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Anyone else currently without any animal partners?

I have a cat, but I don’t live with her. She lives with my boyfriend, and he’s a few states away from me. She’s never been a partner for me, though. Just a pet. A dear family member, even. But not a partner.

I live with some animals, though they don’t belong to me. None of them are partners either. Again, more like friends or family.

I wish I was in a position to take up responsibility for a dog. It kinda worries me that I may *never* be in a position to do so, the way my disability complicates things. I won’t give up hope, but I’m not holding my breath either.
I don't have any animal partners. I think I'd like one though. I think she would be a dog.... I'm waiting until I accomplish my career and income goals first. I'm very fond of cats too, although not sexually.