You can try a SMALL amount of pre-ejaculate on the skin, somewhere out of normal casual sight.
30 to 40 minutes should be more than enough time to notice any redness or irritation. Mucous membranes are a better test site, and faster due to rate of absorbtion, but that's a call only you can make. i.e. lips, nether regions, etc.
DO NOT ingest any until you pass the skin contact test, exterior is WAY WAY better until you have some idea about any possible reaction.
Even with exterior skin contact, there IS still a possibility of a severe reaction, the odds are just significantly lower with exterior vs interior for a severe reaction.
There has been 1 reported fatality that I know about. And that was following intercourse. Every other reaction I've ever heard anything about has at worst been restricted airway, hives, rash, and then redness and irritation.
Whether you try to test or not, that's up to you. The one thing I would very much warn against is using benadryl or some other shit and THEN trying again after a reaction. You best, safest bet is to just walk away if you get any reaction at all.
As far as I know, nothing in your allergy battery test is going to be a match for this. There are active people who have dander allergies, there are people who have no pet related allergies who have a reaction to this.
There really is no cover all answer for this.