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Allergic Response To Intimate Interspecies Contact, Sex, Animals and Allergies


Staff member
There have been questions posted regarding the possibility of allergic reactions during or after sexual contact. Having an allergy to the semen of an animal is very possible, and the introduction of semen into the mouth, vagina or anus allows fast absorption because of the nature of the tissue (mucus membrane). Penile contact with the vaginal or anal tissue of another species involves less exposure and may show symptoms of an allergic reaction more slowly, showing up after repeated experiences. If the contact is with the animal’s tongue, there can be a sensitivity reaction just because of the repetition. The tongue is intended in animal’s life to perform many activities. Irritation and tenderness will pass quickly; a cold pack will provide comfort if needed.

An allergic reaction can be expressed as a mild reaction, such as eczema, hives, hay fever and asthma. An Anaphylactic reaction can be life threatening, the entire system reacts. Noticeable symptoms are severe difficulty in breathing and a sudden drop in blood pressure resulting in fainting or loss of consciousness. This is a life-threatening Emergency, oral medications will not be able to fix this condition. Seek emergency help immediately. You do not have to reveal what precipitated the reaction. The treatment will be the same no matter what the cause. However getting dressed, if possible will help deter certain lines of questions.

The tendency to respond in an allergic fashion is an inherited trait. If you have had past allergic reactions, you are apt to be sensitive to more things in your environment. If you do have a history of allergies, proceed cautiously with this new erotic experience. Allergies do not get better over time, they get worse. If you have had an Anaphylactic reaction ever in your life, stick to movies…Since semen is a foreign protein, the body will most likely respond in a very life threatening way.

Treatments of Allergies are many and varied.
Avoidance, medication, and desensitization injections (these shots take years to work and since animals can be removed easily from the environment, most insurance companies will not pay for them) Medication that is used to treat allergies are commonly called anti histamines. Over the counter medication include, Benadryl
(diphenhydramine) 25-50mg every 4-6 hrs, maximum daily dose is 400mg per day. Claritin (loratadine) 10mg once a day. Zantac ( ranitidine) 150mg twice a day ( yes, I know it is usually used to treat heartburn but it is also an antihistamine ) Barrier methods are not very effective as condoms are constructed for humans and the anti spermicidal condoms are irritating to the mucus membranes of the dog. There has been mention of an “EpiPen”, The active ingredient is Epinephrine, and this medication can only be obtained with a prescription. There are health risks inherent in the medication itself, and should be used only by the person it is prescribed, whose physician is aware of the person’s health history. Allergy symptoms get increasingly worse with each exposure to the allergen (whether it is semen, bee stings or pollen) .

To my knowledge there is no way to test for an allergy to semen pre exposure. I have read suggestions to try “scratch” tests with the semen, however the scratching itself can cause irritation and end up confusing the issue. Taking a small amount of semen and putting it on the forearm and covering it with plastic wrap and leaving it over night may help with the question of possible reactions. If the area is red or red and raised, proceed with caution.

If you have questions, I will try to answer them or leave you links to areas of information to read. The Forum is a great storehouse of information and support, both written and in the community.

Credits: ms deelight

From: dogluver101 A little Q&A from the cached version of this post I found from our old forum.

Is an allergy to fur related at all to an allergy to semen?

An allergic reaction to a given thing doesn't automatically equate to any other allergy. Allergies manifest themselves differently in individual people anyway. One critter's hair will affect a person allergic to it, while another critter of a different species might cause no reaction at all. You'll have to experiment to find your answer, but be aware and wary. Anaphylactic Shock is not a nice thing to experience, especially if you're far from a Hospital.

A post from a last member that I figured I would share, given the circumstance of what happened, and what they done to resolve any issues.

I have seen this happen with two different girls I've known, who both tried twice. and then i have heard a couple other first hand accounts of this occurring in a similar fashion from gals that were looking around online.
-Id say about 1 in 20? girls have had an allergic reactions to dog semen in the past.
-if you're already allergic to dog dander, dog cum is linked and quite likely to be an allergen as well.
-Remember to ask.. if you or they have ever had allergic reaction.
-don't even think about asking me about dog condoms. just give up. go adopt a cat.

Here's how the typical encounters went down for me

- So the reaction seems to start to set in.. ten, maybe fifteen minutes later, after shes been pumped full and now i'm getting my turn on those delish sloppy seconds.
-"uhrh.. umm. weird" what? "I dunno something just kind of feels weird.
-pound pound pound
-"hey could you like... slow down for a sec. that just isnt feeling very good." (..maybe i just suck in bed and they were making it up?)
":god damn.. seriously.. stop,. thats really starting to burn"
-"I need to pee"
-yow yow yow i really need to piss somethings burning this does not feel good.
-"I think im having an allergic reaction: (weak, it doesnt look like they are making it up)
"i need to go take a shower. .. / wash myself out."

I frown and think to myself "well there goes my nut.." while she stares at your with wide freaked out doe eyes and the likely expectation youre going to say... something more productive then you
all allergic reactions are different. yours could be worse, could be better. could be none

but form my small pool of several accounts.

10-20 minutes onset.. burning,, discomfort.
20-30.. itching, burning, breaking out in hives. body wide. but especially where splattered in dog semen.
30-40.. discomfort and concern with the possibility of a trip to the hospital. generalized regret about just having had sex with a dog.

at this point with sickness my philosophy has always been.. make a quantifiable rubric. and repeat every ten or twenty minutes. - rash .- 1-10. better, worse. burning 1-10 better or worse. ease of breathing 1-10. better or worse.anxiousness. 1-10 better or worse.. etc. and then sit down, distract yourself, watch a tv episode and check in to see where you score (the best way to tel if you're getting better,,. or NOT)
-if you start getting to the point where you think... fuck... I honestly don't know what it would be like or if I'm going to be able to hang if this gets any worse... make a note of it. and get ready for a doctors trip.. if it gets worse, i recommend you go. especially if any difficulty in breathing starts.
- I've rearely seen any type of encounter that continues to get worse without peaking in a couple hours. (except food poisoning.. FUCK) anyways, just watch some tv, distract yourself. cross your fingers. eventually enought time will pass that you can tell youve peaked, and are now coming back down and getting better,.

My observed reactions:

In a few hours you'll be fine.
its never been bad enough or the dog was good enough that the girls i knew both were willing to try it a second time just to make sure,.
And then after the 2nd time - god damnit. FUCK! yep.. im allergic to dog cum.


-you may consider trying a different dog. (coinflip weighted to 'god damn it' a 3rd time.)
-sorry but what cruel twisted fate. time to shelf the dog fucking and move on to.......
-or just take it like a doggy champ and suffer the consequences
I think I'm mildly allergic to dog semen.
The first time I ever had sex with a dog, about 10 years ago, it was with a German shepherd. Shortly after, I had hives, and difficulty breathing.

I dont know if I simply react differently to different dogs, but currently dog semen will irritate my eyes and throat, but I can let him pump my butt full without any reaction.
I think I'm mildly allergic to dog semen.
The first time I ever had sex with a dog, about 10 years ago, it was with a German shepherd. Shortly after, I had hives, and difficulty breathing.

I dont know if I simply react differently to different dogs, but currently dog semen will irritate my eyes and throat, but I can let him pump my butt full without any reaction.
Best to have an Epipen always available in case your allergy gets worse.
Get an Epi-Pen and keep it fresh...learn how to use it....there is no point to playing with your health....But as I posted before the site went down...if it was me, I'd take the hint
If anyone is interested, I can Digest the questions asked and who asked them on the Original Zooville I thread for allergies and repost them as a lump post...along with the answers, of course

Let me know
Any tips on how to actually get an epipen? I assume they're prescription only and I'm quite sure they're outrageously expensive, so if there's some way to get my insurance to cover it that'd be best. (I'm in the USA, if that wasn't obvious from the last sentence~)
Epipens are not expensive, and in some countries a prescription may be necessary but its not a problem to get them as so many kids have nut allergies and must carry a pen at all times, especially when eating out or when flying in crowded planes.
WOW..In EU I think that they are a fraction of that.....but most people are covered by health insurance...just checked...2 pen pack in UK costs about US$70......Big Pharma ripping off US customers and patients, as usual.

Precisely. The USA subsidizes the rest of the world when it comes to prescription drug prices. The exact same pill that costs a "not American" 50 cents often runs upwards of 50 dollars here in the USA, and seeing that same pill go for as high as a thousand dollars isn't unheard of. Epi-pens are just one of the more visible examples of the gouging that goes on. Cross the border into Canada, and get a two-pack for between 50 and 80 bucks American. Come back to the US side of the border and try to buy the exact same two-pack, from the same maker, maybe even bearing the same lot number (Which essentially means there's no way known to humanity to tell the difference between them), and you can expect to pay anywhere from 600 to a thousand dollars. Insulin is even worse - Been hearing about so-called "insulin caravans" in the news lately - A bunch of people clubbing together to make a run for Canada to buy their supplies of insulin. The identical vial of insulin that goes for C$38 (A bit less than US$31 last time I looked at the exchange rates) when a Canadian buys it at his local pharmacy sells here in the USA for upwards of US$350. Same bottle of juice, massively different pricing. If that isn't price-gouging, I don't know what is.
Oh it's quite the racket.
I still owe over $1,000 for a medical issue a few months ago.

I get a piece of metal lodged in my eye, I go to the ER, a few hours later they tell me they can't treat me and transfer me to a different hospital. (Charges me $350)
I decline the ambulance and drove myself. (This saved me a couple grand) Other hospital says they can't treat me. They schedule me to see eye specialist the next day. ($350 for them to tell me that.)
Eye specialist removes metal from eye. (Charges me $280 for removal.)

I pay over $1500 a month for insurance, but since I have a $400 deductible and all the bills were charged separate, I had to pay everything.
Good ole' American health care! I have to pay one hospital because they apparently sent letters I need to pay. But I honestly have not seen them. Over 900. Had one a few years ago but I think was closed just because I bad a really bad pain bear my gut. Went away though. But was concerning still.
This is why I don't get health care. It's really only useful if its something major. But now I apparently need it because an eye doctor says there's something he sees that needs checked. Hope the plan I got is worth it! ?
Imo, always carry anti-allergy medication. Not only if you or some one gets an allergic reaction, also if a dog gets it from you or from some bath/home product.
Precisely. The USA subsidizes the rest of the world when it comes to prescription drug prices. The exact same pill that costs a "not American" 50 cents often runs upwards of 50 dollars here in the USA, and seeing that same pill go for as high as a thousand dollars isn't unheard of. Epi-pens are just one of the more visible examples of the gouging that goes on. Cross the border into Canada, and get a two-pack for between 50 and 80 bucks American. Come back to the US side of the border and try to buy the exact same two-pack, from the same maker, maybe even bearing the same lot number (Which essentially means there's no way known to humanity to tell the difference between them), and you can expect to pay anywhere from 600 to a thousand dollars. Insulin is even worse - Been hearing about so-called "insulin caravans" in the news lately - A bunch of people clubbing together to make a run for Canada to buy their supplies of insulin. The identical vial of insulin that goes for C$38 (A bit less than US$31 last time I looked at the exchange rates) when a Canadian buys it at his local pharmacy sells here in the USA for upwards of US$350. Same bottle of juice, massively different pricing. If that isn't price-gouging, I don't know what is.
You seem to have fallen for Big Pharma propaganda....they are screwing the US public and US health insurance for billions in profits as the US politicians are bought off every time so no prices are investigated....why would they...
You seem to have fallen for Big Pharma propaganda....they are screwing the US public and US health insurance for billions in profits as the US politicians are bought off every time so no prices are investigated....why would they...


Seeing that there's obscene levels of gouging happening is somehow equivalent to falling for the propaganda of those doing the gouging???

<doube-checks> Nope, I haven't even smoked any dope yet today - I'm stone-cold sober, and STILL can't see how it it follows that I'm "falling for the propaganda"...

Seeing that there's obscene levels of gouging happening is somehow equivalent to falling for the propaganda of those doing the gouging???

<doube-checks> Nope, I haven't even smoked any dope yet today - I'm stone-cold sober, and STILL can't see how it it follows that I'm "falling for the propaganda"...
Big Pharma overcharge US customers because they can..they cant do that with Canadian and EU customers.

Seeing that there's obscene levels of gouging happening is somehow equivalent to falling for the propaganda of those doing the gouging???

<doube-checks> Nope, I haven't even smoked any dope yet today - I'm stone-cold sober, and STILL can't see how it it follows that I'm "falling for the propaganda"...

I think they're referring to the "subsidizing the rest of the world" part of your post. It isn't that high prices in the US subsidize the rest of the world, its just the US getting screwed because our laws/regulations are a mess. The pharmaceutical industry like to use the line that we're subsidizing the rest of the world because then it becomes the fault of the other countries and not the pharmaceutical industry itself
I am thankfully not allergic to either canines or equines, but I have heard of bad reactions in human partners if their male canine companion is on heartworm preventative medication. They would have to wait several weeks post-dose between having sex with their partner because they would have an allergic reaction if it was too soon in the drugs effective period. Has anyone else had or heard of this issue?
Sorry to revive an old thread, but I've experienced something similar and in my search for answers I "came" (heh) across this post.

I've been on the recieving end of various dog cocks for about 23 years now. I have never had an allergic reaction to anything my entire life including; food, pollen, animals, and medication.

The last time i let my GSD mount me was sometime last year because about 10 minutes later I had itchy red raised hives covering my entire body. Roughly 10 minutes after that I noticed I was having difficulty swallowing and my breathing was labored.

I took a Benadryl at that point and probably should've gone to the hospital... but i was too afraid because I thought id have to tell them what caused it. My throat started to un-swell about an hour later, but the hives lasted for around four hours I think.

Nothing like that had ever happened to me before with any other dog (multiple breeds) or in my five years with this one.


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A beekeeper friend became allergic to bee stings after many years of getting stung...his Doc said that the allergic load had built up...and could be dangerous..............an Epi pen is essential in that case.
A beekeeper friend became allergic to bee stings after many years of getting stung...his Doc said that the allergic load had built up...and could be dangerous..............an Epi pen is essential in that case.
Yup.. ive done quite a bit of research suspect this is what happened in my case. Wouldve been nice to at least have some warning though.. like a small reaction one time then a larger reaction the next, etc.

Sadly this was just business as usual one day and the next time life was all "BAM! I hate you so you're gonna almost die now from one of your most favorite things ever, mmm'k??..." ???
Yup.. ive done quite a bit of research suspect this is what happened in my case. Wouldve been nice to at least have some warning though.. like a small reaction one time then a larger reaction the next, etc.

Sadly this was just business as usual one day and the next time life was all "BAM! I hate you so you're gonna almost die now from one of your most favorite things ever, mmm'k??..." ???
I know how you feel......a woman in Ireland died from dog cum allergy.......the dog belonged to her boyfriend...he wound up in court............poor fella..
Dog semen just gets me a bit itchy. Does that mean anything?
Maybe, maybe not. You *CAN* develop an allergy through repeated exposure. How bad the reaction might be to any single exposure can vary wildly - It could be "nothing at all" this time, next time might be "Damn, that's an obnoxious itch", the time after that might be "barely noticed anything", and the time after that could land you in the emergency room - or worse - on a slab in the morgue. There's just no way to be sure ahead of time.

Allergies are weird things, and how a reaction will manifest is something that just plain can't be consistently predicted beyond "probably not gonna be good".
If i develop a allergy i would just let my body either deal with it or expire. Theres no way my body is gonna tell me what to do. (Btw no allergies here) ill let darwin decide my fate if it comes down to it if my body wants to go into a suicidal meltdown over some bodily fluids or something thats "its" problem since it magically "decides" X product that i like is actually my superman weakness.
If i develop a allergy i would just let my body either deal with it or expire. Theres no way my body is gonna tell me what to do. (Btw no allergies here) ill let darwin decide my fate if it comes down to it if my body wants to go into a suicidal meltdown over some bodily fluids or something thats "its" problem since it magically "decides" X product that i like is actually my superman weakness.
Loved that brave answer. Still you aren't allergic so good for you. For those who happen to be allergic with dog cum... Such an awful fate... So sad to be longing for something so natural that might kill you.
I highly suggest to anyone and EVERYONE who wants to try something with a dog to ALWAYS test wether or not you are alergic to dog seman because it's not fun when you decide that today is the day you're are going to try to suck off the dog off outside (while the family is home) and mid way through you start to get hives around your lips so you panic and have to go through the entire house to get to your room without showing anybody your face and not acting suspicious. Not fun
If i develop a allergy i would just let my body either deal with it or expire. Theres no way my body is gonna tell me what to do. (Btw no allergies here) ill let darwin decide my fate if it comes down to it if my body wants to go into a suicidal meltdown over some bodily fluids or something thats "its" problem since it magically "decides" X product that i like is actually my superman weakness.
Dont be so foolish about allergies...people die from them...mainly people who have allergies and do not carry and EPI Pen with them.
Some people are allergic to rubber and at least one woman has died from an allergy to dog cum....no point in being brave when you are dead!
Sorry to revive an old thread, but I've experienced something similar and in my search for answers I "came" (heh) across this post.

I've been on the recieving end of various dog cocks for about 23 years now. I have never had an allergic reaction to anything my entire life including; food, pollen, animals, and medication.

The last time i let my GSD mount me was sometime last year because about 10 minutes later I had itchy red raised hives covering my entire body. Roughly 10 minutes after that I noticed I was having difficulty swallowing and my breathing was labored.

I took a Benadryl at that point and probably should've gone to the hospital... but i was too afraid because I thought id have to tell them what caused it. My throat started to un-swell about an hour later, but the hives lasted for around four hours I think.

Nothing like that had ever happened to me before with any other dog (multiple breeds) or in my five years with this one.
One woman died from dog cum in her pussy..the [male] dog owner was in court charged with aiding bestiality...