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Are you sexually attracted to humans?

Are you sexually attracted to humans?

  • Yes

    Votes: 476 75.1%
  • No

    Votes: 100 15.8%
  • Not sure

    Votes: 58 9.1%

  • Total voters
Been there, done that, and get the inkling he is headed that way! Like father like son??
Then that is a job well done. I'm not one for grooming kids or anything, but if i get my son a puppy, and he gets to that age, and gets any ideas, well, shit happens :D I'll just make sure to confront him and say,"Don't ever let me catch you doing that again, (wait an awkward 10 seconds or so) It's not safe outside! That should only be done in the tool shed or your bedroom, where its safe from prying eyes."

He probably be like, I promise i won't ever, wait what? HUH?
With humans I'm only attracted to my gf. Other humans don't attract me in any way.

But I'm absolutely attracted by dogs. Being with them is a unique feeling for me it's like I am one of them^^
I’ve always been sexually attracted to humans, hard to say whether I’m more attracted to them or animals though.

Emotional attraction comes a lot easier with humans for me, but sexual attraction is almost always a lot stronger with animals
Attracted to both.

NGL if my wife suddenly developed zoo interests that would be great but I'm fine with zoo staying a fantasy.

And I'm not going to get a "side piece" just to have a sexual relationship with a knotty gal.
Short answer for the census; no.

Among my intimates I'm pretty well known by now as zoo exclusive.
I can get into it with other humans, but it's usually pretty difficult, and the idea of it is always more sickening than doing it.

I thought I was asexual for a long time (and still identify as such with those I can't be fully honest with) because I couldn't ever get in the mood, or 'up', after I began exploring this more- and not to mention falling head over heels for the loveliest little canine; I realized how quick the non human types can get me fired up, can't even have a fleeting lewd thought without blood starting to rush.
It's funny how I am... I really like animal mammals of both genders, and I feel a bit attracted to primates. I had a female girlfriend who looked like a boy, but I wasn't a very good lover with her...

A long time later, I didn't care about people's physical appearance, youth passes quickly and you have to know how to carry maturity with dignity, I look younger than I am, and I have had human relationships with men.

But what attracted me to them were their minds, their bodies and their endowment didn't matter to me. That said, I could never rimming anus a man, although I have experienced many variants and roles.

I discovered all this when I was thirty-something.

You can never say that I won't drink from this water.
yeah I've definitely come to realize I am pansexual in the truest sense of the word by now lol,

with that being said, intimacy/romantic-wise, I prefer human women I think, but not opposed to experimenting with male animals
Probably the only non-zoo in this forum, yes, Im attracted to humans.
You are definitely the most vocal non-zoo female. I'm also non-zoo. I know there are lots of non-zoo males just like me on here who are attracted to knotty girls. The other non-zoo females are searching for a zoo experience, which you are not, making you unique. ;)
Funny question for the "exclusives" section...and if they were, wouldn't that be cheating on their partners?
Funny question for the "exclusives" section...and if they were, wouldn't that be cheating on their partners?

my point was to try to illustrate what "zoo exclusive" actually means, but it backfired and i no longer care. the vast majority of people here will never get it.

bottom line for anyone paying attention though...

The vast majority here won't get it, because it was never set up to be anything other than what it is....Can't make a purse of any value out of a sow's ear. Its porn driven and wouldnot exist without that. Even ZC is struggling with that equation.
my point was to try to illustrate what "zoo exclusive" actually means, but it backfired and i no longer care. the vast majority of people here will never get it.

bottom line for anyone paying attention though...

I'm going to say yes but I think my attraction to humans is mostly down to how much they are able to satisfy my kinks and fetishes and less about physical appearance. I do prefer men though so there's that too. For canines I feel like my attraction is more physical, like when a normal straight man sees a woman on the street and thinks about how attractive she is. I don't get that with humans but I do with dogs.
I've found that I am attracted to any species and any gender. Even more so as I get older. I find I'm am even more so if they are attracted to me too.