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Are we losing the battle for tolerance?

Dunno....I'm STILL trying to figure out what YOU said that I did not, aside from a remarkably large number of words to get it said.
The World would be better off without pedophiliacs, but it ain't gonna happen. In the world we live in, there's always someone to lend a sympathetic ear to even the most hideous among us. In fact for some, it seems, the more hideous, the better. Disassociating with the bastards is pretty much impossible at this point.
As to what outsiders think, that gamut runs from Biblical to Super-hep: that ain't gonna change either...no help there. The only solution to the problem is the same one it has always been...keep it to yourself. Privacy, and the right to it, is the only possible answer at this time. End of story

I'm saying that people here should stop posting about how they had sex as a kid in a sexual way.
I'm saying that people here should stop posting about how they had sex as a kid in a sexual way.
Denial about child sexuality was tried on BeastForum, and it was during those days that the anti-zoo mob hysteria actually started. Besides, if you ask people when their first experience was and then ban anybody that gives you an honest answer, then you just thereby surround yourself with liars.

The policy was an ill-conceived failure.

Our entire culture, including us, needs to bring back the pro-sex movement in our society. Sex is good. Sex can heal a society's heart. Sex can teach people to love one another. Sex can bring peace to a society at war with itself.

People are more repressed now than they have been in generations, and they are also more unhappy now than they have been in generations. This cannot work out well. We are going to end up under either tyranny or barbarism.

We have created a generation of self-hating eunuchs, so it is little wonder to me that our neighborhoods are being set on fire as the people riot or even go into full-fledged civil revolt, declaring neighborhoods to be "autonomous zones."

I do not blame the people that are throwing the stones in those riots. I forgive them for their demonstration of unhappiness, but I could also tell them that their unhappiness is not caused by the humble family that owns that business. Their unhappiness has been caused by the fact that our society has become repressed and fearful.

I would argue that it may have been the Sexual Revolution in the western world that stopped Vietnam from being escalated into a third world war. The makings for a third world war were there. The political tensions were there. There was enough money being spent on the military on both sides in order to fight one. The paranoia was there.

I will tell you what took the edge off of that paranoia, though. The Sexual Revolution took the edge off of that paranoia.

The Free Love Movement and the Sexual Revolution in general stopped the world from escalating into a more deadly war than the last big one the world had with each other. I credit the Sexual Revolution directly with spreading the idea of peace.

You cannot fight repression with more repression. You fight repression with revolution.
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Ummm how is society repressed when we have people praising the WAP song, Instagram models with their tits and asses hanging out, Belle Delphine and the rise of OnlyFans and open talks of legalization prostitution to combat trafficking?
Does any of this sound like repressing?! The only things people are not open to are pedophilia and for a damn good reason, hebephiles(a pedo with a thesaurus and a neckbeard) and of course yours truly: those of us who are into bestiality, zoophilia or exclusively zoophiles later being something I am not as I do enjoy the human female form as well myself. Society isn’t repressed it’s just the loud ass Puritanical Conservative crowd(i.e. Ben “I can’t get vaginas wet” Shapiro) who panic at the idea that someone people are happily living their life without being a Bible Thumper.
Ummm how is society repressed when we have people praising the WAP song, Instagram models with their tits and asses hanging out, Belle Delphine and the rise of OnlyFans and open talks of legalization prostitution to combat trafficking?
Does any of this sound like repressing?! The only things people are not open to are pedophilia and for a damn good reason, hebephiles(a pedo with a thesaurus and a neckbeard) and of course yours truly: those of us who are into bestiality, zoophilia or exclusively zoophiles later being something I am not as I do enjoy the human female form as well myself. Society isn’t repressed it’s just the loud ass Puritanical Conservative crowd(i.e. Ben “I can’t get vaginas wet” Shapiro) who panic at the idea that someone people are happily living their life without being a Bible Thumper.

He does have some points.

You would think that society is too open until you have to deal women and then possibly have rape allegations. Also, just because some some group trying to advocate for prostitution doesn't mean it becoming more acceptable. If you look around the world more and more countries are banning prostitution or imposing heavier restrictions.
Ummm how is society repressed

Also, look back to what @Tailo was saying about developments in Europe.

Furthermore, we are not going to quiet a hateful mob that throws stones at zoos by becoming a hateful mob that throws stones at MAPs. If you believe this strategy would be fabulously effective, then you are either profoundly ignorant of the zooey community's history or are too stupid to live or both. I am not going to soft-hand you over this. Reality is against you, here.

The BeastForum generation of zoophiles was ardently anti-MAP, and they had the outlook that they were going to make the zooey community more "presentable" by "cleaning out" people they saw as undesirables, which included people they suspected of being MAPs.

They were not just throwing stones at MAPs, though, but they were throwing stones at anybody that came across to them as too "misogynistic," even if you were just a homosexual man that was complaining about women that had a false impression that you were a heterosexual creep when you so much as literally wanted to ask them for directions because you had blown out a tire (got me banned, and I never looked back after that because I don't hang out long where I am not wanted).

That easily butt-hurt brand of feminism has set back women's lib by half a century, by the way, because you cannot really fight hate with hate. It does not work, and it will never work.

However, they were focused almost entirely on throwing stones at others on the hope that if they threw enough stones at others, the stone-throwing mob would embrace them and accept them as fellow stone-throwers! The expectation of the BF culture was that the stone-throwers would say, "Oh, wow! So you guys like throwing stones at others, just like we do! You are just like us! We accept you and love you!"

As @ZTHorse could tell you, the stone-throwing was not useful. Throwing stones at others because they threaten your image did not do jack shit to help the BeastForum generation of zoophiles. It was a policy failure. You really cannot fight hate with hate.

Love is the answer, and love is the solution!

We need to tell the world loud and clear:



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That's a truth that I was hinting at in a rant that I ended with an apology for having brought it up. Throwing stones at anyone is just going to make things worse. That's how the current crop of rioters is fucking things up for everyone.

You do not make yourself or your rights better by attacking others even if they deserve it.
That's a truth that I was hinting at in a rant that I ended with an apology for having brought it up. Throwing stones at anyone is just going to make things worse. That's how the current crop of rioters is fucking things up for everyone.

You do not make yourself or your rights better by attacking others even if they deserve it.
I think you just articulated that point more effectively than I have in my whole time here.

I have been out-classed.

By the way, when I first came to Zooville, I ran into a lot of the trash that had drifted in from BF, and a lot of them tried to accuse me of being an alt of some other person there that they had had a disagreement with. Ironically, I did not last long enough there to develop any kind of relationships at all, much less a long-term feud.

However, a ban-happy moderation policy inevitably just leads to people creating multiple accounts, just because people that are young and clueless inevitably make mistakes and social errors when they are first getting their start.

I did not get banned over it, but in the week that I was there, I responded to one thread where people were being asked when they first became sexually active with animals. Not one person responded that they were sexually active before age 18, which struck me as bizarre. I stated truthfully that I felt my libido had kicked in unusually late at the age of 14 and quite frankly not until the winter of that year when I was sleeping in a refurbished garage-office in my father's back yard during a renovation project on the house when all of the doors were off of the hinges. It was the only place where I could have enough privacy to even read a book, much less go online and yiff. It was wintertime and freezing cold (the place was unheated, and I was lying naked under piles of blankets with my mom and dad's dog (I liked the feeling of clean sheets against my bare skin after running them extra long through the dryer). There were only two small windows, both of them facing the neighbor's yard, so I had a high degree of privacy there. It was a relatively tame experience, just some fondling, but I got told by everyone there that I was not really allowed to talk about minors having sex with dogs. I felt that this was very strange. I said to the people, "But this thread is leading people to a false impression that zoosexuality is an idea that people 'experiment' with as old and corrupted adults, and that's just not true. It is an innate sexuality, and many of us come to it before even learning to masturbate or never even learn to masturbate because dogs have always been there." My views fell on deaf ears. They were so petrified of being linked in any way with MAPs that they were determined to force the entire community to live a baldfaced lie. People were forced into giving either false answers or no answers at all.

Ironically, though, it was over "misogyny" that I was banned only days later. I was complaining about the "rebuffing" culture among so-called "feminists." I told a story about an occasion when my lover and I were on a walk. He had a heart condition, and he was looking like a dying fish stranded on land. I tried to get the attention of a woman that was sitting on a bench to ask if she would scoot over and give him a chance to sit down and catch his breath, but she smiled and waved her little fingers at me as if I must have been profoundly attractive to her (she looked like a disease-ridden hooker), and she was gently giving a "creepy" admirer the rebuff. I looked "creepy" because it was halloween, and a fake moustache another friend had encouraged me to glue on had gotten partly unglued, the rest of it would not come off without acetone, and it was hanging at a strange angle. I had worn the costume so that I would match with a platonic friend that we had gone to a costume party with: my friend had moderate autism and was always a lover of the Mario franchise, and I was one of his few constant friends that was not inclined to take advantage of him. I had put on that ridiculous, ill-conceived costume so that a friend with a disability would have a companion at a party and not feel alone. The kinds of women that get into the toxic "rebuffing" culture generally tend to have the worst possible taste in men and terrible perception of character. The responses I got from the "feminists" on BF were not very warm, and they told me that I was a despicable person to criticize women for rebuffing unwanted sexual advances. I argued that women were just coming across as unpleasant, even to gay men that would otherwise be sympathetic toward them, and their bad attitude was going to create a generation of young men that have merely grown tired of them because they did not come across as good people (I was unaware at the time that there was already a MGTOW subculture, but when I found out about it, it did not surprise me). BeastForum was so obsessed with cleaning out "undesirables" to try to clean up their image that they had me, of all people, confused with a misogynist, which is insane. I merely believed the feminist movement was driving itself into a ditch by going an anti-sex route.

I am a feminist, but my style of feminism is inspired directly by the feminism that was dominant during the Free Love Movement. I think that sex is a positive thing, and it ought to be handled in a positive way. Feminism was good when feminism was about sexual liberation. Feminism was good when feminism was pro-sex. When feminism was pro-sex, they were getting it right.

The feminist culture went off in an anti-sex direction, and this is what created Gamergate. That is what created the political fallout that led to current political conditions. I think that a culture of prudishness among so-called "feminists" is the opposite of liberalism, and I find it profoundly mendacious that toxic prudes disguise themselves as "feminists" when their behavior is based on shaming women for being sexual.

When your idea of "feminism" is based on trying to make women believe that they are only "empowered" if they say "no" and are somehow weak or "exploited" if they say, "yes, I think that getting fucked tonight would be a great idea," you are not putting women in a very good position. You are making it hard for them to really take joy in sex. You are making them wonder, anytime they have sex, if somehow they have sold themselves out. Even if your idea was to empower them to say "no" if they wanted to, you are indirectly shaming them for ever saying "yes." You are making sex sound to them like it's a horrible thing that they must set up intricate devices and safety measures to defend themselves from.

And furthermore, the entire ultra-complex idea of "consent" is leading to men losing interest in having sex. When women feel under pressure to practically get a contract signed in triplicate in order to even think about having sex, then sex loses its sense of spontaneity and romance. It brings a toxic sense of negativity into the bedroom, and men, even ones that are in otherwise in satisfying relationships, just don't want it anymore. We have thereby created a generation of eunuchs, and quite frankly, I think that we have also created a generation of unfulfilled women.

Finally, I think that the air of discontent and anger in our culture cannot possibly be unrelated to the fact that we have become such a castrated and sexless culture.

We tried castration before during the teetotalist movement, and I blame it for World War II.

We tried castration before during the highly conservative 1950's, and I blame it for the tensions that led to Vietnam.

The Free Love Movement and the general Sexual Revolution (which included gender equality and gender norm-breaking and was not just about free love) arguably stopped Vietnam from escalating into a broader "hot war" between the western-bloc and eastern-bloc powers. The people that were protesting against America's meddling in Vietnam were almost all people that were sympathetic toward the Free Love Movement.

I think we almost did have a third world war, and I think it was stopped by sexually liberated women. I think they literally saved the world.

Even if you do not inherently care for recreational sex, you should at least be positive about people that do enjoy recreational sex because recreational sex, lots of it, makes a society open to peace and fellowship, which makes the world a much safer place to raise your kids. If you do not want to be directly involved, then I think you should at least learn to applaud those that are.

Furthermore, I think that zoo sex can also play a role in bringing peace to the world.

Zoo is peace.
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The world is at the brink of another war, and I think that a second sexual revolution is the only thing that can stop it.

Free Love, Second Movement.
We zoophiles do not have to waste time on arguing about which direction to throw our stones.

WE KNOW THAT ZOO SEX IS GOOD, and we should start saying so. We have the power to take part in the launching of a second sexual revolution, and we have the power to help breathe new life into the idea that sex is good for society and good for world peace.

It would be narcissistic for us to believe that we can save the world alone, but I also think that other conversations like this one are going on in other communities. I think that I cannot possibly be the only person that sees how turning ourselves into a generation of eunuchs has correlated with America being at the brink of a civil war. I deny that I could be alone in this observation.

I am certain that other people are coming to the same realization even as we realize it here, so I doubt we would be alone.

We know that, the last time the world was at the brink of burning itself to the ground, the Sexual Revolution helped to turn us away from the brink of a nuclear apocalypse. We know that a full-fledged "hot war" between us and and the eastern-bloc powers would be MAD, as in Mutually Assured Destruction. We came horrifyingly close to burning the modern age down to radioactive ashes. I believe firmly that the movement for peace was driven chiefly or at least partly by the Free Love Movement. The FLM helped awaken a generation of people to the idea that LOVE IS GOOD, and as a consequence, they believed that peace was good.

I do not believe that us zoos can save the world alone, but we must become a part of a broader movement and join in our voices with others who will start to see the same truth. This truth is too necessary and too plain for us to be the only ones to see it.

The sexual revolutionaries had it right.

Love is peace.
Zoo is love.
Zoo is peace.
I have come see in the past few years many countries intensifying the criminalization of our sexuality. In general the disposition of many online communities "furries therians otaku ect" seems to be becoming more puritanical and explicitly anti zoo.

This stuff really depresses me . I check zoo twitter often and I feel like the momentum that anti zoo activism has is snowballing partly spurred on by the aforementioned anti zoo legislation.

I think the torrent of internet backlash originated with the whole kero the wolf situation. He was a monster and his monstrous actions painted our community in a monstrous light as a consequence.
While I definitely have seen some more zooactivism as of recently I feel like it is to little to late perhaps?

I guess I'm curious to know where you all stand with this. Do you think this new wave of anti zoo sentiment will continue with its momentum? Or am I fixating too much on the negatives?

There is a zoo twitter? Also people will always hate zoo people because to a lot of people it is morally wrong. Especially for furries because they are always called dog fuckers and them constantly saying "ohh we aren't like them! They are different."

I totally agree with the furries, they don't want to be in the same category as us. But at the same time, I feel there are A LOT of furries that has at least thought about real dogs. I mean, there are already a lot of them on here lol. I feel like there should be a poll of how many furries and non furries are on here, because I'm super curious!
I see no fault in fanatical positivity, and the world needs more of it.

One thing the world don't need more is fanatism.

Even if you think you only do good, fanatics attract others whom are susceptible for such things, and than do horrible stuff in "the name of good".

Just never be fanatic, it blinds you, and cuts you of from reality.
I'm not sure how one can change the minds of people on this topic. Its definitely a double standard. These same people who look down on those with sexual attraction towards animals don't have issue with hunting or animals being killed for food. Personally as long as the animal is not harmed i see no issue with human/non-human sexual interaction. I hope the perception around this can change.
I'm saying that people here should stop posting about how they had sex as a kid in a sexual way.
No kidding? Funny....probably three quarters of the people here came to this particular taboo as kids...you think they're not going to talk about it? THAT's what I meant about tolerating all of the KP and the rest of it, and its nothing I HAVEN'T been saying for twenty years or more. WE ASKED for it. But since you've been here about a week, are not a professed Zoo and being in your twenties and thus Immortal, you propose teaching your grandmother to suck eggs? You need to read more, and not in this echo chamber.

For instance, ONCE upon a time, O Best Beloved, there was a little nation called Sweden, and another called Denmark, where the topic of Kiddies was a wide enough spread interest that monthly, Magazines catering to that interest were published...one title was " Blue Boy". Some of the photo-models were pretty regular, I guess, because they had cover shots headed " Featuring....". Sex in many Northern European Nations was pretty open until maybe 1980, when the Reagan Administration started moving on censorship pretty openly. in the 20 years between 1960 and 1980, Hugh Heffner and Ralph Ginsburg Won their battle against the Government, in the form of the US Post Office( wasn't called the USPS back then), which allowed mailorder Porn to be sent thru the mails openly. This was the heyday of the "Plain Brown Wrapper", and the Community-Standard Pornography ruling by the US Supreme Court. Porn and it's Ilk was readily available across newsstand counters, where at least a little monitoring of age could be done, and was. But by the end of that 20 year period, the Battle was lost through a NEW strategy: Credit Card Companies began to be targeted by The Various US agencies for what the card issuers allowed to be purchased with those cards. E-Business was FOSTERED into existance by Porn Purchasers, but as time went by, E-biz was capable of doing without it, and started porn on its way down the tubes.
As the outlets for various kinks disappeared, the more public, grimmer result of no outlet made Crimes against children far more common, although these crimes are still NOT COMMON at all. That type of porn served a purpose, but the cork fell out of the bottle and released some very nasty people into the REAL world.
Did you know, I wonder, that in 1960, MOST states had laws forbidding the sale of condoms? That sex toys were covered under those laws? That " The Pill" led to some pretty nasty demonstrations and a LOT of Fox News type commentary on the Foul Women who wanted to use it to escape the bondage that pregnancy can represent? And that even today, there are a couple of States where Condom and sex " novelties" are illegal to sell? Yeah, the law is mostly ignored now, but it is STILL on the books in some places. I remember having to buy Condoms from a brown paper bag brought up from under the counter in a Seb'm Eleb'm after midnight on a Friday, like I was meeting the Devil at a crossroads. And THAT was in 1979, in Maryland....Not known for sophistication, I suppose, but NOT the Deep, Hillbilly South either.

You're new here, and young. That excuses some things, but not preaching at people who've been around awhile longer than YOU have. I'm not saying you have nothing to say, but please...TRY not to say the same things that have been said a million times JUST because they're new to you. History didn't begin the day before you were born.

and THAT O best beloved, is how the Leopard got his Spats.
One thing the world don't need more is fanatism.

Even if you think you only do good, fanatics attract others whom are susceptible for such things, and than do horrible stuff in "the name of good".

Just never be fanatic, it blinds you, and cuts you of from reality.
Reality is that cynicism has brought our country to the brink of civil war, and the only way you can fight hate is with love. They feed off the same energy source. If you feed one, you starve the other.
Reality is that cynicism has brought our country to the brink of civil war, and the only way you can fight hate is with love. They feed off the same energy source. If you feed one, you starve the other.
Maybe at the TOP its cynicism....at the bottom, where the slime feeders live, its Tribal.
As the outlets for various kinks disappeared, the more public, grimmer result of no outlet made Crimes against children far more common, although these crimes are still NOT COMMON at all. That type of porn served a purpose, but the cork fell out of the bottle and released some very nasty people into the REAL world.

Child Erotica/Porn does not reduce the occurrence of actual child molestation. For the most part, one sex drive is a positive feedback loop, where deriving pleasure from porn consumption or sex results in in only more desire to do so until that person reaches their neurological limit. Many pedophiles admit that child erotica images fueled their sexual desires and is what cussed them to enact it in real life. Source:
Carr, John (2004). "Child abuse, child pornography and the internet: Executive summary". NCH

Using Child Porn as an outlet to try to prevent actual child molestation only works for a small amount of previous offenders who are willing to commit to such a program and acknowledge that what they are doing is wrong.

What does work to stop sex crimes against children is:

Banning pedophilia content, monitoring adults who work with children, fear of incarceration, registering sex offenders, and vigilante groups interrogating adults who try to meet up with underage kids. In extreme cases: chemical castration, or life in prison.

It's foolish to assume that sex crimes weren't a thing in the 60's.

In the past, pedophiles were pretty much roaming free compared to today. But nobody gave a damn back then about pedophilia. This is why it would appear that child molestation is a recent phenomenon.

You're new here, and young. That excuses some things, but not preaching at people who've been around awhile longer than YOU have. I'm not saying you have nothing to say, but please...TRY not to say the same things that have been said a million times JUST because they're new to you. History didn't begin the day before you were born.

I need years of reputation and experience to call out people who post fap material for pedophiles?
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@FF24 You are barking up the wrong tree. What you are demanding is a replication of an old BeastForum policy that failed miserably and just contributed to it being the toxic swamp it turned into. Everything about how things were done there contributed to how bad things have gotten for us over the past generation, and things are going to keep getting worse for a while yet.

Well, at least now, our community has substantially higher morale, partly thanks to the fact that that dumpster-fire is dead.

You have lost this argument.
@FF24 You are barking up the wrong tree. What you are demanding is a replication of an old BeastForum policy that failed miserably and just contributed to it being the toxic swamp it turned into. Everything about how things were done there contributed to how bad things have gotten for us over the past generation, and things are going to keep getting worse for a while yet.

Well, at least now, our community has substantially higher morale, partly thanks to the fact that that dumpster-fire is dead.

You have lost this argument.
Are you sure that the issues that plagued BeastForums was because of that ban? Could it have been other extraneous factors?

When the largest Hentai based subreddit banned content featuring underage characters followed by a reddit-wide ban, nobody complained that the community got more toxic. When an IR cuckhold site did a total crackdown on underage discussion, nobody complained that the community got more toxic. Almost every single other sex based community has virtually purged underaged theme content or mentions from their sites without any problem. If done correctly, pedos leave or are banned and people who used to avoid those sites because of all the underage stuff now join and replace them.

I guarantee you antis-zoos are on this site right now trying to collect every example they can find to smear us. If banning underage discussions is going to cause people here to riot and go mad then it's going really reflect badly on us.
@FF24 Reddit also banned us zoophiles from even talking openly about ourselves, so I think they are a very bad example. You made your last mistake when you brought up Reddit. They are hated within the zooey community.

Besides, the largest furry-themed MUCK...in fact the largest MUCK that exists anywhere...has had MAP-themed roleplaying venues for years, and they have shown absolutely no interest in taking them down. There have been no issues related to this.

In fact, I think allowing that kind of content tends to deter actual predators. They really hate venues that look openly like they pardon pedophilia because there tends to be a lower likelihood that parents will let their children off-leash at those kinds of venues.

The only thing that EVER attracts the kinds of predators you ought to be afraid of is attempting to bill yourself as "family friendly." Every time I have ever been on a site that bills itself as "family friendly," it has turned out to be a hook-up site for pedos and teens. Or sometimes pedos and pre-teens. They have actually been pretty shameless at these venues. The problem with that kind of a policy is that it tends to encourage parents to let their kids off-leash at those sites, and predators, especially experienced predators, know this.

Ironically, Taps has banned political content in Fox Plaza, and this has actually helped the MUCK.
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If we ban anything, then I think we ought to ban political content. Political content tends to lead to people becoming very toxic, and it tends to attract the most unsavory kinds of individuals. Anytime you let armchair politicians run wild, a community becomes very toxic, and otherwise intelligent, rational people stay so engrossed in arguing with lunatics that they become useless for anything else.
@FF24 In actual practice, you have already lost this argument.

Once again, what you demand is to recreate the same policies that were in force on BeastForum for almost a generation, and it was during this time that the social credibility of zoophiles gradually declined, eventually culminating in a toxic witch-hunt that has destroyed people's lives. The policy did absolutely nothing to stop people from equating us with MAPs or even, in some cases, declaring us to be worse. There are people out there spreading the belief, as an article of faith, that zoophiles are all maniacally violent individuals that murder animals for pleasure. There is more hate against us, out there, than there is against MAPs, and the bottom line is that whatever was being done on BF was a failure.

You would have us double down on failure.

If we ban anything, then I think we ought to ban political content. Political content tends to lead to people becoming very toxic, and it tends to attract the most unsavory kinds of individuals. Anytime you let armchair politicians run wild, a community becomes very toxic, and otherwise intelligent, rational people stay so engrossed in arguing with lunatics that they become useless for anything else.

I generally try to avoid politics that are not related to the theme of the site.

Once again, what you demand is to recreate the same policies that were in force on BeastForum for almost a generation, and it was during this time that the social credibility of zoophiles gradually declined, eventually culminating in a toxic witch-hunt that has destroyed people's lives. The policy did absolutely nothing to stop people from equating us with MAPs or even, in some cases, declaring us to be worse. There are people out there spreading the belief, as an article of faith, that zoophiles are all maniacally violent individuals that murder animals for pleasure. There is more hate against us, out there, than there is against MAPs, and the bottom line is that whatever was being done on BF was a failure.

Please explain in terms of cause-and-effect as to how those BeastForum policies resulted in decline in social credibility of zoophiles?

Also I disagree with your statement on societal hatred of MAPS vs Zoos. Harted for MAPS is certainly more visceral and pronounced.

Would you care to explain the general gist of what happened at BF and why the policies here are different?


I only lasted a few days, and I would know less about it than he does.

The general impression that I get from @ZTHorse is that what happened comes down to "they were self-righteous, self-important, and ban-happy, and this did literally nothing to make anybody better off and arguably made the place more toxic."

He may feel free to correct me or to elaborate.