A message from staff regarding reported content

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come on now, i dont think i deserve all this for for just trying to have a rational conversation. if those topics are completely banned, i wont argue it. nor will i pursue it.

my intentions were not malicious, and i apologize for any offense

Live and learn dude. 🍻
come on now, i dont think i deserve all this for for just trying to have a rational conversation. if those topics are completely banned, i wont argue it. nor will i pursue it.

my intentions were not malicious, and i apologize for any offense
You don’t deserve all of this. Rex is an asshole, we already knew that. And old man and pes love to power trip. But yes, some of this stuff is abusive and you should just learn and watch better videos.

Ergo : Abuse

Not nice to call your mom out like that.

Make it your last. Go away.

You're a sick fuck.
Don’t stoop so low to attack someone’s family you don’t know. Really shows your immaturity. How about you go away if you’re going to bully other users. Your are an unnecessary douchebag. Learn some social skills.
I'm going to jump in here and say something that is really beginning to piss me off is the cauldrons calling the kettles black and folks who have no leg to stand on are trying to claim moral high ground when we are all drowning in cess according to the non zoos. Guess what folks according to the world at large there is no good light to shine on any zoo. In truth were are all sick animal fuckers according to them this is why the world at large as been on a crusade to ban it outright. Lets face it if we all don't stick together we will piss of enough of our own off that they will work against us just so we cant have ours as some of us are trying to hypocritically say you can not have yours. We are at that stage that the furries reached against us years ago. I say if you do not like something tough shit it is not your call to tell others what they can and can not do. I say do as E621 does things let everyone have there shtuff and black list it if you do not like it or simply ignore it. Fact is if there is too much infighting someone is going to get pissed off enough to find a way to get this site shutdown. I'm at the point my self where I am seeing things more like the non zoos and not giving much of a rats ass about the zoo community because of the multitude of arrogant, hypocritical, control freaks who wish to run the whole show and ruin things for so many others.

Dark fox and others on here are correct about certain individuals being assholes, just because you are in high standing on here does not necessarily mean you deserve that distinction it just means you have kept your heads down and done nothing to rock the boat and aligned yourself with the right individuals. Sadly it is called heard mentality which is a very bad thing. This is what has gotten us to where we are now concerning all the rules and regulations against zoos, there are those who could have stood up and pointed out that there is a certain rule of thumb called true freedom in many countries and too force your way of thinking and doing things on others is a clear violation of this principal. Instead like cowardly mindless little sheep they bowed to popular opinion to stay on folks good side and went with the flow, going with the flow is never good in most instances. It is the same way homosexuals, lesbians, transgenders, etc.. etc... were apposed and oppressed for so long and still are in some instances. Were it not for the true lions and wolves out there we would still be in a very dark place and stuck in the dark ages, it is what has gained us our freedoms, advanced innovation, broken down barriers, etc.. etc.. for instance imagine if no one fought for woman's rights, African American rights, America's rights, Europe's rights against Hitler's oppressive regime, and so on and so forth. How many times have we seen good things come from those who were willing to stand up and sacrifice something so others would have a better life than they? Or on the other hand how many times have we seen bad come from folks simply ducking and running from the fight? Do not run with the heard or the pack, stand up, and stand out. Do not stand with the anti zoos on any level, we have done nothing wrong, we have nothing to prove, they have already condemed us all on general principal, and they are our enemy.
And end up a boring adult as yourself? Hard pass.
Lol, again with the immature deflecting lol. You can call someone you don’t know a boring adult haha. Doesn’t change the fact that you know you’re being immature. : ) You already are an adult. And you can own up to your shit without being a boring one. : p
How about you quit dredging up months, if not years, old dead-and-buried threads that have long since been "over" so that you can virtue signal by pretending to be outraged at those who are giving well-deserved floggings to slimebags that have earned every bit of what they're getting?

Oh, yeah... white-knights and SJWs aren't capable of that, are they? Sorry, my bad. (NOT!)
You can jump in and throw your terms around if you want, but again, we’ve already established that you’re a forum bully just like him so you know you’re wrong too. You can point out someone’s bad behavior without berating them. If anything I’m being chill. yOU two are the ones rolling in virtue signaling with the knob up at 100. 0 to insults and deflecting your over reactions.
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