his sperm (or his species' equivalent) into contact with the egg (or equivalent) of a female of his (or a closely-enough related to be interfertile) species.

Therefore, it's quite clear that, biologically speaking, the best strategy for reproducing his genes for *ANY* male, is to get as much of his sperm as he can into close proximity with as many viable (which usually implies "of his own species", give or take combinations such as "horse+donkey=mule", etc) eggs as he can. In other words, by mating with as many females of his species as he can.

How does he do that? Well, it's a pretty sure bet that if he makes no attempt at mating, he's going to fail to reproduce, wouldn't you say? "Outta the gene pool, buddy. You're done!"

The most successful reproducers get that way by mating with as many fertile female partners as possible, by any means that works - including (perhaps even "especially", in some species) flat-out "I'm gonna fuck you and blow my load inside you whether you like it or not" rape.

For a male, the best strategy is to mate with as many females as he possibly can, as often as he's able, no matter what it takes. In this way, he (hopefully) assures that his genes will go on. For a male, this strategy is biologically "cheap" - it takes little effort for a male to manufacture gazillions of viable sperm cells and spread them as widely as he can. For a female, where the majority of the effort of reproduction is heaviest, the best strategy is to only allow the "best" (You decide what constitutes "best" in any given case - I don't care enough to even try) male to mate with her so that her own genes (which, just like the male, she instinctively wants to pass along) have the best chance of surviving to the point where they can, in turn, pass their genes, and thus, at least some portion of the female's own genes, along to the next generation.

And that, nothing more, nothing less, is the reason males are always trying to mate with anything that will hold still long enough to get their dick into it, while females tend towards being "picky" about who/what they allow to mate with them.

The footnote I promised:
No, it isn't gay-bashing, and here's why: What I said up there is just as applicable to zoos/beasties (including myself), or fetishists that get off on fucking the tailpipes of cars, gays (or whatever the politically correct alphabet soup stupidity they insist on being called happens to be this week), screwballs who think that fucking corpses is great, or any other form of sexual gratification that doesn't result in the male's sperm at least having the realistic chance to meet up with a genetically-compatible egg. From a purely biological view, anything but "male squirts sperm into same-species female" is a maladaptive aberration - a clear, inarguable demonstration that the life-form doing it isn't fit to pass its genes on to the next generation. In terms of biology, defective.
It probably be something like polyamory. It’s difficult to grasp the concept of that kind of life is off putting to you. As I had sed on here before, if I wasn’t in the mood but you didn’t want to leave her hanging. The dog would be more then willing at the time giving you some time off. ?

polyamory I can understand you mean it that both sides want to experience more sexual experience so they open things up so they both can experience more so I the woman decides to have relations with a dog then pillar can decide he is choosing to add women - I can understand that thought while cuckldory is just humiliation and control issue.

About the situation you brought up - I guess it depends on the situation I am in.
if lets say I am in a far away farm and I am tired on regular basis\have a disease and my wife has needs I might actually prefer adding a male human to that situation. just because of loyalty to the human race.
if we already have kids I might consider it is best to make it happen with animals for the protection of our kids from a forien male. I guess it is all depends according to the situation LOL :ROFLMAO:
And that, nothing more, nothing less, is the reason males are always trying to mate with anything that will hold still long enough to get their dick into it, while females tend towards being "picky" about who/what they allow to mate with them.

picky? I know women that slept with over hundreds of guys. women are extremely horny the only issue is - they want the guy to make them feel they want to have relations - number one fantasy among women is - "RAPE".
polyamory I can understand you mean it that both sides want to experience more sexual experience so they open things up so they both can experience more so I the woman decides to have relations with a dog then pillar can decide he is choosing to add women - I can understand that thought while cuckldory is just humiliation and control issue.

About the situation you brought up - I guess it depends on the situation I am in.
if lets say I am in a far away farm and I am tired on regular basis\have a disease and my wife has needs I might actually prefer adding a male human to that situation. just because of loyalty to the human race.
if we already have kids I might consider it is best to make it happen with animals for the protection of our kids from a forien male. I guess it is all depends according to the situation LOL :ROFLMAO:
I honestly haven’t put too much thought into it mostly because my odds of ever finding a woman into or ok with zoo is marginal to the point it’s smaller then my crosshairs on my rifles.
I honestly haven’t put too much thought into it mostly because my odds of ever finding a woman into or ok with zoo is marginal to the point it’s smaller then my crosshairs on my rifles.

then try k9-dating.com
it is specificly for people who want to date other people who are into this.
then try k9-dating.com
it is specificly for people who want to date other people who are into this.
I got a hard time with online dating sights. To risky being zoo. Although I’m comfortable here.
im shocked they didn’t put up some dating sections on here.
The same men who say it’s better to be a woman wouldn’t last a day as one.

While it’s anything but easy, I also wouldn’t change a thing. Meanwhile those of you who have never been a woman could benefit from watching this Ted Talk. It’s by a middle-aged trans woman who transitioned later in life and definitively says that experiencing the world as a woman is way harder than experiencing it as a man.

So damn true. As a preop trans girl I can say that she's very right about the struggles we go through as women. It's not an easy life, as we have to contend not only with dealing with everybody else who looks down on us for being so different but our own sense of self identity.

It's not easy growing up programmed by society with the expectations put on us to live one way to try and relearn how to live life living as the other gender, trying to navigate in a world that's very much still ingrained in the gender binary that's very judgemental of us who defy that assumed binary.

There's a lot of pressure by our society to conform to the illusions if social normalcy, and people like me defy that illusion. But the worst part of it happens to those of us who start transitioning later in life. When a trans girl starts transitioning in her 30s or 40s, she will always be compared physically to the girls who began taking hormones in her teens and 20s. Compared to the trans girls in porn. And it really really sucks.

Starting hormones earlier is a huge advantage today. Starting later in life, after receding hairlines kick in and all that, it's like if we aren't rich we're effectively screwed.

And the world let's us know that every day.

It's a hard, quite often sucky life. Not sucky in the fun way either.
You want to know why ...

That was an enormous number of words to describe natural selection.
And you forgot the idiocracy joke at the end!

...sorry- drinking... really- last thing I should ever complain about is someone using too many words. pot/kettle
Welcome to costco I love you!
That was an enormous number of words to describe natural selection.
And you forgot the idiocracy joke at the end!

...sorry- drinking... really- last thing I should ever complain about is someone using too many words. pot/kettle
Welcome to costco I love you!
You'd be amazed at the number of otherwise intelligent, rational people I've spoken with who don't have any comprehension at all of what those two words (natural selection) imply. They don't understand that, like it or not, whether they realize it or not, it controls damn near every aspect of life. Including - ESPECIALLY including - sex.
So damn true. As a preop trans girl I can say that she's very right about the struggles we go through as women. It's not an easy life, as we have to contend not only with dealing with everybody else who looks down on us for being so different but our own sense of self identity.

It's not easy growing up programmed by society with the expectations put on us to live one way to try and relearn how to live life living as the other gender, trying to navigate in a world that's very much still ingrained in the gender binary that's very judgemental of us who defy that assumed binary.

There's a lot of pressure by our society to conform to the illusions if social normalcy, and people like me defy that illusion. But the worst part of it happens to those of us who start transitioning later in life. When a trans girl starts transitioning in her 30s or 40s, she will always be compared physically to the girls who began taking hormones in her teens and 20s. Compared to the trans girls in porn. And it really really sucks.

Starting hormones earlier is a huge advantage today. Starting later in life, after receding hairlines kick in and all that, it's like if we aren't rich we're effectively screwed.

And the world let's us know that every day.

It's a hard, quite often sucky life. Not sucky in the fun way either.
I'm not gonna listen to a talk made by a tranny. It's a mental illness and nothing to be proud of.
My two cents are as follows

Cent 1: men get raped too, albeit much less than women. To pretend men don’t get raped is to be one of three things: ignorant of facts, willfully ignorant, and sexist.

Cent 2: just recently there was a law passed in the US that added women to the draft too. Only women turning 18 the year the law passed and after will be added, so anyone who was of legal age before then would not be signing up.
OMG lol!! It is fun being a woman... To a point. Sex is fun but men misunderstanding my love for canines without care feels violating. Men telling me to accept their views of "dogs are just sex toys" no matter how insulting that is to me is annoying!! I've also been told to "espouse my feminism elsewhere" after pointing out double standards; and I've gotten refractions from a vengeful mod for defending animal rights advocacy groups instead of his precious modern zoophilia group think. Oh and don't get me started on beast.chat lol.

Men get away with congratulating each other for redefining zoophilia with unheard of stupidity, and "creating a movement" at the expense of women who have to put up with it's consequences. I mean, who came up with "zoo romantic?' and what does it even mean? Why should I feel angry at people for hating zoos when some earn their criticism? Moreover why should I stigmatize stray dogs instead of nurturing them like family regardless if I have sex with him or not? Lastly is it really that offensive when I notice most 'zoo' men are using their buttholes to replace vaginas, then state that this won't work out in the end?

I mean if anything given this group think at the hands of male driven zoophilia, k9 sex just gives women a better option of getting fucked
picky? I know women that slept with over hundreds of guys. women are extremely horny the only issue is - they want the guy to make them feel they want to have relations - number one fantasy among women is - "RAPE".
Picky? Yes we are picky much more than what you seem to think dinadina. If you do know women (plural) that have slept with hundreds of guys (which I doubt that you do know any) then they are most likely prostitutes. Normal women don't sleep with hundreds of guys.

Your statement "women are extremely horny" is another example of the male placing himself in a superior position. Women are for the most part less "horny" than men. Statistically, the homosexual man will in his lifetime have more sexual partners than other human beings. Second statistically is the bisexual man. Ironic that the top 2 positions are occupied by men if women are extremely horny.

Here is a screenshot from the CDC concerning the "Lifetime Average number of sexual partners" and you can clearly see that women sleep with less than half as many partners than men.

CDC Screenshot.jpg
Lastly, your reference that the number 1 fantasy of women is "RAPE" True, but this does not mean that we want to be raped. Keep one thing in mind as you scroll through any list for many of the fantasies most commonly reported by women, the majority of women didn’t want the fantasy to actually come true. For example, most women who fantasized about being dominated sexually didn’t want to be dominated in real life. Sometimes a fantasy is just a fantasy.

A recent study suggests that rape fantasies are most prevalent among women who are the most erotically open and adventurous, who feel most comfortable daydreaming about sexual situations way beyond what they’d ever want to experience.

Sexual-desirability has been the major explanation why that women have rape fantasies to bolster feelings of seductiveness and desirability. I’m so hot. I drive men crazy.

In fantasy, everything is permitted and nothing is wrong. Not everyone accepts this, but as sexual openness increases, so does willingness to daydream about sexual scenarios one would never really want to experience.

Women who have rape fantasies don’t want to be sexually assaulted. They feel comfortable with their own sexuality and are able to embrace their erotic fantasies.
Picky? Yes we are picky much more than what you seem to think dinadina. If you do know women (plural) that have slept with hundreds of guys (which I doubt that you do know any) then they are most likely prostitutes. Normal women don't sleep with hundreds of guys.

not prostitutes. just very sexual women. and you don't have to believe me if you dont want.

Your statement "women are extremely horny" is another example of the male placing himself in a superior position

saying that women are very horny has nothing to do with superiority.

Women are for the most part less "horny" than men.

just not true. women are more emotional about it but are very horny and more likely to want a serious relationship attached to it.

Lastly, your reference that the number 1 fantasy of women is "RAPE" True, but this does not mean that we want to be raped.

i never said women want to be raped. it is mostly just wanting to be dominated by a strong male although some women actually want to be raped wether it is in planned rape or even random one.

the majority of women didn’t want the fantasy to actually come true. For example, most women who fantasized about being dominated sexually didn’t want to be dominated in real life. Sometimes a fantasy is just a fantasy.

alot (not all and not that many) say that but just because they fear of the situation of being disrespected. usually when it gets to the real situation with what they see as the right person they want it to happen.

A recent study suggests that rape fantasies are most prevalent among women who are the most erotically open and adventurous, who feel most comfortable daydreaming about sexual situations way beyond what they’d ever want to experience.

we can al day say "recent studies". i know my exprience and even the average "naive" woman would be facinated by a strong dominate charismatic man and that is part of the reason why "50 shades of gray" (written by a woman) was a success.
even in more conservative place even if it wont be "rough kinky sex" the woman would still enjoy the man showing signs of dominance like him couresing her from behind and being just alittle rough and athouritative.

Sexual-desirability has been the major explanation why that women have rape fantasies to bolster feelings of seductiveness and desirability. I’m so hot. I drive men crazy.

i agree. plus the issue of being sexual with a strong man and being dominanted by a person who is so "sex drived" about her that she makes him go wild.

In fantasy, everything is permitted and nothing is wrong. Not everyone accepts this, but as sexual openness increases, so does willingness to daydream about sexual scenarios one would never really want to experience.

usually if something turn you on - then you want it.
the difference is ego or fear of safty.

women who would really love to be dominanted alot of the time if they would be approached by a guy who they would feel did not make them "in the mood" would deny everything or even go on the offence in order to "not be considered as sexual permiscues or maybe sexually attacked". thats why many men say they cant have a conversation with a woman online and off - because if you dont make her interested very fast she would shot you down.
so i wont agree that it is not something a woman would want to exprience but more just fear to or sometimes the fantasies are really extreme and dangerous so the woman decide conciously not to.

Women who have rape fantasies don’t want to be sexually assaulted. They feel comfortable with their own sexuality and are able to embrace their erotic fantasies.

not all... but some... but usually it is just women who want to have a dominant strong man to have sex with.
Lastly is it really that offensive when I notice most 'zoo' men are using their buttholes to replace vaginas, then state that this won't work out in the end?

I think this is actually accurate. I think that is why a lot of gay men try to understand if they want to become trans or just stay a "gay man" and just be dominated as a man.

I mean if anything given this group think at the hands of male driven zoophilia, k9 sex just gives women a better option of getting fucked

I think that is actually relates to the conversation I am having with "knotinterested" in this thread.
I agree with you - but it comes with cost.
not prostitutes. just very sexual women. and you don't have to believe me if you dont want.
I don't
saying that women are very horny has nothing to do with superiority.
Superior in terms of being more in control of themselves. Which obviously by the number of partners a male will have sex with during their lifetime being twice what a female will have seems to say that males are less in control.
just not true. women are more emotional about it but are very horny and more likely to want a serious relationship attached to it.
Horny feelings have nothing at all to do with being emotional or wanting a serious relationship. It is a fact that men will have more sexual partners in their lifetime than a woman. This can be a direct illistration of which sex is hornier. Your statement puts men in a much poorer light, saying that men are not emotional about their relationships and have less desire to have a serious relationship.

i never said women want to be raped. it is mostly just wanting to be dominated by a strong male although some women actually want to be raped wether it is in planned rape or even random one.

alot (not all and not that many) say that but just because they fear of the situation of being disrespected. usually when it gets to the real situation with what they see as the right person they want it to happen.

we can al day say "recent studies". i know my exprience and even the average "naive" woman would be facinated by a strong dominate charismatic man and that is part of the reason why "50 shades of gray" (written by a woman) was a success.
even in more conservative place even if it wont be "rough kinky sex" the woman would still enjoy the man showing signs of dominance like him couresing her from behind and being just alittle rough and athouritative.

i agree. plus the issue of being sexual with a strong man and being dominanted by a person who is so "sex drived" about her that she makes him go wild.

usually if something turn you on - then you want it.
the difference is ego or fear of safty.

women who would really love to be dominanted alot of the time if they would be approached by a guy who they would feel did not make them "in the mood" would deny everything or even go on the offence in order to "not be considered as sexual permiscues or maybe sexually attacked". thats why many men say they cant have a conversation with a woman online and off - because if you dont make her interested very fast she would shot you down.
so i wont agree that it is not something a woman would want to exprience but more just fear to or sometimes the fantasies are really extreme and dangerous so the woman decide conciously not to.

not all... but some... but usually it is just women who want to have a dominant strong man to have sex with.
You actually think women want to be dominated? So much so that we would want the violence that occurs in a rape to happen to us?

When it comes to being dominated it is only in the sense of roleplay in the bedroom but none of us want to be dominated in real life. Do you know anyone that would want to be dominated in real life? Someone that wants to be a slave? I highly doubt it!

I don't know a single woman that has a rape fantasy that thinks of their fantasy of anything other than wanting to be thought of as being so hot that men can't resist them. It's the same thing with the "Being a stripper in a room full of men" fantasy. Women who have these fantasies are thinking about being wanted, being desired, and not being violently abused!
You're gonna throw all men under the bus for the views of one man?
Don't worry Pillar - I won't throw you or all men under the bus.

I do try to value each person as a person and try often to look past the male view on things. I understand that men being men are going to have that view on certain things. I only want to be able to express my views on things and hopefully with the value of a view by a person and not a view because of my sex and thereby having little or no value.
You're gonna throw all men under the bus for the views of one man?

I trust that all men are not lumped into this summation of the gender. Like I said in a previous post, the bad ones tend to stand out. Just as all women are not truly as their character has been represented here.
Don't worry Pillar - I won't throw you or all men under the bus.

I do try to value each person as a person and try often to look past the male view on things. I understand that men being men are going to have that view on certain things. I only want to be able to express my views on things and hopefully with the value of a view by a person and not a view because of my sex and thereby having little or no value.
Certain views? Like what?