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Allergic Response To Intimate Interspecies Contact, Sex, Animals and Allergies

Dont be so foolish about allergies...people die from them...mainly people who have allergies and do not carry and EPI Pen with them.
Some people are allergic to rubber and at least one woman has died from an allergy to dog cum....no point in being brave when you are dead!
If your body magically develops a problem thats its fault. Ofc you have to deal with it. But still. Screw allergies.
If your body magically develops a problem thats its fault. Ofc you have to deal with it. But still. Screw allergies.
Be more careful than that..life is too precious............even the guy who said covid19 was a hoax ...has died from it...so sad.
lol im not no covid19 guy i just believe my body shouldnt magically make me allergic to something i want. magically is key word here.
I was actually about to post asking about this subject. My wife is allergic to dog cum. Just getting it on her skin it she breaks out wherever it landed. :husky_shocked:
I personally suffer from a mild dog cum allergy which makes me break out in hives and makes Me extremely itchy to the point where it's sort of painful, so I usally take allergy medicine an hour or so before I do anything with my dog which seems to help. If you do decide to try it, do it at your own risk because Im not a doctor. Also if you do actually do it, you should test it out in stages just so you don't have to rush your wife to the hospital while she is knotted to a dog. Also having an epipen near by wouldn't hurt
I was actually about to post asking about this subject. My wife is allergic to dog cum. Just getting it on her skin it she breaks out wherever it landed. :husky_shocked:
There is record of a woman dying from sex it a dog...it was found that she was allergic to dog semen but did not know it...too bad that she died.
There is record of a woman dying from sex it a dog...it was found that she was allergic to dog semen but did not know it...too bad that she died.
I remember that story. A 40 year old mother of 2, from Ireland, recently divorced. Meet some guy with dog, and basically died from anaphylactic shock. Guy is in jail, woman dead, and the dog was put down, kids have to live with having a dog fucking mom. Found out about it when where I live made it a felony from a misdemeanor.

My wife had a slight allergy to our American Bulldog, get a little itchy from a scratch or his dander. But when he would lick her no reaction, so makes me kind of hesitant
I remember that story. A 40 year old mother of 2, from Ireland, recently divorced. Meet some guy with dog, and basically died from anaphylactic shock. Guy is in jail, woman dead, and the dog was put down, kids have to live with having a dog fucking mom. Found out about it when where I live made it a felony from a misdemeanor.

My wife had a slight allergy to our American Bulldog, get a little itchy from a scratch or his dander. But when he would lick her no reaction, so makes me kind of hesitant
If she has other allergies then always have an Epi pen with her at all times....in case of shock.
If she has other allergies then always have an Epi pen with her at all times....in case of shock.

The only other allergy I know she has is to a medication she doesn't take anymore. As far as an Epi Pen goes, here in the States, they're available only with a prescription, and even with insurance, the price is outrageous.
Yes..I saw US$780!... 2 pens here cost 60 euro and only 50 euro in Spain.

Big Pharma in US rips everybody off....too bad...but then they fund the 2 big US political parties..I guess that will never change.
Can it go the other way. Animals being Allergic to human semen? Or human's in general? As I have read they can react to condoms
Can it go the other way. Animals being Allergic to human semen? Or human's in general? As I have read they can react to condoms

Condom reactions in dogs I've heard of. Which isn't really all that surprising - Latex (which is what all non-synthetic rubber, including most condoms, starts out as) allergies/sensitivities are one of the most common there are after mosquito saliva (almost every human on the planet is allergic to that to some degree), urushiol (the stuff that makes poison ivy/oak/sumac so evil) (again, almost everybody is allergic to it, and the fortunate few who claim they aren't are just waiting for the right (or wrong, if you prefer) exposure before they experience the joy of it) and peanuts.

That said, I've never heard of any sort of canine or equine reaction to human semen more serious than "Lemme lick that up" or "Look what you left dribbling down my leg, you naughty boy!"

Doesn't mean that it can't happen - allergies are so damned unpredictable (at least among humans) that you can go from "I'm allergic to absolutely nothing" to "I'm so allergic to _________ that just being in the same room with some of it might make me drop dead" with no warning of any kind at all, and literally overnight.
Condom reactions in dogs I've heard of. Which isn't really all that surprising - Latex (which is what all non-synthetic rubber, including most condoms, starts out as) allergies/sensitivities are one of the most common there are after mosquito saliva (almost every human on the planet is allergic to that to some degree), urushiol (the stuff that makes poison ivy/oak/sumac so evil) (again, almost everybody is allergic to it, and the fortunate few who claim they aren't are just waiting for the right (or wrong, if you prefer) exposure before they experience the joy of it) and peanuts.

That said, I've never heard of any sort of canine or equine reaction to human semen more serious than "Lemme lick that up" or "Look what you left dribbling down my leg, you naughty boy!"

Doesn't mean that it can't happen - allergies are so damned unpredictable (at least among humans) that you can go from "I'm allergic to absolutely nothing" to "I'm so allergic to _________ that just being in the same room with some of it might make me drop dead" with no warning of any kind at all, and literally overnight.
Thanks for that Ill be honest when I first had sex (Anal) with my bitch I didnt no anything about the condoms (Didnt have access to a computer then & they were expensive this was the late 80's early 90's) & I used a rubber sheath it was a reusable wash out 1 & thank god she was OK with it! Mine used to lap mine up she would sit there in front of me waiting.
I highly suggest to anyone and EVERYONE who wants to try something with a dog to ALWAYS test wether or not you are alergic to dog seman because it's not fun when you decide that today is the day you're are going to try to suck off the dog off outside (while the family is home) and mid way through you start to get hives around your lips so you panic and have to go through the entire house to get to your room without showing anybody your face and not acting suspicious. Not fun
Exactly so it happened to me.
Oh it's quite the racket.
I still owe over $1,000 for a medical issue a few months ago.

I get a piece of metal lodged in my eye, I go to the ER, a few hours later they tell me they can't treat me and transfer me to a different hospital. (Charges me $350)
I decline the ambulance and drove myself. (This saved me a couple grand) Other hospital says they can't treat me. They schedule me to see eye specialist the next day. ($350 for them to tell me that.)
Eye specialist removes metal from eye. (Charges me $280 for removal.)

I pay over $1500 a month for insurance, but since I have a $400 deductible and all the bills were charged separate, I had to pay everything.
Wow that must've sucked, hopefully you didn't lose your vision in that eye either
Wow that must've sucked, hopefully you didn't lose your vision in that eye either
You can only be in the good ole USA to be landed with charges like that ......to charge you and to tell you that they cant treat you and sent you to another useless clinic, who no doubt are owned by the same corporation.....it sucks.
No surprise that travel insurance to US costs twice or 3 times as much as to other countries.
Sorry to revive an old thread, but I've experienced something similar and in my search for answers I "came" (heh) across this post.

I've been on the recieving end of various dog cocks for about 23 years now. I have never had an allergic reaction to anything my entire life including; food, pollen, animals, and medication.

The last time i let my GSD mount me was sometime last year because about 10 minutes later I had itchy red raised hives covering my entire body. Roughly 10 minutes after that I noticed I was having difficulty swallowing and my breathing was labored.

I took a Benadryl at that point and probably should've gone to the hospital... but i was too afraid because I thought id have to tell them what caused it. My throat started to un-swell about an hour later, but the hives lasted for around four hours I think.

Nothing like that had ever happened to me before with any other dog (multiple breeds) or in my five years with this one.
Because it HASN'T does not mean it WON'T. Since you've shown a susceptibility to reaction, I'd be VERY careful ....I know it isn't what you want to hear, or think, but the propensity towards reaction doesn't go away.
I was actually about to post asking about this subject. My wife is allergic to dog cum. Just getting it on her skin it she breaks out wherever it landed. :husky_shocked:
Not good. Be exceptionally careful under the circumstances. Reactions can be severe enough to kill.
Condom reactions in dogs I've heard of. Which isn't really all that surprising - Latex (which is what all non-synthetic rubber, including most condoms, starts out as) allergies/sensitivities are one of the most common there are after mosquito saliva (almost every human on the planet is allergic to that to some degree), urushiol (the stuff that makes poison ivy/oak/sumac so evil) (again, almost everybody is allergic to it, and the fortunate few who claim they aren't are just waiting for the right (or wrong, if you prefer) exposure before they experience the joy of it) and peanuts.

That said, I've never heard of any sort of canine or equine reaction to human semen more serious than "Lemme lick that up" or "Look what you left dribbling down my leg, you naughty boy!"

Doesn't mean that it can't happen - allergies are so damned unpredictable (at least among humans) that you can go from "I'm allergic to absolutely nothing" to "I'm so allergic to _________ that just being in the same room with some of it might make me drop dead" with no warning of any kind at all, and literally overnight.
Latex Allergies are another serious problem. MANY plants are more or less latex sources....a lot of tree nuts, walnuts, almonds, pecans and the like bear latex in the wood and the fruit. In much the same way as allergies to dog semen are discovered in the act, allergics only discover by doing. The attendent risks are obvious.
Allegies in our time are becoming more widespread....its beginning to look as though people are becoming allergic to the World outside the airconditioned spaces....which may have interesting repercussions in the near Future....
Wall-e World, anyone?
Condom reactions in dogs I've heard of. Which isn't really all that surprising - Latex (which is what all non-synthetic rubber, including most condoms, starts out as) allergies/sensitivities are one of the most common there are after mosquito saliva (almost every human on the planet is allergic to that to some degree), urushiol (the stuff that makes poison ivy/oak/sumac so evil) (again, almost everybody is allergic to it, and the fortunate few who claim they aren't are just waiting for the right (or wrong, if you prefer) exposure before they experience the joy of it) and peanuts.

That said, I've never heard of any sort of canine or equine reaction to human semen more serious than "Lemme lick that up" or "Look what you left dribbling down my leg, you naughty boy!"

Doesn't mean that it can't happen - allergies are so damned unpredictable (at least among humans) that you can go from "I'm allergic to absolutely nothing" to "I'm so allergic to _________ that just being in the same room with some of it might make me drop dead" with no warning of any kind at all, and literally overnight.
It might have come up in another thread but Ive been told by a couple of allergists....you're either growing INTO an allergy or growing OUT OF it, if you are displaying signs or symptoms. The anaphylapsis reaction is not quite the same thing in that sense. The odd thing about it is....if you could survive it for ten minutes, the effects would start to reverse, particularly the fluid in the lungs.
I have asked this before but cant find an answer how about the other way round men with female dogs i no about the latex thing. But is rubber the same I had a rubber 1 i used to reuse sometimes. & also can bitches be allergic to human seamen also men being allergic to there vaginal fluids?
Hey! So has anyone heard of those allergy tests where they prick you with stuff? What would be the closest thing to dog cum to include to check if there’s a reaction?
There have been cases reported where a wife was allergic to her husbands semen...also some are allergic to the latex in condoms......