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Are you sexually attracted to humans?

Are you sexually attracted to humans?

  • Yes

    Votes: 476 75.1%
  • No

    Votes: 100 15.8%
  • Not sure

    Votes: 58 9.1%

  • Total voters
Married to one! I count my blessings that I was able to open my husbandā€™s eyes to zoo (we are both very kinky people already), and HE was the one that suggested that we finally get a female pup next year :)

I am about 60% Gay and 40% Straight for humans, but 100% Straight for animals. Funny how that works?
I am once I develop a relationship with them. I don't experience any physical attraction to male or female humans.

Not the same with animals :D
Indeed. When it comes to sexual attraction I basically sit around 60% female canines / 30% women / 10% other female animals. So while I'm way more sexually attracted to female canines, should the opportunity to have sex with a woman present itself, and I'm pretty confident that she's clean, I'd absolutely go for it. But there's a reason why I've basically built my life around having doggy gal partners, and that's because they take priority over pretty much any other species.

A full blown relationship with a woman would be a little more complicated (even though that's not exactly the question asked), as I'd have to make sure she'd 1) be comfortable with me having sex with female dogs 2) would be trustworthy and could keep the secret a secret 3) ideally be zoosexual herself 4) be fine with me splitting my attention 50/50 between her and the canines 5) wouldn't sleep with other men. Other animals would be absolutely fine, but other men I would not be fine with.
Iā€™m not really attracted to humans for the most part. I can appreciate that they may look hot or maybe not, but itā€™s not on my radar.

As cliche as it sounds, personality is more important than looks for me.
This has been such an interesting discussion to read. And has helped me sort through my own feelings and desires better. My answer is ā€œyesā€ I am attracted to humans. But I have a personality disorder that makes it hard for me to form meaningful bonds with humans and nearly impossible to have intimate relationships with them (I prefer female). And while I love the human form and desire sex with them. My personality disorder often makes it too hard. Not the case with animals. My personality disorder does not prevent me from forming deep bonds with animals. I can form a deep emotional relationship with them and find intimacy with them full filling and erotic. So despite my attraction to humans. My relationships now revolve around animals. Male dogs o be specific.
Itā€™s weird because itā€™s a different type of attraction, I feel itā€™s easier to connect with animals and easier to well get into the idea of sex, Iā€™m not good with words but Iā€™m sure you get what I mean
From the top. Don't take it away, cover yourselfšŸ¤®.
Down. Oh yes, you know what I likešŸ˜.
I'm on the zoo exclusive side too. The human body is unattractive. Im mostly attracted to dogs but I wouldn't pass up the opportunity to try a mare in heat if it came my way
I'm not find attractive the human body somehow... but in arts in humanoid body like pokemons or something that are meant to be feral I like it...
I feel like a few more options in the survey would've been nice, for example:
"Yes, more than my attraction to animals.
Yes, less than my attraction to animals.

So I'd like to post that yes, I am attracted to sex with humans, but less so than I am attracted to sex with four-legged friends, and it also depends, like all things (personalities that get along, sexual compatibility etc)
Yep! Definitely am into humans. I'm pretty sexual and love the activity itself, and don't mind who I'm doing it with so long as they consent and know how to have a good time :3c