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  1. Miss Bambi

    active zoos with families... how do you do it?

    hey y'all i see quite a few of you on here who are married with kids, and i just wanna know... how do you do it!? kids are super nosy, and even if you have a partner who's supportive/involved, what do you do if your kids figure things out? where do you even go from there???? I wanna have a...
  2. A

    Relationship styles

    What is your preferred relationship style? Note that although this is primarily geared towards human-human relationships, you may want/need to explain in more details based on your specific preference.
  3. incubusyiff

    As zoo's what's the best advice we can give each other over gaslighters?

    gaslighting ? A lot can be said here about a lot of different people under a lot of different concepts with this category as well?
  4. G

    Just some general thoughts on human and animal, relationships. And cautionary advice.

    First thing I would like to say is, I think people here take their relationships a bit to seriously with animals. Ahh so to speak, roughly. You gotta remember, animals are not humans they have limits. You can't tell a animal what you want exactly, and have them do it. An animal can't tell you...
  5. horseofcourse99

    Handling Sexually Mature Animals

    I'm mostly interested in hearing about stallions for this question, however I am also curious about all the other animals as well, male or female. So I open this question to everyone about all animals and their experiences with them. Please feel free to be as detailed and long winded as you need...
  6. S

    Am I the only one whose brain is wired in that specific way?

    Hello, I know that several topics are lying around and that various opinions are there, but for the first time on this forum I wanted to have the courage to open up completely on a subject that has been stressing me for a long time (could be TLDR) . To start, I hope I'm in the right section...
  7. Sir's Desires

    K9/Zoo Couples - what's your story?

    Hello everyone! Am interested in how couples who are here found each other and came to join a wonderful site like this. I personally think it is wonderful and amazing that you are here. Were you both into it before you met, did you both discover it after you met? Did one of you suggest it...
  8. seedlingming

    How to meet Zoo girls

    Hey all, total newbie here but thanks for having me! Glad we again have a place for us like minded people's! I'm curious how you all meet or met your partners other than sites like this? Been looking for a like minded local uk lass for so long but have never had the balls to ask real people...
  9. C

    What’s it like to be only into dogs?

    I’m into almost every kink including humans and have 2 partners. Never done anything w a dog but I want to. Obv. Lol. I’m curious. Do you have romantic relationships? Would you marry your partners? I’m new to zoo stuff so forgive me if I offend anyone.
  10. X

    Anybody Here Want A Normal Life?

    As in still be in the zoo lifestyle, but have standard middle-class goals (i.e house with picket fence, 2.5 kids, 2 vacations, aiming for a career or open up your own business). I actually have a pretty standard set of life goals outside of zoo, but I see a lot of posts of the community building...